< Efesofoɔ 3 >

1 Me Paulo, mo amanamanmufoɔ enti, Kristo Yesu de me yɛɛ deduani.
For this cause [[I bend my knees]], I Paul, the prisoner of Christ Jesus for you gentiles;
2 Nokorɛm, moate Onyankopɔn adom a ɔnam me so de ma mo no ho asɛm,
if, indeed, ye heard of the dispensation of the grace of God which was given me toward you,
3 a ɛno ne ahintasɛm a wɔnam adiyie so de ama sɛdeɛ matwerɛ no tiawa dada no.
that by revelation the mystery was made known to me, as I wrote before in few words,
4 Na sɛ mokenkan yei a, ɛnneɛ mobɛte nhunumu a me wɔ wɔ Kristo ahintasɛm ho no ase,
whereby, when ye read, ye may perceive my insight into the mystery of Christ;
5 deɛ wɔannyi ankyerɛ awoɔ ntoatoasoɔ bi mu nnipa sɛdeɛ ɛnnɛ yi Honhom no ada no adi akyerɛ Onyankopɔn asomafoɔ ne adiyifoɔ kronkron no.
which in other generations was not made known to the sons of men, as it hath now been revealed to his holy apostles and prophets by the Spirit;
6 Saa ahintasɛm yi kyerɛ sɛ amanamanmufoɔ ne Israelfoɔ bom yɛ adedifoɔ, wɔbom yɛ onipadua baako, na wɔwɔ kyɛfa wɔ Kristo Yesu mu bɔhyɛ no mu.
that the gentiles are fellow-heirs, and of the same body, and partakers with us of the promise in Christ Jesus through the gospel;
7 Onyankopɔn adom akyɛdeɛ a ɔnam ne tumi no adwumayɛ so de ama me no enti, me yɛɛ asɛmpa no ho ɔsomfoɔ.
of which I became a minister according to the gift of the grace of God, given to me according to the effectual working of his power.
8 Ɛwom sɛ me ne aketewa pa ara wɔ Onyankopɔn nkurɔfoɔ nyinaa mu, nanso Onyankopɔn yɛɛ me adom sɛ menkɔka Asɛmpa a ɛfa Kristo ahonya a emu nni hwehwɛbea no nkyerɛ amanamanmufoɔ,
To me, who am less than the least of all saints, was this grace given, to make known among the gentiles the glad tidings of the unsearchable riches of Christ,
9 na memma nnipa nyinaa nhunu saa ahintasɛm yi dwumadie a wɔde asie wɔ Onyankopɔn a ɔbɔɔ adeɛ nyinaa mu wɔ mfeɛ bebree a atwam no mu. (aiōn g165)
to make all men see what is the dispensation of the mystery, which hath been hidden for ages in God, who created all things; (aiōn g165)
10 Nʼatirimpɔ ne sɛ afei ɔnam asɔre no so bɛda ne nyansa a emu dɔ no adi akyerɛ ewiem mpaninnie ne atumfoɔ,
to the intent that now to the principalities and powers in the heavenly regions might be known through the church the manifold wisdom of God,
11 sɛdeɛ ɔnam yɛn Awurade Kristo Yesu so wiee ne botaeɛ a ɛwɔ hɔ daa no. (aiōn g165)
according to his purpose for ages, which he accomplished in Christ Jesus our Lord; (aiōn g165)
12 Afei Kristo ma yɛn akokoɔduru ne ahotosoɔ a ɛma yɛnya gyidie ba Onyankopɔn anim.
in whom we have our boldness and our access in confidence, through faith in him.
13 Mesrɛ mo, mommma mo aba mu mmu wɔ amane a mehunu ma mo no ho. Ɛyɛ mo animuonyamhyɛ.
Wherefore I entreat you not to be disheartened by the troubles I am suffering for you, since they are your glory.
14 Yei enti, mebu nkotodwe wɔ Agya no anim,
For this cause I bend my knees to the Father,
15 ɔno na ne din da nʼabusua a ɛwɔ ɔsoro ne asase nyinaa so.
from whom every family in heaven and on earth receiveth its name,
16 Mebɔ mpaeɛ sɛ ɔmfiri nʼanimuonyam ahonya no mu mfa ne Honhom a ɛte mo mu no so nhyɛ mo den,
that he would grant you, according to the riches of his glory, to be strengthened with might by his Spirit in the inner man;
17 sɛdeɛ ɛbɛyɛ a Kristo bɛfa mo gyidie so abɛtena mo akoma mu. Sɛ moagye nhini na moatim wɔ ɔdɔ mu no, mebɔ mpaeɛ sɛ
that Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith, ye having been rooted and grounded in love,
18 mo ne ahotefoɔ nyinaa bɛnya tumi, na moate Kristo dɔ no trɛ, ne tentene, ne korɔn ne emu dɔ no ase,
that ye may be able to comprehend, with all the saints, what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height,
19 na moahunu saa ɔdɔ a ɛtra adwene nyinaa so no, na Onyankopɔn ahyɛ mo ma.
and to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye may be filled unto all the fullness of God.
20 Animuonyam nka Onyankopɔn a ne tumi yɛ adwuma wɔ yɛn mu. Ɔnam saa tumi yi so yɛ deɛ yɛbisa anaa deɛ yɛsusu ma ɛboro so.
Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us,
21 Animuonyam nka Onyankopɔn wɔ asafo no ne Kristo Yesu mu mfiri ɛnnɛ nkɔsi daapem. Amen. (aiōn g165)
to him be the glory in the church in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever. Amen. (aiōn g165)

< Efesofoɔ 3 >