< Nnwom 38 >

1 Dawid dwom. Adesrɛ. Awurade, nka mʼanim wɔ wʼabufuw mu na ntwe mʼaso wɔ wʼabufuwhyew mu.
A Psalme of Dauid for remembrance. O Lord, rebuke mee not in thine anger, neither chastise me in thy wrath.
2 Wo bɛmma hwirew me mu, na wo nsa adwerɛw me.
For thine arrowes haue light vpon me, and thine hand lyeth vpon me.
3 Wʼabufuwhyew no nti ahoɔden biara nni me mu; me bɔne nti, me nnompe ahodwow.
There is nothing sound in my flesh, because of thine anger: neither is there rest in my bones because of my sinne.
4 Mʼafɔdi amene me te sɛ adesoa a mu yɛ duru dodo.
For mine iniquities are gone ouer mine head, and as a weightie burden they are too heauie for me.
5 Mʼakuru bɔn na aporɔw esiane me bɔne mu agyimisɛm nti.
My woundes are putrified, and corrupt because of my foolishnes.
6 Makotow na wɔabrɛ me ase; da mu nyinaa menantenantew twa agyaadwo.
I am bowed, and crooked very sore: I goe mourning all the day.
7 Mʼakyi dompe mu yaw boro so: ahoɔden biara nni me nipadua mu.
For my reines are full of burning, and there is nothing sound in my flesh.
8 Mabrɛ na mapɛtɛw koraa. Me koma mu yaw ma misi apini.
I am weakened and sore broken: I roare for the very griefe of mine heart.
9 Awurade, nea merehwɛ anim nyinaa da wʼanim; mʼapinisi nhintaw wo.
Lord, I powre my whole desire before thee, and my sighing is not hid from thee.
10 Me koma bɔ kitirikitiri, na mʼahoɔden asa mpo mʼaniwa aduru sum.
Mine heart panteth: my strength faileth me, and the light of mine eyes, euen they are not mine owne.
11 Mʼapirakuru nti me nnamfonom ne me yɔnkonom mmɛn me; mʼafipamfo twe wɔn ho fi me ho.
My louers and my friends stand aside from my plague, and my kinsmen stand a farre off.
12 Wɔn a wɔpɛ sɛ wokum me no sum me mfiri, wɔn a wɔpɛ sɛ wɔhaw me no di me sɛe ho nkɔmmɔ da mu nyinaa wodwen nnaadaasɛm ho.
They also, that seeke after my life, laye snares, and they that go about to do me euil, talke wicked things and imagine deceite continually.
13 Mete sɛ ɔsotifo a ɔnte asɛm, mete sɛ mum a ontumi nkasa.
But I as a deafe man heard not, and am as a dumme man, which openeth not his mouth.
14 Mayɛ sɛ obi a ɔnte asɛm, nea nʼano ntumi mma mmuae.
Thus am I as a man, that heareth not, and in whose mouth are no reproofes.
15 Awurade, meretwɛn wo; Awurade me Nyankopɔn, wubegye me so.
For on thee, O Lord, do I waite: thou wilt heare me, my Lord, my God.
16 Mekae se, “Mma wɔn ani nnye; anaa wɔmma wɔn ho so bere a mʼanan awatiri no.”
For I said, Heare me, least they reioyce ouer me: for when my foote slippeth, they extol themselues against me.
17 Mereyɛ mahwe ase, na me yaw da so wɔ me mu.
Surely I am ready to halte, and my sorow is euer before me.
18 Meka me mfomso kyerɛ; me bɔne hyɛ me so.
When I declare my paine, and am sory for my sinne,
19 Bebree na wɔyɛ mʼatamfo; wɔn a wɔtan me kwa no dɔɔso.
Then mine enemies are aliue and are mightie, and they that hate me wrongfully are many.
20 Wɔn a wɔde bɔne tua me papa so ka no, bɔ me ahohora bere a mereyɛ papa.
They also, that rewarde euill for good, are mine aduersaries, because I follow goodnesse.
21 Awurade nnyaw me. Me Nyankopɔn, nkɔ akyiri!
Forsake me not, O Lord: be not thou farre from me, my God.
22 Bra ntɛm bɛboa me, Awurade, mʼAgyenkwa.
Haste thee to helpe mee, O my Lord, my saluation.

< Nnwom 38 >