< Yesaia 41 >

1 “Monyɛ komm wɔ mʼanim, mo nsupɔw! Ma aman no nhyɛ wɔn ho den! Ma wɔmmra ha mmɛkasa; momma yɛmmɔ mu nhyia wɔ asennii hɔ.
Keep silence, and hear me, ye distant lands. Ye nations, gather your strength! Let them come near; then let them speak; Let us go together into judgment.
2 “Hena na wakanyan nea ofi apuei no, afrɛ no trenee mu sɛ ɔmmɛsom no? Ɔde aman hyɛ ne nsa na ɔbrɛ ahemfo ase wɔ nʼanim. Ɔde nʼafoa ma wɔdan mfutuma, ɔde ne bɛmma ma wɔdan ntɛtɛ a mframa bɔ hwete.
Who hath raised up from the region of the East Him whom victory meeteth in his march? Who hath subdued nations before him, And given him dominion over kings? Who made their swords like dust, And their bows like driven stubble?
3 Ɔtaa wɔn na ɔkɔ nʼanim a biribiara nti ne ho, wɔ kwan a ɔmfaa so da no so.
He pursued them, and passed in safety, By a path which his foot had never trodden.
4 Hena na wayɛ eyi akosi awiei, afrɛ awo ntoatoaso afi mfiase? Me Awurade, meka adikanfo ne akyikafo ho, Mene ɔno ara.”
Who hath wrought and done it? I, who have called the generations from the beginning, I, Jehovah, the first; And with the last also am I.
5 Nsupɔw no ahu na wɔbɔ hu; nsase ano ho popo. Wotwiw bɛn, na wɔba anim;
Distant nations saw it, and were afraid; The ends of the earth, and trembled; They drew near, and came together.
6 na obiara boa ne yɔnko na ɔka kyerɛ ne nua se, “Yɛ den!”
One helped another, And said to him, “Be of good courage!”
7 Odwumfo hyɛ sikadwumfo nkuran, na nea ɔde asae yɛ no trontrom boa nea ɔbɔ atommo so. Ɔka fa nea ɔsɔw no ho se, “Eye pa ara.” Ɔbobɔ ohoni no mu nnadewa sɛnea ɛrentu nhwe fam.
The carpenter encouraged the smith, He that smoothed with the hammer him that smote on the anvil, And said, “The soldering is good,” And he fastened it with nails that it might not fall.
8 “Nanso wo, Israel, me somfo, Yakob, nea mayi no no, mo, mʼadamfo Abraham asefo.
But thou, O Israel, my servant, Thou, Jacob, whom I have chosen, Offspring of Abraham, my friend!
9 Mefaa wo fii nsase ano, fii nʼakyirikyiri ntwea so, na mefrɛɛ wo. Mekae se, ‘Woyɛ me somfo’; mapaw wo na mempoo wo ɛ.
Thou, whom I have led by the hand from the ends of the earth, And called from the extremities thereof, And said to thee, “Thou art my servant, I have chosen thee, and not cast thee away!”
10 Enti nsuro, na mene wo wɔ hɔ; mma wo werɛ nhow, na mene wo Nyankopɔn. Mɛhyɛ wo den, na mɛboa wo; mede me trenee nsa nifa bɛma wo so.
Fear not, for I am with thee; Faint not, for I, thy God, will strengthen thee; I will help thee, and sustain thee, with my right hand of salvation!
11 “Wɔn a wɔn bo afuw wo no nyinaa, ampa ara wɔn ani bewu na wɔn anim agu ase; wɔn a wɔsɔre tia wo no rensɛ hwee na wobewuwu.
Behold, all who are enraged against thee Shall be ashamed and confounded; All that contend with thee Shall come to nothing and perish.
12 Ɛwɔ mu sɛ wobɛhwehwɛ wʼatamfo de, nanso worenhu wɔn. Wɔn a wotu wo so sa no rensɛ hwee koraa.
Thou shalt seek and not find Them that contend with thee; They shall come to nothing, and be no more, Who make war against thee.
13 Na mene Awurade, wo Nyankopɔn, nea okura wo nsa nifa mu na ɔka kyerɛ wo se, Nsuro; mɛboa wo.
For I, Jehovah, am thy God, that holdeth thee by the right hand, That saith to thee, “Fear not, I am thy helper!”
14 Nsuro, osunson Yakob, Israel a wusua, na me ankasa mɛboa wo,” Awurade na ose, wo gyefo, Israel Ɔkronkronni no.
Fear not, thou worm Jacob, thou feeble people of Israel! I am thy helper, saith Jehovah; Thy redeemer is the Holy One of Israel.
15 “Hwɛ, mede wo bɛyɛ nhuwso apa, a ɛyɛ amono, ano yɛ nnam na ɛwɔ ɛse bebree. Wubehuhuw mmepɔw no so na woadwiriw wɔn, na woama nkoko ayɛ sɛ ntɛtɛ.
Behold, I will make thee a thrashing-wain, sharp and new, With double edges; Thou shalt thrash the mountains, and beat them small, And make the hills as chaff.
16 Wubehuhuw wɔn so, mframa bɛma wɔn so, na ahum abɔ wɔn akɔ. Nanso wʼani begye wɔ Awurade mu na woahyɛ Israel Ɔkronkronni no anuonyam.
Thou shalt winnow them, and the wind shall carry them away, And the whirlwind shall scatter them. But thou shalt rejoice in Jehovah, And glory in the Holy One of Israel.
17 “Ohiani ne mmɔborɔni kyin pɛ nsu, nanso bi nni hɔ; osukɔm ama wɔn tɛkrɛma so ayow. Nanso me Awurade, mɛma wɔn mmuae. Me, Israel Nyankopɔn, merennyaw wɔn.
When the poor and needy seek water, and there is none, And their tongue is parched with thirst, I, Jehovah, will hear them; I, the God of Israel, will not forsake them.
18 Mɛma nsubɔnten ateɛ wɔ sorɔnsorɔmmea a awu no so, na nsuti apue wɔ abon mu. Mɛdan nweatam ayɛ no mmura, na nsase a awo adan nsuti bebree.
I will open rivers upon the bare hills, And fountains in the midst of the valleys; I will make the wilderness a pool of water, And the dry land springs of water.
19 Meduadua wɔ nweatam so, sida, ɔkanto, ohuam ne ngonnua. Meduadua ɔpepaw wɔ asase wosee so asɛsɛ ne kwabɔhɔre abɔ mu,
I will plant in the wilderness the cedar and the acacia, The myrtle and the olive-tree; I will place in the desert the cypress, The plane-tree and the larch together.
20 sɛnea nnipa behu na wɔate, na wɔasusuw ho na wɔate ase sɛ, Awurade nsa na ayɛ saa ade yi, Israel ɔkronkronni no na ɔma ɛbae.
That they may see, and know, And consider, and understand together, That the hand of Jehovah hath done this, And that the Holy One of Israel hath created it.
21 “Bɔ wo nkuro,” Awurade na ose. “Kyerɛkyerɛ wʼasɛm mu,” Yakob Hene na ose.
Bring forward your cause, saith Jehovah; Produce your strong reasons, saith the king of Jacob.
22 “Fa wʼahoni no bra na wɔmmɛka nea ebesi nkyerɛ yɛn. Wɔmmɛka sɛnea na kan nneɛma no te nkyerɛ yɛn, sɛnea yebedwen ho afa na yɛahu nea ebefi mu aba. Anaasɛ wɔmpae mu nka nneɛma a ebesi nkyerɛ yɛn.
Let them produce them, and show us what shall happen! Tell us what ye have predicted in times past, That we may consider, and know its fulfilment! Or declare to us things that are to come!
23 Monka yɛn nea ebesi daakye, na ama yɛahu sɛ moyɛ anyame. Monyɛ biribi, sɛ eye anaa enye, sɛnea ɛbɛyɛ a yɛn werɛ bɛhow na ehu aka yɛn.
Let us hear what shall happen in future times, That we may know whether ye are gods; Do something, be it good or evil, That we may be astonished, and see it together!
24 Nanso, monnka hwee, na mo nnwuma so nni mfaso; nea ɔfa mo no yɛ akyiwade.
Behold, ye are less than nothing, And your work is less than naught; An abomination is he that chooseth you!
25 “Makanyan obi a ofi atifi fam na ɔreba, nea ofi owia apuei na ɔbɔ me din. Otiatia ahemfo so te sɛ dɔte a wɔde si dan, te sɛ ɔnwemfo a ɔrewɔw dɔte.
I have raised up one from the north, and he cometh; From the rising of the sun he calleth upon my name; He trampleth upon princes as upon mortar; As the potter treadeth down the clay.
26 Hena na ɔkaa eyi ho asɛm fii mfiase, sɛnea anka ɛbɛma yɛahu, anaa waka ato hɔ, sɛnea yebetumi aka se, ‘Ne de no ye’? Obiara anka eyi, obiara anni kan anka, obiara ante nsɛm biara amfi wo nkyɛn.
Who hath declared this from the beginning, that we might know it, And long ago, that we might say, It is true? There was not one that foretold it, not one that declared it, Not one that heard your words.
27 Me na midii kan ka kyerɛɛ Sion, ‘Hwɛ, woni!’ Memaa Yerusalem ɔsomafo a ɔde asɛmpa ba.
I first said to Zion, Behold! behold them! And I gave to Jerusalem a messenger of glad tidings.
28 Mehwɛ, nanso obiara nni hɔ, obiara nni wɔn mu a obetu wɔn fo, sɛ mibisa wɔn a, obiara ntumi mma mmuae.
I looked, but there was no man; Even among them, but there was none that gave counsel; I inquired of them that they might give an answer;
29 Hwɛ, wɔn nyinaa yɛ atorofo! Wɔn nneyɛe nka hwee; wɔn nsɛsode yɛ mframa ne basabasayɛ nko ara.
But behold, they are all vanity; Their works are nothing; Wind and emptiness are their molten images.

< Yesaia 41 >