< 2 Petro 3 >

1 Adɔfonom, yei ne krataa a ɛtɔ so mmienu a matwerɛ abrɛ mo. Metwerɛɛ sɛ mede rebɛkae mo, de akanyane mo adwene.
I indeed, beloved, write unto you this second epistle; in which I stir up your pure mind by remembrance:
2 Mepɛ sɛ mokae nsɛm a adiyifoɔ kronkron no kaa mmerɛ bi a atwam no ne mmara a ɛfiri Awurade ne Agyenkwa a wɔde faa mo asomafoɔ so maa mo no.
to remember the words which have been spoken hitherto by the holy prophets, and the commandment of the Lord and Saviour by your apostles:
3 Deɛ ɛdi ɛkan no, ɛsɛ sɛ mote aseɛ sɛ nna a ɛdi akyire no mu no, nnipa bi bɛba a wɔn ara wɔn honam akɔnnɔ na ɛbɛdi wɔn so. Wɔbɛdi mo ho fɛ
knowing this first, that at the last days mockers will come forth in scoffing, walking according to their own lusts,
4 aka sɛ, “Ɔhyɛɛ mo bɔ sɛ ɔbɛba. Wanka? Na ɔwɔ he? Yɛn agyanom awuwu dada, nanso biribiara te sɛ deɛ ɛte firi adebɔ mfitiaseɛ!”
and saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for from the day when the fathers fell asleep, all things remain as from the beginning of creation.
5 Wɔhyɛ da ma wɔn werɛ firi nokorɛ no sɛ, ɛfiri tete no, Onyankopɔn kasaeɛ na wɔbɔɔ ɔsoro ne asase. Wɔbɔɔ asase firi nsuo mu na wɔde nsuo na ɛyɛeɛ.
For they willingly forget this, that the heavens were in the olden time, and the earth standing out of the water and through the water, by the word of God;
6 Akyire no wɔde nsuyire bɛsɛee no.
by which the world at that time, being flooded with water, perished:
7 Nanso, Onyankopɔn ahyɛ sɛ ɔsoro ne asase ntena hɔ nkɔsi Atemmuo da. Afei wɔbɛsɔ emu ogya na wɔbɛsɛe nnebɔneyɛfoɔ.
but now the heavens and the earth have been kept according to the same word, being reserved for fire in the day of judgment and the destruction of the ungodly people.
8 Nanso, anuanom, mommma mo werɛ mfiri adeɛ baako sɛ Awurade ani so deɛ, nsonsonoeɛ nni da koro ne mfeɛ apem ntam. Ne fam deɛ, ne mmienu nyinaa yɛ pɛ.
But let not this one thing be forgotten, beloved, that one day with the Lord is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.
9 Awurade ntwentwɛn ne nan ase wɔ ne bɔ a wahyɛ ho sɛdeɛ ebinom dwene no. Mmom, ɔwɔ mo ho boasetɔ ɛfiri sɛ, ɔmpɛ sɛ wɔbɛsɛe obiara, na mmom, ɔpɛ sɛ obiara sakra firi ne bɔne ho.
The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some people count slackness; but is long-suffering for your sakes, not wishing that any should perish, but all come to repentance.
10 Na Awurade da no bɛba sɛ owifoɔ. Ɛda no, ɔsoro bɛbobom na ayera na ewiem nneɛma bɛhye na asɛe na asase ne so nneɛma nyinaa nso bɛda adi.
But the day of the Lord will come like a thief; in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements being scorched up will be dissolved, and the earth and the works in it will be burnt up.
11 Sɛ saa ɛkwan yi so na wɔbɛfa asɛe adeɛ nyinaa a, na ɛdeɛn bra na ɛsɛ sɛ wobɔ? Ɛsɛ sɛ mo bra yɛ kronkron na mode mo ho ma Onyankopɔn.
Then all these things being dissolved, what kind of people does it behoove you to be in holy deportment and godliness,
12 Monhwɛ saa da no kwan na monyɛ mo nneɛma pɛpɛɛpɛ; saa da a Onyankopɔn bɛto ɔsoro mu ogya na ewiem nneɛma anane na ayera wɔ ogyaframa mu no.
looking for and hastening the coming of the day of God, in which the heavens being on fire will be dissolved, and the elements being scorched up are melted?
13 Nanso, yɛtwɛn deɛ Onyankopɔn ahyɛ yɛn ho bɔ no, ɔsoro foforɔ ne asase foforɔ a ɛhɔ na tenenee bɛtena.
But, according to his promises, we are looking for new heavens and a new earth, wherein righteousness dwells.
14 Enti, anuanom, mogu so retwɛn da no yi, mommɔ mmɔden sɛ mobɛyɛ kronn a mfomsoɔ biara nni mo ho wɔ Onyankopɔn anim na mo ne no atena wɔ asomdwoeɛ mu.
Therefore, beloved, looking for these things, be diligent to be found spotless and blameless unto him in peace:
15 Monkae nhunu sɛ Awurade wɔ boasetɔ ɛfiri sɛ ɔpɛ sɛ obiara nya nkwagyeɛ. Ɛno na yɛn nua Paulo nam nyansa a Onyankopɔn de maa no no so twerɛɛ mo no.
and consider the longsuffering of the Lord's salvation; as our beloved brother Paul according to the wisdom which was given unto him has written unto you;
16 Saa ɛkwan korɔ no ara so na ɔfa twerɛɛ ne nkrataa no na saa nsɛm yi ara so nso na ɔgyina twerɛeɛ. Nsɛm bi a ɛyɛ den wɔ ne nkrataa no mu no, wɔn a wɔnnim na wɔnnyɛ den no ntumi nkyerɛ aseɛ yie. Saa ara na wɔyɛ Atwerɛsɛm a aka no de ɔsɛeɛ ba wɔn so.
as also in all his epistles, speaking in the same concerning these things; in which there are some things hard to understand, which the unlearned and unestablished wrest, as they also do the other scriptures, to their own destruction.
17 Nanso anuanom, mo deɛ monim yei dada. Monwɛn na wɔn a wɔnni mmara so annaadaa mo amfiri beaeɛ pa.
Then you, beloved, foreknowing watch, lest, having been led away by the delusion of the ungodly, you may fall from your own stedfastness:
18 Monyini wɔ yɛn Awurade ne Agyenkwa Yesu Kristo adom ne nimdeɛ mu. Ɔno na animuonyam nka no seesei ne daa. Amen. (aiōn g165)
but grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and unto the day of the age. (aiōn g165)

< 2 Petro 3 >

The Great Flood
The Great Flood