< Hiob 1 >

1 Ɔbarima bi tenaa ase wɔ Us asase so a na ne din de Hiob. Na ne ho nni asɛm na ɔyɛ pɛ; na osuro Onyankopɔn, na ɔtwe ne ho fi bɔne ho.
There was a man in the land of Hus, whose name was Job, and that man was simple and upright, and fearing God, and avoiding evil.
2 Na ɔwɔ mmabarima baason ne mmabea baasa,
And there were born to him seven sons and three daughters.
3 na ɔwɔ nguan mpem ason, yoma mpem abiɛsa, anantwi mpamho ahannum ne mfurumbere ahannum, na ɔwɔ asomfo bebree. Na ɔyɛ onipa kɛse pa ara wɔ nnipa a wɔwɔ Apuei fam nyinaa no mu.
And his possession was seven thousand sheep, and three thousand camels, and five hundred yoke of oxen, and five hundred she asses, and a family exceeding great: and this man was great among all the people of the east.
4 Na ne mmabarima no to pon nnidiso nnidiso wɔ wɔn afi mu, na wɔto nsa frɛ wɔn nuabeanom baasa no ne wɔn bɔ mu didi, nom.
And his sons went, and made a feast by houses every one in his day. And sending they called their three sisters to eat and drink with them.
5 Sɛ aponto nna no twa mu a, Hiob soma kɔfrɛ wɔn na wodwira wɔn ho. Ɔsɔre anɔpahema bɔ ɔhyew afɔre ma wɔn mu biara, efisɛ na osusuw sɛ, “Ebia na me mma no ayɛ bɔne na wɔadome Onyankopɔn wɔ wɔn koma mu.” Eyi yɛ dwuma a na Hiob di no bere ano bere ano.
And when the days of their feasting were gone about, Job sent to them, and sanctified them: and rising up early offered holocausts for every one of them. For he said: Lest perhaps my sons have sinned, and have blessed God in their hearts. So did Job all days.
6 Da bi, abɔfo no de wɔn ho bɛkyerɛɛ Awurade, na Satan kaa wɔn ho bae.
Now on a certain day when the sons of God came to stand before the Lord, Satan also was present among them.
7 Awurade bisaa Satan se, “Wufi he na wobaa ha?” Satan buaa Awurade se, “Mifi asase so akyinkyinakyinkyin ne emu akɔneabadi mu.”
And the Lord said to him: Whence comest thou? And he answered and said: I have gone round about the earth, and walked through it.
8 Na Awurade bisaa Satan se, “Woadwene me somfo Hiob ho ana? Obiara nte sɛ ɔno wɔ asase so, ne ho nni asɛm na ɔteɛ, ɔyɛ onipa a osuro Onyankopɔn na okyi bɔne.”
And the Lord said to him: Hast thou considered my servant Job, that there is none like him in the earth, a simple and upright man, and fearing God, and avoiding evil?
9 Satan buaa Awurade se, “Hiob suro Onyankopɔn kwa ana?
And Satan answering, said: Doth Job fear God in vain?
10 Wunnyee ban mfaa ɔno, ne fie ne biribiara a ɔwɔ ho ana? Woahyira ne nsa ano adwuma so, enti ne nguan ne nʼanantwi ase atrɛw asase no so.
Hast not thou made a fence for him, and his house, and all his substance round about, blessed the works of his hands, and his possession hath increased on the earth?
11 Na wo de, teɛ wo nsa na sɛe nea ɔwɔ nyinaa, na obegyina wʼanim na wadome wo.”
But stretch forth thy hand a little, and touch all that he hath, and see if he blesseth thee not to thy face.
12 Awurade ka kyerɛɛ Satan se, “Eye, nea ɔwɔ nyinaa wɔ wo nsam, nanso ɔno ankasa de, mfa wo nsateaa nka no.” Na Satan fii Awurade anim kɔe.
Then the Lord said to Satan: Behold, all that he hath is in thy hand: only put not forth thy hand upon his person. And Satan went forth from the presence of the Lord.
13 Da bi a Hiob mmabarima ne ne mmabea redidi na wɔrenom bobesa wɔ wɔn nuabarima panyin fi no,
Now upon a certain day when his sons and daughters were eating and drinking wine in the house of their eldest brother,
14 ɔbɔfo bi baa Hiob hɔ bɛkae se, “Anantwi no refuntum na mfurum no redidi wɔ wɔn nkyɛn no,
There came a messenger to Job, and said: The oxen were ploughing, and the asses feeding beside them,
15 Sabiafo bɛtow hyɛɛ yɛn so, sesaw wɔn kɔe. Wɔde afoa kunkum apaafo no, na me nko ara na miguanee a merebɛbɔ wo saa amanneɛ yi.”
And the Sabeans rushed in, and took all away, and slew the servants with the sword, and I alone have escaped to tell thee.
16 Bere a ogu so rekasa no, ɔbɔfo foforo bi ba bɛkae se, “Onyankopɔn gya fi soro abɛhyew wo nguan ne wo nguanhwɛfo no nyinaa, na me nko ara na miguanee a merebɛbɔ wo amanneɛ yi.”
And while he was yet speaking, another came, and said: The fire of God fell from heaven, and striking the sheep and the servants, hath consumed them, and I alone have escaped to tell thee.
17 Ogu so rekasa no, ɔbɔfo foforo bi bɛkae se, “Kaldeafo de akorɔmfo akuw abiɛsa baa wo yoma so bɛsoaa wɔn kɔe. Wɔde afoa kunkum asomfo no na me nko ara na miguanee a merebɛbɔ wo amanneɛ yi.”
And while he also was yet speaking, there came another, and said: The Chaldeans made three troops, and have fallen upon the camels, and taken them, moreover they have slain the servants with the sword, and I alone have escaped to tell thee.
18 Bere a ogu so rekasa no, ɔbɔfo foforo bi ba bɛkae se, “Na wo mmabarima ne wo mmabea redidi na wɔrenom bobesa wɔ wɔn nuabarima panyin fi,
He was yet speaking, and behold another came in, and said: Thy sons and daughters were eating and drinking wine in the house of their elder brother:
19 na prɛko pɛ, ahum bi bɔ fii sare no so bedwiraa ofi no ntwea anan no. Ofi no dwiriw guu wɔn so na akunkum wɔn, na me nko ara na miguanee a merebɛbɔ wo amanneɛ yi.”
A violent wind came on a sudden from the side of the desert, and shook the four corners of the house, and it fell upon thy children and they are dead, and I alone have escaped to fell thee.
20 Eyi maa Hiob sɔre gyinaa hɔ, sunsuan nʼatade mu na oyii ne tinwi. Afei ɔtenaa fam sɔree Awurade
Then Job rose up, and rent his garments, and having shaven his head fell down upon the ground and worshipped,
21 kae se, “Adagyaw na mede fi me na yam bae, na adagyaw na mede bɛsan akɔ. Awurade de mae, na Awurade afa; nhyira nka Awurade din!”
And said: Naked came I out of my mother’s womb, and naked shall I return thither: the Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away: as it hath pleased the Lord so is it done: blessed be the name of the Lord.
22 Eyi nyinaa mu no, Hiob anyɛ bɔne sɛ ɔbɛbɔ Onyankopɔn sobo.
In all these things Job sinned not by his lips, nor spoke he any foolish thing against God.

< Hiob 1 >