< 4 Mose 15 >

1 Awurade ka kyerɛɛ Mose se,
The LORD spoke to Moses, saying,
2 “Ka kyerɛ Israelfo no se, ‘Sɛ mokɔtena asase a mede rema mo no so
"Speak to the children of Israel, and tell them, 'When you have come into the land of your habitations, which I give to you,
3 na mopɛ sɛ mobɔ ɔhyew afɔre anaa afɔre biara a wɔbɔ a eyi hua a ɛsɔ Awurade ani a, ɛsɛ sɛ afɔrebɔde no yɛ aboa a ofi mo nguankuw anaa nantwibuw mu. Sɛ ɛyɛ ɔhyew afɔre, anaa afɔrebɔ a wɔde hyɛ bɔ, anaa afɔrebɔ a efi ɔpɛ mu, anaa afɔrebɔ a wɔbɔ no afirihyia mu nnapɔnna bi mu no a, ɛsɛ sɛ wɔde aduan afɔrebɔde ka ho.
and will make an offering by fire to the LORD, a burnt offering, or a sacrifice, to accomplish a vow, or as a freewill offering, or in your set feasts, to make a pleasant aroma to the LORD, of the herd, or of the flock;
4 Nea ɔde ba no, ɛsɛ sɛ ɔde aduan afɔrebɔde a ɛyɛ esiam muhumuhu kilogram abien a wɔde ngo lita baako afra ka ho ma Awurade.
then he who offers his offering shall offer to the LORD a meal offering of a tenth part of an ephah of fine flour mixed with the fourth part of a hin of oil:
5 Oguamma biara a wɔde bɔ ɔhyew afɔre no, ɛsɛ sɛ wɔde nsa afɔrebɔde a ɛyɛ bobesa lita baako ka ho.
and wine for the drink offering, the fourth part of a hin, you shall prepare with the burnt offering, or for the sacrifice, for each lamb.
6 “‘Sɛ odwennini na wode rebɔ afɔre a, fa esiam muhumuhu lita abiɛsa fra ngo lita baako,
"'Or for a ram, you shall prepare for a meal offering two tenth parts of an ephah of fine flour mixed with the third part of a hin of oil:
7 ne bobesa lita baako sɛ ɔnom afɔrebɔde. Mommɔ mma enyi hua a ɛbɛsɔ Awurade ani.
and for the drink offering you shall offer the third part of a hin of wine, of a pleasant aroma to the LORD.
8 “‘Sɛ wosiesie nantwi ba ma ɔhyew afɔre anaa afɔrebɔde de hyɛ bɔ sononko bi anaa ayɔnkofa asikresiam afɔre a worebɔ ama Awurade a,
When you prepare a bull for a burnt offering, or for a sacrifice, to accomplish a vow, or for peace offerings to the LORD;
9 fa atoko afɔrebɔde a ɛyɛ asikresiam a wɔayam no muhumuhu lita asia ne fa ne ngo lita abien ka nantwi no ho
then shall he offer with the bull a meal offering of three tenth parts of an ephah of fine flour mixed with half a hin of oil:
10 a bobesa lita abien ka ho sɛ ɔnom afɔrebɔde. Eyi bɛyɛ aduan afɔrebɔ a ebeyi hua asɔ Awurade ani.
and you shall offer for the drink offering half a hin of wine, for an offering made by fire, of a pleasant aroma to the LORD.
11 Ɛsɛ sɛ wɔfa saa kwan yi so siesie nantwi, odwennini, oguamma anaa abirekyi ba a wɔde bɔ afɔre no.
Thus shall it be done for each bull, or for each ram, or for each of the male lambs, or of the young goats.
12 Afɔrebɔde biara no, ɛsɛ sɛ mofa saa ɔkwan yi so siesie no.
According to the number that you shall prepare, so you shall do to everyone according to their number.
13 “‘Ɛsɛ sɛ Israelni biara fa saa ɔkwan yi so siesie ne aduan afɔrebɔ a eyi hua na ɛsɔ Awurade ani na ɔde ba.
"'All who are native-born shall do these things in this way, in offering an offering made by fire, of a pleasant aroma to the LORD.
14 Na sɛ ahɔho a wɔte mo mu no pɛ sɛ wɔbɔ ɔhyew afɔre ma eyi hua a ɛsɔ Awurade ani a, ɛsɛ sɛ wɔfa saa ɔkwan koro no ara so wɔ awo ntoatoaso a ɛbɛba no nyinaa mu.
If a stranger lives as a foreigner with you, or whoever may be among you throughout your generations, and will offer an offering made by fire, of a pleasant aroma to the LORD; as you do, so he shall do.
15 Mmara no wɔ hɔ ma mo nyinaa; ɔmanfo ne ahɔho; na ɛyɛ nokware a etim hɔ daa de kosi awo ntoatoaso a ɛbɛba no mu. Mo ne ahɔho nyinaa yɛ pɛ wɔ Awurade anim.
For the assembly, there shall be one statute for you, and for the stranger who lives among you, a statute forever throughout your generations: as you are, so shall the foreigner be before the LORD.
16 Mmara baako na ɛwɔ hɔ ma mo ne ahɔho a wɔtete mo mu no nyinaa.’”
One law and one ordinance shall be for you, and for the stranger who lives as a foreigner with you.'"
17 Awurade ka kyerɛɛ Mose se,
The LORD spoke to Moses, saying,
18 “Kasa kyerɛ Israelfo no se: ‘Sɛ mudu asase a mede mo rekɔ so no so
"Speak to the children of Israel, and tell them, 'When you come into the land where I bring you,
19 na mudi asase no so aduan a, momfa bi mmɔ afɔre mma Awurade.
then it shall be that when you eat of the bread of the land, you shall offer up a wave offering to the LORD.
20 Atoko a mobɛyam a edi kan no, momfa nto ɔfam nto nkyɛn sɛ akyɛde sɛnea moyɛ atoko otwakan no wɔ awiporowbea no.
Of the first of your dough you shall offer up a cake for a wave offering: as the wave offering of the threshing floor, so you shall heave it.
21 Awo ntoatoaso a ɛbɛba no nyinaa mu no, ɛsɛ sɛ mode saa afɔre a efi mo aduan a edi kan a moanya mu yi ma Awurade.
Of the first of your dough you shall give to the LORD a wave offering throughout your generations.
22 “‘Sɛ mo, sɛ nnipakuw, anhyɛ da na mubu saa mmara a Awurade nam Mose so de ama mo yi so,
"'When you shall err, and not observe all these commandments, which the LORD has spoken to Moses,
23 mmara ahorow a Awurade nam ne so de ama mo yi so, efi da a Awurade de maa mo de fa awo ntoatoaso a ɛbɛba no nyinaa mu,
even all that the LORD has commanded you by Moses, from the day that the LORD gave commandment, and onward throughout your generations;
24 na sɛ wɔnam awerɛfiri so fom a nnipa no nyinaa nnim a, ɛsɛ sɛ ɔman no nyinaa de aduan afɔrebɔde ne ɔnom afɔrebɔde ne ɔpapo a wɔde no bɛbɔ bɔne ho afɔre ka ho.
then it shall be, if it be done unwittingly, without the knowledge of the congregation, that all the congregation shall offer one young bull for a burnt offering, for a pleasant aroma to the LORD, with the meal offering of it, and the drink offering of it, according to the ordinance, and one male goat for a sin offering.
25 Na ɛsɛ sɛ ɔsɔfo no yɛ mpata ma Israelfo nyinaa na wɔde wɔn bɔne akyɛ wɔn; efisɛ, ɛyɛ mfomso, na wɔnam ɔhyew afɔrebɔ so abɔ afɔre wɔ Awurade anim a wɔn bɔne afɔrebɔde ka ho.
The cohen shall make atonement for all the congregation of the children of Israel, and they shall be forgiven; for it was an error, and they have brought their offering, an offering made by fire to the LORD, and their sin offering before the LORD, for their error:
26 Wɔde nnipa no nyinaa a ahɔho a wɔte wɔn mu ka ho no bɔne bɛkyɛ wɔn, efisɛ ɔmanfo no nyinaa na wɔyɛɛ mfomso a wɔanhyɛ da; na wɔde akyɛ wɔn nyinaa.
and all the congregation of the children of Israel shall be forgiven, and the stranger who lives as a foreigner among them; for in respect of all the people it was done unwittingly.
27 “‘Nanso sɛ onipa baako bi yɛ mfomso awerɛfiri mu a, ɛsɛ sɛ ɔde abirekyibere ba a wadi afe bɛbɔ bɔne ho afɔre.
"'If one person sins unwittingly, then he shall offer a female goat a year old for a sin offering.
28 Ɛsɛ sɛ ɔsɔfo no yɛ mpata ma nea ɔfom no wɔ Awurade anim na wɔde ne bɔne akyɛ no.
The cohen shall make atonement for the soul who errs, when he sins unwittingly, before the LORD, to make atonement for him; and he shall be forgiven.
29 Saa mmara yi wɔ hɔ ma Israelfo ne ananafo a wɔte mo mu no nyinaa.
You shall have one law for him who does anything unwittingly, for him who is native-born among the children of Israel, and for the stranger who lives as a foreigner among them.
30 “‘Na sɛ obi boa pa yɛ mfomso a, sɛ ɔyɛ Israelni anaa ɔnanani no, ogu Awurade din ho fi, enti ɛsɛ sɛ woyi no fi Israelfo no mu.
"'But the person who acts defiantly, whether he is native-born or a foreigner, the same blasphemes God, and that person is to be cut off from among his people.
31 Mpɛn dodow a wabu Awurade asɛm animtiaa na wahyɛ da abu Awurade mmara so no, ɛsɛ sɛ woyi no fi Israelfo no mu; na ne bɔne gu ne ti so.’”
Because he has despised the word of the LORD, and has broken his commandment, that soul shall utterly be cut off; his iniquity shall be on him.'"
32 Bere a Israelfo no wɔ sare so no, wɔkyeree wɔn mu baako sɛ ɔrebubu mmabaa homeda.
While the children of Israel were in the wilderness, they found a man gathering sticks on the Sabbath day.
33 Wɔn a wɔkyeree no no de no kɔɔ Mose ne Aaron ne atemmufo no anim,
Those who found him gathering sticks brought him to Moses and Aaron, and to all the congregation.
34 na wɔde no too afiase, efisɛ na wonhu ɔkwan pɔtee a ɛsɛ sɛ wɔde no fa so.
They put him in custody, because it had not been declared what should be done to him.
35 Afei, Awurade ka kyerɛɛ Mose se, “Ɛsɛ sɛ wokum saa onipa no. Nnipa no nyinaa nsiw no abo wɔ atenae no akyi baabi.”
The LORD said to Moses, "The man shall surely be put to death: all the congregation shall stone him with stones outside of the camp."
36 Enti wɔde no kɔɔ atenae no akyi baabi kosiw no abo sɛnea Awurade hyɛɛ Mose no.
All the congregation brought him outside of the camp, and stoned him to death with stones; as the LORD commanded Moses.
37 Awurade ka kyerɛɛ Mose se,
The LORD spoke to Moses, saying,
38 “Kasa kyerɛ Israelfo no se: Awo ntoatoaso nyinaa mu no, momma biribi nsensɛn mo ntade ano na momfa hama tuntum nkyekyere sɛ nkae ade ntetare ntade no ano.
"Speak to the children of Israel, and tell them that they should make themselves fringes in the borders of their garments throughout their generations, and that they put on the fringe of each border a cord of blue:
39 Saa mmara yi botae ne sɛ, bere biara a mubehu saa ade yi no, mobɛkae Awurade mmara a wɔahyɛ mo no, na moadi nʼapɛde so, na moamfa mo ankasa mo akwan sɛnea na moyɛ de som anyame afoforo no.
and it shall be to you for a fringe, that you may look on it, and remember all the commandments of the LORD, and do them; and that you not follow after your own heart and your own eyes, after which you use to play the prostitute;
40 Ɛbɛkae mo ama moadi me mmara nyinaa so na wɔbɛtew mo ho ama mo Nyankopɔn.
that you may remember and do all my commandments, and be holy to your God.
41 Mene Awurade, mo Nyankopɔn a mede mo fi Misraim asase so bae sɛ mɛyɛ mo Nyankopɔn. Mene Awurade mo Nyankopɔn no.”
I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, to be your God: I am the LORD your God."

< 4 Mose 15 >