< Yosua 10 >

1 Yerusalemhene Adoni-Sedek tee sɛ Yosua afa Ai na wasɛe no pasaa, akum ɛhɔ hene, sɛnea wasɛe Yeriko kuropɔn akum ɛhɔ hene no. Ɔtee nso sɛ Gibeonfo ne Israelfo ayɛ asomdwoe apam, na wɔayɛ baako.
And whanne Adonysedech, kyng of Jerusalem, hadde herde these thingis, that is, that Josue hadde take Hai, and hadde destried it; for as Josue hadde do to Jerico and to the kyng therof, so he dide to Hay, and to the kyng therof; and that Gabaonytis hadden fled to Israel, and weren boundun in pees with hem,
2 Ɛno nti, ɔne ne nkurɔfo bo tuu yiye, efisɛ Gibeon yɛ kuropɔn kɛse te sɛ ahemman no nkuropɔn no bi a ɛso sen Ai. Na Gibeon mmarima no nyinaa nso yɛ akofo a wɔyɛ den.
Adonysedech dredde greetli; for Gabaon was a greet citee, and oon of the kyngis citees, and grettere than the citee of Hai, and alle the fiyteris therof weren most stronge.
3 Enti Yerusalemhene Adoni-Sedek soma ma wɔkɔɔ ahemfo afoforo bebree nkyɛn: Hebronhene Hoham ne Yarmuthene Piram ne Lakishene Yafia ne Eglonhene Debir kɔka kyerɛɛ wɔn se,
Therfor Adonysedech, kyng of Jerusalem, sente to Ocham, kyng of Ebron, and to Pharam, kyng of Herymoth, and to Japhie, kyng of Lachis, and to Dabir, kyng of Eglon, and seide,
4 “Mommra mmɛboa me na yɛnsɛe Gibeon, efisɛ wɔne Yosua ne Israelfo ayɛ asomdwoe apam.”
Stie ye to me, and helpe ye, that we fiyte ayens Gabaon, for it was yoldun to Josue, and to the sones of Israel.
5 Enti Amorifo ahemfo baanum no de wɔn nsraadɔm bɔɔ mu maa ɔko. Wɔde wɔn nsraadɔm no gyinagyinae, na afei wɔtow hyɛɛ Gibeon so.
Therfor fyue kyngis of Ammorreis, the kyng of Jerusalem, the kyng of Ebron, the kyng of Herymoth, the kyng of Lachis, the kyng of Eglon, weren gaderid, and stieden togidere with her oostis; and settiden tentis ayens Gabaon, and fouyten ayens it.
6 Na Gibeonfo no soma kɔɔ Yosua nkyɛn wɔ Gilgal. Wɔkɔka kyerɛɛ no se, “Nnyaa wʼasomfo. Bra yɛn nkyɛn ntɛm begye yɛn nkwa! Bɛboa yɛn, efisɛ Amorifo ahemfo a wɔte mmepɔw so de wɔn nsraadɔm rebɛko atia yɛn.”
Sotheli the dwelleris of the citee of Gabaon, `that weren bisegid, senten to Josue, that dwellide than in tentis at Galgala, and seide to hym, Withdrawe not thin hondis fro the help of thi seruauntis; `stie thou soone, and delyuere vs, and helpe thou; for alle the kyngis of Amorreis, that dwelliden in the hilli places, camen togidere ayens vs.
7 Enti Yosua ne Israel nsraadɔm nyinaa fii Gilgal sɛ wɔrekɔboa Gibeonfo.
And Josue stiede fro Galgala, and al the oost of fiyters, `the strengeste men, `with hym.
8 Awurade ka kyerɛɛ Yosua se, “Nsuro wɔn; mɛma woadi wɔn so nkonim. Wɔn mu biara rentumi ne wo nnyina.”
And the Lord seide to Josue, Drede thou not hem, for Y yaf hem in to thin hondis; noon of hem schal mow ayenstonde thee.
9 Yosua nantew anadwo mu no nyinaa fii Gilgal kofii Amorifo nsraadɔm no mu.
Therfor Josue felde sodenli on hem, and stiede in al the nyyt fro Galgala;
10 Awurade ma wɔbɔɔ hu wɔ Israelfo no anim, na wokunkum wɔn mu bebree wɔ Gibeon. Israelfo no taa atamfo no faa ɔkwan a ɛkɔ Bet-Horon no, na wɔtow hyɛɛ wɔn so kunkum wɔn wɔ Aseka ne Makeda.
and the Lord `disturblide hem fro the face of Israel, and al to-brak with greet veniaunce in Gabaon. And Josue pursuede hem bi the weie of the stiyng of Betheron, and smoot `til to Azecha and Maceda.
11 Bere a Amorifo reguan wɔ ɔkwan a ɛkɔ Bet-Horon so no, Awurade him abo akɛse guu wɔn so kosii sɛ woduu Aseka. Abo no kunkum wɔn mu bebree sen dodow a Israelfo de afoa kunkum wɔn no.
And whanne thei fledden the sones of Israel, and weren in the goyng doun of Betheron, the Lord sente grete stoonus on hem fro heuene, til to Azecha; and many mo weren deed bi the `stoonys of hail, than thei whiche the sones of Israel `smytiden bi swerd.
12 Da a Awurade de Amorifo no hyɛɛ Israelfo no nsa no, Yosua bɔɔ Awurade mpae wɔ Israelfo no anim se, “Ma owia nnyina dinn wɔ Gibeon so na ɔsram nso nnyina wɔ Ayalon bon mu.”
Thanne Josue spak to the Lord, in the dai in which he bitook Amorrey in the siyt of the sones of Israel; and Josue seide bifore hem, Sunne, be thou not mouyd ayens Gabaon, and the moone ayens the valei of Hailon.
13 Na owia ne ɔsram gyinaa dinn, kosii sɛ Israelfo dii atamfo no so. Wɔnkyerɛw saa nsɛm yi wɔ Teefo Nhoma no mu ana? Owia gyinae wɔ wim mfimfini na ankɔtɔ sɛnea ɛyɛ daa no.
And the sunne and the moone stoden, til the folc of God vengide it silf of hise enemyes. Whether this is not writun in the book of iust men? And so the sunne stood in the myddis of heuene, and hastide not to go doun in the space of o dai; so long a dai was not bifore and aftirward;
14 Awurade ko maa Israel da no. Ebi nsii saa da na bi rensi da sɛ saa da no a Awurade tiee abisade sɛɛ fii onipa nkyɛn.
for the Lord obeiede to the vois of man, and fauyt for Israel.
15 Na Yosua ne Israel nsraadɔm no san kɔɔ Gilgal atenae hɔ.
And Josue turnede ayen, with al Israel, in to the tentis of Galgala.
16 Ɔko no mu, ahemfo baanum no guan kɔhyɛɛ Makeda ɔbodan mu.
Forsothe fyue kyngis fledden, and hidden hem silf in the denne of the citee of Maceda.
17 Yosua tee sɛ wɔahu wɔn no,
And it was teld to Josue, that fyue kyngis weren foundun hid in the denne of the citee of Maceda.
18 ɔhyɛɛ sɛ, “Momfa abotan akɛse nsiw ɔbodan no ano kwan, na momma awɛmfo no nwɛn ano na ahemfo no nhyɛ mu.
Which Josue comaundide to felowis, and seide, Walewe ye grete stoonus to the `mouth of the denne, and putte ye witti men, that schulen kepe the closid kyngis; sotheli nyle ye stonde,
19 Mo a moaka no nso, montaa atamfo no na munkunkum wɔn mfi akyi. Mommma wɔnnkɔ wɔn nkurow so, efisɛ Awurade, mo Nyankopɔn bɛma mo adi wɔn so nkonim.”
but pursue ye the enemyes, and slee ye alle the laste of fleeris; and suffre ye not hem entre in to the strengthis of her citees, whiche enemyes youre Lord God bitook in to youre hondis.
20 Enti Yosua ne Israel nsraadɔm toaa so kunkum wɔn, tɔree nsraadɔm anum no ase ma ɛkaa dɔm no kakraa bi a wotumi guan kɔɔ wɔn nkuropɔn a wɔabɔ ho ban no mu.
Therfor whanne the aduersaries weren betun with greet veniaunce, and weren almost wastid `til to deeth, thei that myyten fle Israel, entriden in to the strengthid citees.
21 Afei, Israelfo no san baa Yosua nkyɛn asomdwoe mu wɔ Makeda. Ɛno akyi, obiara suroo sɛ ɔbɛkasa atia Israel.
And al the oost turnede ayen hoole, and in hoole noumbre to Josue, in to Maceda, where the tentis weren thanne; and no man was hardi to grutche, `ether to make priuy noise, ayens the sones of Israel.
22 Afei, Yosua kae se, “Munyiyi abotan a ɛkata ɔbodan no ano no na momfa ahemfo baanum no mmrɛ me.”
And Josue comaundide, and seide, Opene ye the `mouth of the denne, and brynge forth to me the fyue kyngis that ben hid therynne.
23 Wokoyii ahemfo baanum no fii ɔbodan no mu bae: Yerusalemhene, Hebronhene, Yarmuthene, Lakishene ne Eglonhene.
And the mynystris diden, as it was comaundid to hem; and thei brouyten forth to Josue fyue kyngis fro the denne; the kyng of Jerusalem, the kyng of Ebron, the kyng of Herymoth, the kyng of Lachis, the kyng of Eglon.
24 Yosua ka kyerɛɛ nʼakofodɔm asahene no se, “Mommra mmetiatia ahemfo no kɔn so.” Na wɔyɛɛ sɛnea wɔkyerɛɛ wɔn no.
And whanne thei weren led out to Josue, he clepide alle the men of Israel, and seide to the princes of the oost, that weren with hym, Go ye, and sette youre feet on the neckis of these kyngis. And whanne thei hadden go, and trediden the neckis of `the kyngis suget `to her feet,
25 Yosua ka kyerɛɛ nʼasraafo no se, “Munnsuro na mommma mo aba mu mmu da. Monyɛ den na mo bo nyɛ duru, efisɛ Awurade rebɛyɛ eyi atia mo atamfo nyinaa.”
eft Josue seide to hem, Nyle ye drede, nethir `drede ye with ynne, be ye coumfortid, and be ye stronge; for the Lord schal do so to alle youre enemyes, ayens whiche ye schulen fiyte.
26 Yosua kunkum ahemfo baanum no mmaako mmaako de wɔn sensɛn nnua anum so kosii anwummere.
And Josue smoot, and killide hem, and hangide on fyue trees; and thei weren hangid `til to euentid.
27 Owia rekɔtɔ no, Yosua hyɛɛ sɛ wonyiyi ahemfo no amu no mfi nnua no so na wɔnkɔtow wɔn ngu ɔbodan a wɔkɔtetɛw mu no mu. Afei, wɔde abotan akɛse mmoano sii ɔbodan no ano a ɛda so wɔ hɔ besi nnɛ.
And whanne the sunne yede doun, he comaundide to felowis, that thei schulden put hem doun fro the iebatis; and whanne thei weren put doun, thei `castiden forth hem in to the denne, in which thei weren hid; and thei puttiden grete stoonus on the mouth therof, whiche stoonus dwellen `til to present tyme.
28 Da no ara, Yosua sɛee Makeda kuropɔn no pasaa, kum obiara a ɔwɔ mu ne ɛhɔ hene no. Onipa baako koraa anka wɔ kuropɔn no mu. Okum Makedahene te sɛnea okum Yerikohene no.
In the same dai Josue took also Maceda, and smoot bi the scharpnesse of swerd, and killide the kyng therof, and alle the dwelleris therof; he lefte not therynne, nameli, litle relikis; and he dide to the kyng of Maceda as he hadde do to the kyng of Jerico.
29 Afei, Yosua ne Israelfo no kɔɔ Libna kɔtow hyɛɛ wɔn so.
Forsothe Josue passide with al Israel fro Maceda in to Lempna, and fauyt ayens it,
30 Ɛhɔ nso, Awurade de kuropɔn no ne ɛhɔ hene no maa wɔn. Wokunkum obiara a ɔwɔ kuropɔn no mu a anka ɔteasefo baako po. Na Yosua kum Libnahene sɛnea okum Yerikohene no.
which the Lord bitook, with the kyng therof, in the hond of Israel; and thei smytiden the citee bi the scharpnesse of swerd, and alle the dwelleris therof, and leften not ony relikis therynne; and thei diden to the kyng of Lempna as thei hadden do to the kyng of Jerico.
31 Yosua ne Israelfo no fi Libna no, wɔkɔɔ Lakis kɔtow hyɛɛ wɔn so.
Fro Lempna he passide with al Israel in to Lachis; and whanne the oost was disposid bi cumpas, he fauyt ayens it.
32 Na ne nnaanu so no, Awurade de Lakis maa Israelfo. Ɛhɔ nso, wokunkum kuropɔn no mu nnipa nyinaa sɛnea wɔyɛɛ Libna no.
And the Lord bitook Lachis in the hond of the sones of Israel; and he took it in the tothir dai, and smoot bi the scharpnesse of swerd, and ech man, that was therynne, as he hadde do to Lempna.
33 Wɔto hyɛɛ Lakis so no, Geserhene Horam de nʼakofo bae sɛ wɔrebɛboa abɔ kuropɔn no ho ban. Nanso Yosua mmarima no kum no sɛee nʼakofo no nyinaa.
In that time Yram, kyng of Gazar, stiede to helpe Lachis; whom Josue smoot, with al his puple, til to deeth.
34 Ɛnna Yosua ne ne Israel nsraadɔm no kɔɔ Eglon kɔtow hyɛɛ so.
And he passide fro Lachis in to Eglon,
35 Wɔde da koro faa kurow no dommum na ɛhɔ nso, wokum obiara wɔ kuropɔn no mu sɛnea wɔyɛɛ Lakis.
and cumpasside, and ouercam it in the same dai; and he smoot bi the scharpnesse of swerd alle men that weren therynne, bi alle thingis whiche he hadde do to Lachis.
36 Wofi Eglon no, wɔkɔtow hyɛɛ Hebron so,
Also he stiede with al Israel fro Eglon in to Ebron, and fauyt ayens it,
37 faa hɔ ne nkurow a atwa ho ahyia no nyinaa nnommum. Na sɛnea wɔyɛɛ Eglon no, wokunkum ɛhɔ nnipa nyinaa. Onipa baako koraa anka.
and took, and smoot bi the scharpnesse of swerd; and the kyng therof, and alle citees of that cuntrey, and alle men that dwelliden therynne; he lefte not ony relikis therynne; as he hadde do to Eglon so he dide also to Ebron, and wastide bi swerd alle thingis that weren therynne.
38 Afei, wɔsan wɔn akyi kɔtow hyɛɛ Debir so.
Fro thennus he turnyde in to Dabir, and took it, and wastide;
39 Wɔfaa kuropɔn no, wɔn hene ne nkuraa a atwa ho ahyia no nyinaa nnommum. Na wokum obiara a ɔwɔ mu a anka ɔbaako mpo. Wɔsɛee Debir pasaa sɛnea wɔsɛee Libna ne Hebron no.
and he smoot bi the scharpnesse of swerd the kyng therof, and alle tounnes `bi cumpas; he lefte not ony relikis therynne; as he hadde do to Ebron, and to Lempna, and to `the kyngis of tho, so he dide to Dabir, and to the kyng therof.
40 Na Yosua dii ɔmantam no nyinaa so. Odii ahemfo no, nnipa a wɔte mmepɔw man no so, Negeb, atɔe fam nkoko ne wɔn a wɔte mmepɔw nsian so no nyinaa so. Ɔsɛee wɔn nyinaa pasaa a anka ɔteasefo baako mpo sɛnea Awurade, Israel Nyankopɔn, hyɛe no.
And so Josue smoot al the `lond of the hillis, and of the south, and `of the feeld, and Asedoch with her kyngis; he lefte not therynne ony relikis, but he killide al thing that myyte brethe, as the Lord God of Israel comaundide to hym;
41 Yosua kunkum wɔn fi Kades-Barnea kosii Gasa, de fii Gosen koduu Gibeon.
fro Cades Barne `til to Gazan, and al the lond of Jesson, `til to Gabaon Josue took,
42 Akodi baako mu no, Yosua dii ahemfo yi nyinaa so faa wɔn nsase, efisɛ na Awurade, Israel Nyankopɔn, reko ama ne manfo.
and wastide with o fersnesse alle the kyngis, and `cuntreis of hem; for the Lord God of Israel fauyt for hym.
43 Afei, Yosua ne Israel nsraadɔm no san kɔɔ wɔn atenae wɔ Gilgal.
And he turnede ayen with al Israel to the place of tentis in Galgala.

< Yosua 10 >