< Nnwom 104 >

1 Me kra, kamfo Awurade! Awurade me Nyankopɔn, woyɛ ɔkɛse! Wɔafura wo tumi ne anuonyam.
Mi soule, blesse thou the Lord; my Lord God, thou art magnyfied greetli. Thou hast clothid knouleching and fairnesse; and thou art clothid with liyt,
2 Ɔde hann akata ne ho sɛ atade; ɔtrɛw ɔsoro mu te sɛ ntamadan,
as with a cloth. And thou stretchist forth heuene as a skyn;
3 na ɔde ne mpia mu mpuran sisi nsu so. Ɔde omununkum yɛ ne teaseɛnam na ɔde nantew mframa ntaban so.
and thou hilist with watris the hiyer partis therof. Which settist a cloude thi stiyng; which goest on the fetheris of wyndis.
4 Ɔsoma nʼabɔfo sɛ mframa, na ɔsoma nʼasomfo sɛ ogyaframa.
Which makist spiritis thin aungels; and thi mynystris brennynge fier.
5 Ɔde asase asi ne fapem so na ɛrenhinhim da.
Which hast foundid the erthe on his stablenesse; it schal not be bowid in to the world of world.
6 Wode bun kataa so sɛ atade na nsu gyinaa mmepɔw no so.
The depthe of watris as a cloth is the clothing therof; watris schulen stonde on hillis.
7 Nanso wʼanimka maa nsu no guanee, wʼaprannaa nnyigyei maa woguanee;
Tho schulen fle fro thi blamyng; men schulen be aferd of the vois of thi thundur.
8 Wɔsen faa mmepɔw so, kɔɔ aku mu tɔnn, koguu faako a wode ama wɔn no.
Hillis stien vp, and feeldis goen doun; in to the place which thou hast foundid to tho.
9 Wotoo ɔhye a wɔrentumi ntra; na wɔammɛkata asase so bio.
Thou hast set a terme, which tho schulen not passe; nether tho schulen be turned, for to hile the erthe.
10 Ɔma nsuwa sen fa abon mu, ɛsen fa mmepɔw ntam.
And thou sendist out wellis in grete valeis; watris schulen passe bitwix the myddil of hillis.
11 Wɔma wuram mmoa nyinaa nsu nom; atorɔm de kum wɔn sukɔm.
Alle the beestis of the feeld schulen drynke; wielde assis schulen abide in her thirst.
12 Wim nnomaa nwen wɔn berebuw wɔ nsu no ho; na wɔto nnwom wɔ nnua no mman so.
Briddis of the eir schulen dwelle on tho; fro the myddis of stoonys thei schulen yyue voices.
13 Ofi ne soro mpia mu tɔ nsu gugu mmepɔw so; ne nnwuma so aba mee asase.
And thou moistist hillis of her hiyer thingis; the erthe schal be fillid of the fruyt of thi werkis.
14 Ɔma sare fifi ma anantwi, na ɔbɔɔ nnua maa onipa sɛ onnua na ɛmma aduan mfi asase mu:
And thou bringist forth hei to beestis; and eerbe to the seruyce of men. That thou bringe forth breed of the erthe;
15 nsa a ɛma onipa koma tɔ ne yam, ngo a ɛma onipa anim tɔ so, ne aduan a ekura onipa koma.
and that wiyn make glad the herte of men. That he make glad the face with oile; and that breed make stidefast the herte of man.
16 Wogugu Awurade nnua no so yiye, Lebanon sida a oduae no.
The trees of the feeld schulen be fillid, and the cedris of the Liban, whiche he plauntide;
17 Ɛsow na nnomaa yɛ wɔn mmerebuw, na asukɔnkɔn nso yɛ nʼatenae wɔ ɔpepaw nnua no mu.
sparewis schulen make nest there. The hous of the gerfaukun is the leeder of tho;
18 Mmepɔw atenten no yɛ wuram mmirekyi de; na abotan yɛ guankɔbea ma ewi.
hiye hillis ben refute to hertis; a stoon is refutt to irchouns.
19 Ɔsram kyerɛ bere nkyekyɛmu, na owia nim bere a ɔkɔtɔ.
He made the moone in to tymes; the sunne knewe his goyng doun.
20 Wode sum ba ma ɛyɛ adesae na kwae mu mmoa nyinaa kɔ ahayɛ.
Thou hast set derknessis, and nyyt is maad; alle beestis of the wode schulen go ther ynne.
21 Gyata bobɔ mu pɛ wɔn hanam, wɔhwehwɛ wɔn aduan fi Onyankopɔn hɔ.
Liouns whelpis rorynge for to rauysche; and to seke of God meete to hem silf.
22 Owia pue ma wɔsan wɔn akyi; wɔsan kɔdeda wɔn atu mu.
The sunne is risun, and tho ben gaderid togidere; and tho schulen be set in her couchis.
23 Afei, onipa kɔ nʼadwuma so kɔyɛ adwuma ara kosi anwummere.
A man schal go out to his werk; and to his worching, til to the euentid.
24 Awurade, wo nnwuma dɔɔso! Nyansa mu na woyɛɛ ne nyinaa; wʼabɔde ahyɛ asase so ma.
Lord, thi werkis ben magnefiede ful myche, thou hast maad alle thingis in wisdom; the erthe is fillid with thi possessioun.
25 Po na ɛda hɔ tɛtrɛɛ tamaa yi, a abɔde bebree a enni ano; akɛse ne nketewa ahyɛ no ma.
This see is greet and large to hondis; there ben crepinge beestis, of which is noon noumbre. Litil beestis with grete;
26 So na ahyɛn di akɔneaba, na ɔdɛnkyɛmmirampɔn a woyɛɛ no di agoru.
schippis schulen passe there. This dragoun which thou hast formyd; for to scorne hym.
27 Wɔn nyinaa hwɛ wo kwan sɛ wobɛma wɔn wɔn aduan wɔ bere a ɛsɛ mu.
Alle thingis abiden of thee; that thou yyue to hem meete in tyme.
28 Wode ma wɔn a, wɔtase; wubue wo nsam a nnepa mee wɔn.
Whanne thou schalt yyue to hem, thei schulen gadere; whanne thou schalt opene thin hond, alle thingis schulen be fillid with goodnesse.
29 Wode wʼanim hintaw wɔn a, wɔbɔ hu; sɛ wugye wɔn home a, wowuwu na wɔsan kɔ mfutuma mu.
But whanne thou schalt turne awey the face, thei schulen be disturblid; thou schalt take awei the spirit of them, and thei schulen faile; and thei schulen turne ayen in to her dust.
30 Sɛ wode wo Honhom no ma wɔn a na wɔabɔ wɔn, na woyɛ asase ani foforo.
Sende out thi spirit, and thei schulen be formed of the newe; and thou schalt renule the face of the erthe.
31 Ma Awurade anuonyam ntena hɔ daa; ma Awurade ani nnye ne nnwuma ho,
The glorie of the Lord be in to the world; the Lord schal be glad in hise werkis.
32 nea ɔhwɛ asase na ɛwosow, na ɔde ne nsa ka mmepɔw a wusiw fi mu ba.
Which biholdith the erthe, and makith it to tremble; which touchith hillis, and tho smoken.
33 Mɛto dwom ama Awurade me nkwa nna nyinaa; sɛ mete ase yi, mɛto ayeyi dwom ama me Nyankopɔn.
I schal singe to the Lord in my lijf; Y schal seie salm to my God, as longe as Y am.
34 Ɔmma me mpaebɔ nsɔ nʼani bere a meregye mʼani wɔ Awurade mu yi.
Mi speche be myrie to him; forsothe Y schal delite in the Lord.
35 Ma nnebɔneyɛfo nyera wɔ asase so; na amumɔyɛfo ase nhyew. Me kra, kamfo Awurade. Kamfo Awurade.
Synneris faile fro the erthe, and wickid men faile, so that thei be not; my soule, blesse thou the Lord.

< Nnwom 104 >