< 1 Samuel 15 >

1 Ɛda koro bi Samuel ka kyerɛɛ Saulo sɛ, “Me na Awurade somaa me sɛ memmɛsra wo ngo sɛ Israel ɔhene. Afei tie nkra a ɛfiri Awurade nkyɛn no.
Samuel also said unto Saul, The LORD sent me to anoint thee [to be] king over his people, over Israel: now therefore hearken thou unto the voice of the words of the LORD.
2 Asɛm a Otumfoɔ Awurade seɛ nie, ‘Me ne Amalekfoɔ bɛdi wɔ deɛ wɔyɛ de tiaa Israelfoɔ ɛberɛ a na wɔfiri Misraim reba no.
Thus saith the LORD of hosts, I remember [that] which Amalek did to Israel, how he laid [wait] for him in the way, when he came up from Egypt.
3 Enti, kɔ na kɔsɛe Amalek mantam no pasaa. Kunkum mmarima ne mmaa, mmɔfra ne nkɔkoaa, anantwie ne nnwan, nyoma ne mfunumu.’”
Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass.
4 Enti, Saulo frɛɛ nʼakodɔm boaa wɔn ano wɔ Telaim. Na wɔn dodoɔ yɛ asraafoɔ ɔpehanu ne ɔpedu nso a wɔfiri Yuda.
And Saul gathered the people together, and numbered them in Telaim, two hundred thousand footmen, and ten thousand men of Judah.
5 Saulo kɔɔ Amalek kuropɔn no mu, kɔtɛɛ bɔnhwa no mu.
And Saul came to a city of Amalek, and laid wait in the valley.
6 Na ɔtoo Kenifoɔ no nkra sɛ, “Momfiri deɛ Amalekfoɔ teɛ hɔ na mansɛe mo ne wɔn, ɛfiri sɛ, Israelfoɔ no firi Misraim reba no, mo ne wɔn dii no yie.” Enti, Kenifoɔ no twee wɔn ho firi Amalekfoɔ no ho.
And Saul said unto the Kenites, Go, depart, get you down from among the Amalekites, lest I destroy you with them: for ye shewed kindness to all the children of Israel, when they came up out of Egypt. So the Kenites departed from among the Amalekites.
7 Na Saulo kunkumm Amalekfoɔ no firii Hawila kɔsii Sur wɔ Misraim apueeɛ fam.
And Saul smote the Amalekites from Havilah [until] thou comest to Shur, that [is] over against Egypt.
8 Ɔkyeree Amalekfoɔ ɔhene Agag anikann, nanso ɔkunkumm nnipa no nyinaa.
And he took Agag the king of the Amalekites alive, and utterly destroyed all the people with the edge of the sword.
9 Na Saulo ne nʼakodɔm no anyɛ Agag bɔne biara, na mmom wɔfaa wɔn nnwan pa, anantwie pa ne anantwie ne nnwan mma a wɔadodɔre sradeɛ ne biribiara a wɔn ani gye ho. Wɔsɛee deɛ ɛho nni wɔn mfasoɔ na ɛnni mu nyinaa.
But Saul and the people spared Agag, and the best of the sheep, and of the oxen, and of the fatlings, and the lambs, and all [that was] good, and would not utterly destroy them: but every thing [that was] vile and refuse, that they destroyed utterly.
10 Na Awurade ka kyerɛɛ Samuel sɛ,
Then came the word of the LORD unto Samuel, saying,
11 “Manu me ho sɛ masi Saulo ɔhene, ɛfiri sɛ, wanni me nokorɛ, na afei wayɛ nʼadwene sɛ ɔrentie mʼasɛm.” Asɛm no haa Samuel, na ɔsu frɛɛ Awurade anadwo mu no nyinaa.
It repenteth me that I have set up Saul [to be] king: for he is turned back from following me, and hath not performed my commandments. And it grieved Samuel; and he cried unto the LORD all night.
12 Adeɛ kyee no, Samuel sɔree ntɛm kɔhyiaa Saulo, nanso obi ka kyerɛɛ no sɛ, “Saulo kɔɔ Karmel sɛ ɔrekɔsi nkaeɛdum de ahyɛ ne ho animuonyam, na ɔfirii hɔ kɔɔ Gilgal.”
And when Samuel rose early to meet Saul in the morning, it was told Samuel, saying, Saul came to Carmel, and, behold, he set him up a place, and is gone about, and passed on, and gone down to Gilgal.
13 Na Samuel hunuu no akyire no, Saulo kyeaa no anigyeɛ so sɛ, “Awurade nhyira wo. Madi Awurade ahyɛdeɛ no so.”
And Samuel came to Saul: and Saul said unto him, Blessed [be] thou of the LORD: I have performed the commandment of the LORD.
14 Samuel bisaa sɛ, “Na adɛn ne nnwan ne anantwie su a mete yi?”
And Samuel said, What [meaneth] then this bleating of the sheep in mine ears, and the lowing of the oxen which I hear?
15 Saulo gye too mu sɛ, “Ɛyɛ nokorɛ sɛ akodɔm no amfa wɔn nsa anka nnwan pa ne anantwie pa no. Nanso, wɔde yei rebɛbɔ afɔdeɛ ama Awurade, wo Onyankopɔn. Biribiara a ɛka ho no deɛ, yɛasɛe no.”
And Saul said, They have brought them from the Amalekites: for the people spared the best of the sheep and of the oxen, to sacrifice unto the LORD thy God; and the rest we have utterly destroyed.
16 Afei, Samuel ka kyerɛɛ Saulo sɛ, “Gyae! Tie asɛm a Awurade ka kyerɛɛ me anadwo a atwam yi.” Saulo bisaa sɛ, “Ɛdeɛn asɛm?”
Then Samuel said unto Saul, Stay, and I will tell thee what the LORD hath said to me this night. And he said unto him, Say on.
17 Samuel ka kyerɛɛ no sɛ, “Ebia wobu wo ho abomfiaa, nanso ɛnyɛ wo na wodii Israel mmusuakuo nyinaa so no? Awurade asra wo ngo sɛ ɔhene wɔ Israel so.
And Samuel said, When thou [wast] little in thine own sight, [wast] thou not [made] the head of the tribes of Israel, and the LORD anointed thee king over Israel?
18 Na ɔsomaa wo sɛ kɔdi dwuma bi ma no, na ɔsee wo sɛ, ‘Kɔ na kɔsɛe amumuyɛfoɔ a ɛyɛ Amalekfoɔ no pasapasa, kɔsi sɛ mobɛtɔre wɔn ase dworobɛɛ.’
And the LORD sent thee on a journey, and said, Go and utterly destroy the sinners the Amalekites, and fight against them until they be consumed.
19 Adɛn enti na woantie Awurade? Adɛn enti na mopere fom nneɛma, na moyɛɛ deɛ Awurade kaa sɛ monnyɛ?”
Wherefore then didst thou not obey the voice of the LORD, but didst fly upon the spoil, and didst evil in the sight of the LORD?
20 Saulo nso kaa no dendeenden sɛ, “Metiee Awurade. Deɛ ɔkyerɛɛ me sɛ menyɛ no, meyɛeɛ. Mede ɔhene Agag sane baeɛ. Na wɔn a aka no deɛ, mesɛee wɔn nyinaa.
And Saul said unto Samuel, Yea, I have obeyed the voice of the LORD, and have gone the way which the LORD sent me, and have brought Agag the king of Amalek, and have utterly destroyed the Amalekites.
21 Na mʼakodɔm no nso de nnwan pa, anantwie pa ne asadeɛ baeɛ sɛ wɔde rebɛbɔ afɔdeɛ ama Awurade, wo Onyankopɔn wɔ Gilgal.”
But the people took of the spoil, sheep and oxen, the chief of the things which should have been utterly destroyed, to sacrifice unto the LORD thy God in Gilgal.
22 Na Samuel buaa sɛ, “Ɛdeɛn na ɛsɔ Awurade ani: sɛ wobɛbɔ ɔhyeɛ afɔdeɛ ne okum afɔdeɛ anaasɛ wobɛyɛ ɔsetie ama Awurade nne? Osetie yɛ sene afɔrebɔ, sɛ wobɛtie no no yɛ sene sɛ wode nnwennini akɛseɛ sradeɛ bɛma.
And Samuel said, Hath the LORD [as great] delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the LORD? Behold, to obey [is] better than sacrifice, [and] to hearken than the fat of rams.
23 Adɔnyɛ te sɛ bayie, ɛna asoɔden nso te sɛ ahonisom. Esiane sɛ woapo Awurade asɛm no enti, ɔno nso apo wʼahennie.”
For rebellion [is as] the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness [is as] iniquity and idolatry. Because thou hast rejected the word of the LORD, he hath also rejected thee from [being] king.
24 Na Saulo ka kyerɛɛ Samuel sɛ, “Mayɛ bɔne. Manni Awurade ahyɛdeɛ ne wo nkyerɛkyerɛ so. Na mesuro nnipa no enti na meyɛɛ wɔn apɛdeɛ maa wɔn no.
And Saul said unto Samuel, I have sinned: for I have transgressed the commandment of the LORD, and thy words: because I feared the people, and obeyed their voice.
25 Enti, mesrɛ wo, fa me bɔne kyɛ me na wo ne me nkɔsom Awurade.”
Now therefore, I pray thee, pardon my sin, and turn again with me, that I may worship the LORD.
26 Samuel ka kyerɛɛ no sɛ, “Merensane ne wo nkɔ. Woapo Awurade ahyɛdeɛ enti Awurade nso apo wʼahennie!”
And Samuel said unto Saul, I will not return with thee: for thou hast rejected the word of the LORD, and the LORD hath rejected thee from being king over Israel.
27 Samuel yɛɛ sɛ ɔrekɔ no, Saulo sɔɔ nʼatadeɛ mu pɛɛ sɛ ɔsane noɔ, na atadeɛ no mu suaneeɛ.
And as Samuel turned about to go away, he laid hold upon the skirt of his mantle, and it rent.
28 Samuel ka kyerɛɛ no sɛ, “Hwɛ ɛfiri ɛnnɛ, Awurade ate Israel ahemman mu afiri wo ho de ama obi foforɔ a ɔyɛ sene wo.
And Samuel said unto him, The LORD hath rent the kingdom of Israel from thee this day, and hath given it to a neighbour of thine, [that is] better than thou.
29 Deɛ ɔyɛ Israel Animuonyam no nni atorɔ na ɔnsesa nʼadwene; ɛfiri sɛ, ɔnnyɛ onipa na wasesa nʼadwene.”
And also the Strength of Israel will not lie nor repent: for he [is] not a man, that he should repent.
30 Saulo srɛɛ bio sɛ, “Menim sɛ mayɛ bɔne. Na mesrɛ wo sɛ, hyɛ me animuonyam wɔ me mpanimfoɔ ne me nkurɔfoɔ anim; wo ne me nkɔsom Awurade, wo Onyankopɔn.”
Then he said, I have sinned: [yet] honour me now, I pray thee, before the elders of my people, and before Israel, and turn again with me, that I may worship the LORD thy God.
31 Enti, Samuel pene ne Saulo sane kɔeɛ, na Saulo somm Awurade.
So Samuel turned again after Saul; and Saul worshipped the LORD.
32 Afei, Samuel kaa sɛ, “Fa ɔhene Agag brɛ me.” Agag baa ne nkyɛn gyidie mu, susuu sɛ ɛhɔ a wakɔ no deɛ, owuo apare no.
Then said Samuel, Bring ye hither to me Agag the king of the Amalekites. And Agag came unto him delicately. And Agag said, Surely the bitterness of death is past.
33 Nanso, Samuel kaa sɛ, “Sɛdeɛ wʼakofena akum mmaa bi mmammarima no, wo nso wo maame bɛyɛ ɔbaa a ɔnni ba.” Enti, Samuel twitwaa Agag mu nketenkete Awurade anim wɔ Gilgal.
And Samuel said, As thy sword hath made women childless, so shall thy mother be childless among women. And Samuel hewed Agag in pieces before the LORD in Gilgal.
34 Na Samuel firi hɔ kɔɔ Rama ɛna Saulo nso kɔɔ ne fie wɔ Gibea.
Then Samuel went to Ramah; and Saul went up to his house to Gibeah of Saul.
35 Samuel anhyia Saulo bio nanso ɔdii ne ho yea bebree. Na ɛyɛɛ Awurade yea sɛ wasi Saulo ɔhene wɔ Israel so.
And Samuel came no more to see Saul until the day of his death: nevertheless Samuel mourned for Saul: and the LORD repented that he had made Saul king over Israel.

< 1 Samuel 15 >