< Amos 5 >

1 Tie asɛm yi, mo Israelfoɔ, saa mmenabɔ yi fa mo ho:
Heare ye this worde, which I lift vp vpon you, euen a lamentation of the house of Israel.
2 “Ɔbabunu Israel ahwe ase a ɔrensɔre bio, wɔapo no ɔno ara asase so, na ɔnni obi a ɔbɛpagya no.”
The virgine Israel is fallen, and shall no more rise: shee is left vpon her lande, and there is none to raise her vp.
3 Deɛ Otumfoɔ Awurade seɛ nie: “Kuropɔn a ɔde mmarima ahoɔdenfoɔ apem ko ma Israel no, emu ɔha pɛ na ɛbɛka; Kuro a ɔde ahoɔdenfoɔ ɔha no, emu edu pɛ na ɛbɛka.”
For thus saith ye Lord God, The citie which went out by a thousand, shall leaue an hundreth: and that which went forth by an hundreth, shall leaue ten to the house of Israel.
4 Deɛ Awurade ka kyerɛ Israelfoɔ nie: “Monhwehwɛ me na monnya nkwa;
For thus saith the Lord vnto the house of Israel, Seeke ye me, and ye shall liue.
5 Monnhwehwɛ Bet-El, monnkɔ Gilgal, na monntu ɛkwan nkɔ Beer-Seba nso. Ampa ara Gilgal bɛkɔ nnommumfa mu na wɔbɛhwe Bet-El ase koraa.”
But seeke not Beth-el, nor enter into Gilgal, and go not to Beer-sheba: for Gilgal shall goe into captiuitie, and Beth-el shall come to nought.
6 Monhwehwɛ Awurade na monnya nkwa, anyɛ saa a ɔbɛpra Yosef efie te sɛ ogya; ɛbɛhye, na Bet-El rennya obi nnum no.
Seeke the Lord, and yee shall liue, least he breake out like fire in the house of Ioseph and deuoure it, and there be none to quench it in Beth-el.
7 Mo a moma atemmuo yɛ nwono na mototo tenenee ase.
They turne iudgement to wormewood, and leaue off righteousnes in the earth.
8 Deɛ ɔbɔɔ nsoromma, Akokɔbaatan ne ne mma, deɛ ɔdane esum yɛ no adekyeeɛ na ɔma awia dane adesaeɛ. Deɛ ɔboaboa ɛpo mu nsuo ano na ɔhwie gu asase so, ne din ne Awurade.
He maketh Pleiades, and Orion, and he turneth the shadowe of death into the morning, and he maketh the day darke as night: he calleth the waters of the sea, and powreth them out vpon the open earth: the Lord is his Name.
9 Ɔsɛe abandenden ntɛm so na ɔbubu kuropɔn a wɔabɔ ho ban nso,
He strengtheneth the destroyer against the mightie: and the destroyer shall come against the fortresse.
10 motane deɛ ɔtenetene wɔ asɛnniiɛ na mobu deɛ ɔka nokorɛ animtiaa.
They haue hated him, that rebuked in the gate: and they abhorred him that speaketh vprightly.
11 Motiatia ohiani so na mohyɛ no gye aduane firi ne nkyɛn. Enti, ɛwom sɛ mode aboɔ a wɔatwa asisi afie akɛseɛ deɛ, nanso morentena mu; ɛwom sɛ moayɛ bobe nturo a ɛyɛ fɛ deɛ nanso morennom emu nsã.
Forasmuch then as your treading is vpon the poore, and yee take from him burdens of wheate, ye haue built houses of hewen stone, but ye shall not dwel in them: ye haue plated pleasant vineyards, but ye shall not drinke wine of them.
12 Na menim mo mmarato dodoɔ ne mo bɔne akɛseɛ no. Mohyɛ teneneefoɔ so na mogye adanmudeɛ mobu ahiafoɔ ntɛnkyea wɔ asɛnniiɛ.
For I know your manifold transgressions, and your mightie sinnes: they afflict the iust, they take rewards, and they oppresse the poore in ye gate.
13 Ɛno enti, ɔnyansafoɔ yɛ komm saa mmerɛ yi mu, ɛfiri sɛ, ɛyɛ mmerɛ bɔne.
Therefore the prudent shall keepe silence in that time, for it is an euill time.
14 Monhwehwɛ papa, na moanya nkwa na ɛnyɛ bɔne. Na Asafo Awurade Onyankopɔn bɛka wo ho, sɛdeɛ moka sɛ ɔyɛ no.
Seeke good and not euil, that ye may liue: and the Lord God of hostes shalbe with you, as you haue spoken.
15 Monkyiri bɔne, na monnɔ papa; Monni atɛn tenenee wɔ asɛnniiɛ. Ebia, Asafo Awurade Onyankopɔn bɛnya ahummɔborɔ ama Yosef nkaeɛfoɔ.
Hate the euil, and loue the good, and establish iudgement in the gate: it may bee that the Lord God of hostes will be mercifull vnto the remnant of Ioseph.
16 Enti deɛ Awurade, Asafo Awurade Onyankopɔn seɛ nie: “Mmenabɔ bɛba mmorɔno nyinaa so na ɔyea ne apinisie bɛba mmɔntene so. Wɔbɛfrɛ akuafoɔ ama wɔabɛsu na agyamfoɔ abɛtwa adwo.
Therfore the Lord God of hosts, the Lord saith thus, Mourning shalbe in all streetes: and they shall say in al the hie wayes, Alas, alas: and they shall call the husbandman to lamentation, and such as can mourne, to mourning.
17 Wɔbɛbɔ mmena wɔ bobeturo nyinaa mu, ɛfiri sɛ mɛnante mo mu,” sɛdeɛ Awurade seɛ nie.
And in al the vines shalbe lamentation: for I wil passe through thee, saith the Lord.
18 Nnome nka wɔn a wɔpɛ sɛ Awurade da no ba! Deɛn enti na mopɛ sɛ Awurade da no ba? Saa ɛda no bɛyɛ esum, na ɛnnyɛ hann.
Woe vnto you, that desire the day of the Lord: what haue you to do with it? the day of the Lord is darkenes and not light.
19 Ɛbɛyɛ te sɛ ɔnipa a ɔdwane firi gyata anim na ɔkohyia sisire, sɛ deɛ owura ne fie de ne nsa to ɔfasuo so, na ɔwɔ ka no.
As if a man did flee from a lyon, and a beare met him: or went into the house, and leaned his hand on the wall, and a serpent bit him.
20 Na Awurade da no bɛyɛ esum; ɛrenyɛ hann, ɛbɛyɛ esum kabii a ɛhan nsensaneɛ biara nni mu.
Shal not the day of the Lord be darkenes, and not light? euen darkenes and no light in it?
21 “Mekyiri na mepo mo nyamesom mu apontoɔ; mʼani nnye mo afahyɛ nhyiamu ho.
I hate and abhorre your feast dayes, and I wil not smelll in your solemne assemblies.
22 Ɛwom sɛ mode ɔhyeɛ afɔdeɛ ne aduane afɔdeɛ brɛ me deɛ, nanso merennye. Mode asomdwoeɛ afɔdeɛ brɛ me nanso mʼani rensɔ.
Though ye offer me burnt offrings and meat offrings, I wil not accept them: neither will I regard the peace offrings of your fat beasts.
23 Momfa mo nnwontoɔ gyegyeegye no mfiri me so! Merentie mo asankuten so nnwom.
Take thou away from me the multitude of thy songs (for I wil not heare the melodie of thy violes)
24 Mmom, momma atɛntenenee ntene sɛ asubɔnten, na tenenee nyɛ sɛ asutene a ɛrenwe da!
And let iudgement runne downe as waters, and righteousnesse as a mightie riuer.
25 “Israelfoɔ, ɛnyɛ me na mode afɔrebɔdeɛ ne ayɛyɛdeɛ brɛɛ me mfeɛ aduanan wɔ ɛserɛ so anaa?
Haue ye offered vnto me sacrifices and offrings in the wildernesse fourtie yeeres, O house of Israel?
26 Mode mo ho nyinaa ato Molek nyame, ne mo honi Rɛfan so; wɔyɛ ahoni a moayɛ sɛ mobɛsom wɔn.
But you haue borne Siccuth your King, and Chiun your images, and the starre of your gods, which ye made to your selues.
27 Ɛno enti, mɛtwa mo asuo akɔ Damasko nohoa,” sɛdeɛ Awurade a ne din ne Onyankopɔn Otumfoɔ seɛ nie.
Therefore wil I cause you to goe into captiuitie beyond Damascus, saith the Lord, whose Name is the God of hostes.

< Amos 5 >