< Nnwom 140 >

1 Wɔde ma dwonkyerɛfo. Dawid dwom. Awurade, gye me fi nnebɔneyɛfo nsam; bɔ me ho ban fi basabasayɛfo nsam,
“For the leader of the music. A psalm of David.” Deliver me, O LORD! from the evil man, Save me from the man of violence,
2 wɔn a wodwen bɔne wɔ wɔn koma mu na wɔhwanyan ɔko mu da biara.
Who meditate mischief in their heart, And daily stir up war!
3 Wɔsew wɔn tɛkrɛma ano te sɛ ɔwɔ de; nhurutoa bɔre wɔ wɔn ano.
They sharpen their tongues like a serpent; The poison of the adder is under their lips. (Pause)
4 Awurade, yi me fi amumɔyɛfo nsam; bɔ me ho ban fi basabasayɛfo a wodwen sɛ wobetwintwan mʼanan mu no ho.
Defend me, O LORD! from the hands of the wicked, Preserve me from the man of violence, Who have purposed to cause my fall! (Pause)
5 Ahantanfo asum me afiri; wɔatrɛtrɛw wɔn asau ahama mu wɔasunsum me mfiri wɔ me kwan so.
The proud have hidden snares and cords for me; They have spread a net by the way-side; They have set traps for me.
6 Awurade, meka kyerɛ wo se, “Wone me Nyankopɔn.” Awurade, tie me mmɔborɔsu.
I say to Jehovah, Thou art my God; Hear, O Jehovah! the voice of my supplication!
7 Otumfo Awurade, me gyefo hoɔdenfo, wokata me ti so wɔ ɔko da,
The Lord Jehovah is my saving strength: Thou shelterest my head in the day of battle!
8 nyɛ amumɔyɛfo abisade mma wɔn, Awurade; mma wɔn nhyehyɛe nnyɛ yiye.
Grant not, O LORD! the desires of the wicked; Let not their devices prosper; Let them not exalt themselves!
9 Wɔatwa me ho ahyia, nanso, ma amumɔyɛsɛm a efi wɔn anom no nsɛe wɔn.
As for the heads of those who encompass me, Let the mischief of their own lips cover them!
10 Ma nnyansramma ngu wɔn so; ma wɔntow wɔn ngu ogya mu, ngu dontori amoa mu a wɔrensɔre bio.
Let burning coals fall upon them; May they be cast into the fire, And into deep waters from which they shall not arise!
11 Mma dinsɛefo ase ntim asase no so; ma amanehunu ntaataa kitikitiyɛfo.
The slanderer shall not be established upon the earth; Evil shall pursue the violent man to destruction.
12 Minim sɛ Awurade bu ahiafo atɛntrenee na odi onnibi asɛm ma no.
I know that the LORD will maintain the cause of the afflicted, And the right of the poor.
13 Ampa ara, atreneefo bɛkamfo wo din na wɔn a wɔnam tee no bɛtena nkwa mu wɔ wʼanim.
Yea, the righteous shall praise thy name; The upright shall dwell in thy presence!

< Nnwom 140 >