< 1 Korintofoɔ 3 >

1 Nokorɛm, anuanom, mantumi ankasa ankyerɛ mo sɛ nnipa a wɔwɔ Honhom no. Na ɛsɛ sɛ mekasa kyerɛ mo sɛ ewiasefoɔ a wɔte sɛ mmɔfra a wɔwɔ Kristo mu gyidie.
And I, brethren, was not able to speak unto you as unto spiritual, but as unto carnal, even babes in Christ.
2 Memaa mo nufosuo. Mamma mo aduane a ɛyɛ den, ɛfiri sɛ, na ɛnyɛ mma mo. Na seesei ara mpo ɛnyɛ mma mo,
I have fed you with milk, not with meat; for you were not yet able. But ye are not now yet able:
3 ɛfiri sɛ, moda so te hɔ sɛ ewiasefoɔ. Sɛ anibereɛ wɔ mo mu na motwa mo ho ne mo ho mo ho nya akasakasa a, ɛnna no adi sɛ moyɛ ewiasefoɔ a mote hɔ ma ewiase?
for ye are yet carnal. For where there are envy and strife among you, are you not carnal, and walking about according to man?
4 Sɛ obi ka sɛ, “Me deɛ, medi Paulo akyi” na ɔfoforɔ nso ka sɛ, “Me nso mewɔ Apolo afa” a, ɛnkyerɛ sɛ moyɛ ewiasefoɔ anaa?
For when one may say, I am indeed of Paul; another, I am of Apollos; are you not men?
5 Mebisa sɛ, Apolo yɛ hwan? Na Paulo nso yɛ hwan? Yɛyɛ Onyankopɔn asomfoɔ kwa a ɛnam yɛn so na monya gyidie. Adwuma a Onyankopɔn de ama yɛn mu biara sɛ yɛnyɛ no na yɛyɛ.
Then what is Apollos? and what is Paul? But ministers through whom ye believed; even as the Lord gave to each one.
6 Meduaa aba no na Apolo guguu so nsuo nanso Onyankopɔn na ɔmaa afifideɛ no nyiniiɛ.
I planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase.
7 Obi a ɔduaeɛ ne obi a ɔguguu so nsuo no ho nhia. Onyankopɔn na ne ho hia, ɛfiri sɛ, ɔno na ɔmaa afifideɛ no nyiniiɛ.
So neither is the one planting, nor the one watering anything, but God the one giving the increase.
8 Nsonsonoeɛ biara nni onipa a ɔdua ne deɛ ɔgugu so nsuo ntam. Onyankopɔn bɛhwɛ dwuma a wɔn mu biara diiɛ so na wama wɔn so adeɛ.
But he that planteth and he that watereth are one: and each one shall receive his own reward according to his own labor.
9 Yɛn deɛ yɛyɛ aboafoɔ a yɛne Onyankopɔn reyɛ adwuma na mo nso moyɛ Onyankopɔn afuo. Bio, moyɛ Onyankopɔn dan.
For we are God's fellow-laborers; ye are God's farm; ye are God's building.
10 Menam adom a Onyankopɔn de maa me no so meyɛɛ ɔdanseni pa adwuma. Metoo fapem ɛnna onipa foforɔ nso resi ato so. Nanso, ɛsɛ sɛ wɔn mu biara fa ɛkwan pa so si.
According to the grace of God which was given unto me, I as a wise architect, laid the foundation; and another builds on it. Let each one take heed how he builds.
11 Ɛfiri sɛ, Onyankopɔn ayɛ Yesu Kristo nko ɛdan no fapem enti wɔrentumi nto fapem foforɔ biara bio.
For other foundation no one is able to lay beside the one which is laid, who is Jesus Christ.
12 Ebinom de sikakɔkɔɔ, anaa dwetɛ anaa aboɔden aboɔ na ɛbɛsi wɔn dan wɔ fapem no so; afoforɔ nso de nnua anaa ɛserɛ anaa wira.
But if any one builds upon the foundation, gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, stubble;
13 Obiara dwuma a ɔdiiɛ no, ɛda no bɛda no adi; ɛda no ogya no bɛda obiara adwuma adi. Ogya no bɛsɔ ahwɛ, ahunu dwuma ko no yɛ a ɛyɛ.
the work of each will be made manifest: for the day will reveal it, because it is revealed by fire; and the same fire will try the work of each what soil it is.
14 Sɛ deɛ onipa ko no de sii fapem no so no tumi gyina ogya no ano a, ɛbɛnya akatua.
And if the work of any one which he builds, abides, he will receive a reward:
15 Na sɛ obi adwuma hye wɔ ogya no ano a, akatua no bɛbɔ no, nanso ɔno deɛ, ɔbɛnya nkwa sɛ obi a wadwane afiri gyaframa mu.
But if the work of any one shall be burnt up, he shall suffer loss; but himself shall be saved, but as through the fire.
16 Nokorɛm, monim sɛ moyɛ Onyankopɔn asɔredan na Onyankopɔn Honhom no te mo mu!
Do you not know that you are the temple of God, and the Spirit of God dwells in you?
17 Enti, obiara a ɔbɛsɛe Onyankopɔn asɔredan no, Onyankopɔn bɛsɛe no. Ɛfiri sɛ, Onyankopɔn asɔredan yɛ kronkron, na mo na moyɛ nʼasɔredan no.
If any one destroys the temple of God, him will God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which ye are.
18 Ɛnsɛ sɛ obiara daadaa ne ho. Sɛ obi a ɔka mo ho fa ne ho sɛ ɔyɛ ewiase yi mu onyansafoɔ a, ɛwɔ sɛ ɔyɛ ɔkwasea ansa na wabɛyɛ onyansafoɔ. (aiōn g165)
Let no one deceive himself. If any one seems to be wise among you in this age, let him become a fool, that he may be wise. (aiōn g165)
19 Ɛfiri sɛ, deɛ ewiase bu no nyansa no yɛ asɛm a aba nni mu wɔ Onyankopɔn ani so. Atwerɛsɛm no ka sɛ, “Ɔkyere anyansafoɔ wɔ wɔn aniteɛ mu.”
For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. For it has been written. He taketh the wise in their own craftiness.
20 Bio, Atwerɛsɛm no ka sɛ, “Awurade nim onipa nsusuiɛ. Ɔnim sɛ ɛnkɔsi hwee.”
And again, The Lord knows the thoughts of the wise, that they are vain.
21 Enti, ɛnsɛ sɛ obiara de deɛ onipa tumi yɛ hoahoa ne ho na biribiara yɛ mo dea.
So let no one boast among men; for all things are yours;
22 Paulo, Apolo ne Petro, saa ewiase yi, nkwa ne owuo, ɛnnɛ ne daakye nyinaa yɛ mo dea,
whether Paul, or Apollos, or Cephas, or the world, or life, or death, or things present, or things to come.
23 na moyɛ Kristo dea na Kristo nso yɛ Onyankopɔn dea.
All things are yours; and ye are Christ's; and Christ is God's.

< 1 Korintofoɔ 3 >