< Nnwom 128 >

1 Ɔsoroforo dwom. Nhyira ne wɔn a wosuro Awurade, na wɔnantew nʼakwan so.
“A psalm of the steps, or the goings up.” Happy is he who feareth the LORD, Who walketh in his ways!
2 Wubedi wʼadwuma so aba; nhyira ne yiyedi bɛyɛ wo de.
Thou shalt eat the labor of thy hands; Happy shalt thou be, and it shall be well with thee!
3 Wo yere bɛyɛ sɛ bobe a ɛsow aba wɔ wo fi; na wo mmabarima ayɛ sɛ ngodua a afifi atwa wo pon ho ahyia.
Thy wife shall be like a fruitful vine within thy house; Thy children like olive-branches round about thy table.
4 Yiw, sɛɛ ne nea wobehyira onipa a osuro Awurade no.
Behold! thus happy is the man who feareth the LORD!
5 Awurade nhyira wo mfi Sion na ɔmma wunhu Yerusalem yiyeyɛ; wo nkwanna nyinaa.
Jehovah shall bless thee out of Zion, And thou shalt see the prosperity of Jerusalem all the days of thy life;
6 Ɔmma wo ntena ase nhu wo mma mma. Asomdwoe nka Israel.
Yea, thou shalt see thy children's children. Peace be to Israel!

< Nnwom 128 >