< Hiob 40 >

1 Afei Awurade buaa Hiob se,
And the Lord addide, and spak to Joob,
2 “Nea ɔne Otumfo no wɔ asɛm no bɛteɛ ne so ana? Ma nea ɔbɔ Onyankopɔn kwaadu no mmua no ɛ!”
Whether he, that stryueth with God, schal haue rest so liytli? Sotheli he, that repreueth God, owith for to answere to hym.
3 Na Hiob buaa Awurade se,
Forsothe Joob answeride to the Lord,
4 “Mensɛ na memfata, ɛbɛyɛ dɛn na matumi anya mmuae? Mede me nsa mua mʼano.
and seide, What may Y answere, which haue spoke liytli? Y schal putte myn hond on my mouth.
5 Makasa baako, nanso minni mmuae mprenu so, na merenkasa bio.”
Y spak o thing, which thing Y wold, that Y hadde not seid; and Y spak anothir thing, to which Y schal no more adde.
6 Afei, Awurade fi ahum mu buaa Hiob se,
Forsothe the Lord answeride to Joob fro the whirlewynd,
7 “Hyɛ wo ho den sɛ ɔbarima; mebisa wo nsɛm, na ɛsɛ sɛ wubua me.
and seide, Girde thou as a man thi leendis, and Y schal axe thee, and schewe thou to me.
8 “Wobɛka mʼatemmu ho asɛm bɔne ana? Wubebu me fɔ de abu wo ho bem ana?
Whether thou schalt make voide my doom, and schalt condempne me, that thou be maad iust?
9 Wowɔ abasa te sɛ Onyankopɔn de, na wo nne betumi abobɔ mu sɛ ne de ana?
And if thou hast an arm, as God hath, and if thou thundrist with lijk vois, `take thou fairnesse aboute thee,
10 Ɛno de fa anuonyam ne ɔhyerɛn hyehyɛ wo ho, na fura nidi ne kɛseyɛ.
and be thou reisid an hiy, and be thou gloriouse, and be thou clothid `in faire clothis.
11 Hwie wʼabufuwhyew mmoroso no gu, hwɛ ɔhantanni biara na brɛ no ase,
Distrie thou proude men in thi woodnesse, and biholde thou, and make lowe ech bostere.
12 hwɛ ɔhantanni biara na si no fam na tiatia amumɔyɛfo so wɔ faako a wogyina hɔ.
Biholde thou alle proude men, and schende thou hem; and al to-breke thou wickid men in her place.
13 Sie wɔn nyinaa bɔ mu wɔ mfutuma mu; kata wɔn anim wɔ ɔda mu.
Hide thou hem in dust togidere, and drenche doun her faces in to a diche.
14 Na afei mʼankasa megye ato mu sɛ wo ara wo basa nifa betumi agye wo nkwa.
And Y schal knowleche, that thi riyt hond may saue thee.
15 “Hwɛ susono, nea meyɛɛ no kaa wo ho na ɔwe sare te sɛ nantwi.
Lo! behemot, whom Y made with thee, schal as an oxe ete hey.
16 Hwɛ ahoɔden a ɔwɔ wɔ nʼasen mu ne ahoɔden a ɛwɔ ne yafunu so were mu!
His strengthe is in hise leendis, and his vertu is in the nawle of his wombe.
17 Ne dua hinhim sɛ sida; ne srɛ mu ntin yɛ peperee.
He streyneth his tail as a cedre; the senewis of his `stones of gendrure ben foldid togidere.
18 Ne nnompe te sɛ kɔbere mfrafrae dorobɛn, nʼabasa ne ne nʼanan te sɛ nnade praban.
Hise boonys ben as the pipis of bras; the gristil of hym is as platis of yrun.
19 Odi Onyankopɔn nsa ano adwuma mu kan, nanso ne Yɛfo betumi de nʼafoa akɔ ne so.
He is the bigynnyng of the weies of God; he, that made hym, schal sette his swerd to hym.
20 Nkoko fifi wɔn nnɔbae ma no, na wuram mmoa nyinaa goru bɛn hɔ.
Hillis beren eerbis to this behemot; alle the beestis of the feeld pleien there.
21 Nsɔensɔe nnua ase na ɔda, na dontori mu demmire akata no so.
He slepith vndur schadewe, in the pryuete of rehed, in moiste places.
22 Nsɔensɔe nwini no kata ne so; na nsunoa nnua twa ne ho hyia.
Schadewis hilen his schadewe; the salewis of the ryuer cumpassen hym.
23 Nsu nworoso nhaw no; mpo sɛ Yordan bobɔ ba nʼano a, onni ɔhaw.
He schal soupe vp the flood, and he schal not wondre; he hath trist, that Jordan schal flowe in to his mouth.
24 Obi betumi akyere no animono; anaa obi betumi de afiri ayi no na wabɔre ne hwene mu ana?
He schal take hem bi `the iyen of hym, as bi an hook; and bi scharpe schaftis he schal perse hise nosethirlis.

< Hiob 40 >