< Nnwom 82 >

1 Asaf dwom. Onyankopɔn di hene wɔ ɔsoro asafo mu; obu atɛn wɔ “anyame” mu.
Of Asaph. God stood in the synagoge of goddis; forsothe he demeth goddis in the myddil.
2 “Wobɛbɔ wɔn a wɔnteɛ ho ban na woayɛ nhwɛanim ama amumɔyɛfo akosi da bɛn?
Hou longe demen ye wickidnesse; and taken the faces of synneris?
3 Monka mmɔborɔfo ne ayisaa asɛm mma wɔn; mommɔ ahiafo ne wɔn a wɔhyɛ wɔn so yiyedi ho ban.
Deme ye to the nedi man, and to the modirles child; iustifie ye the meke man and pore.
4 Munnye ɔbrɛfo ne ahiafo; munnye wɔn mfi amumɔyɛfo nsam.
Raueische ye out a pore man; and delyuere ye the nedi man fro the hond of the synner.
5 “Anyame no nnim de, na wɔnte hwee ase. Wokyinkyin wɔ sum mu; na asase fapem nyinaa wosow.
Thei knewen not, nether vndirstoden, thei goen in derknessis; alle the foundementis of erthe schulen be moued.
6 “Mekae se, ‘Moyɛ “anyame;” mo nyinaa yɛ Ɔsorosoroni no mma.’
I seide, Ye ben goddis; and alle ye ben the sones of hiy God.
7 Nanso mubewuwu sɛ nnipa pɛ; na moahwe ase sɛ ɔsodifo biara.”
But ye schulen die as men; and ye schulen falle doun as oon of the princis.
8 Ao Onyankopɔn, sɔre, bu wiase atɛn; efisɛ amanaman nyinaa yɛ wo de.
Ryse, thou God, deme thou the erthe; for thou schalt haue eritage in alle folkis.

< Nnwom 82 >