< Yesaia 35 >

1 Nweatam ne asase a awo no ani begye; sare bedi ahurusi na ayɛ frɔmfrɔm. Te sɛ nhwiren no,
The desert and the wildernes shall reioyce: and the waste ground shalbe glad and florish as the rose.
2 ɛbɛpae ayɛ fɛfɛɛfɛ ebedi ahurusi na ɛde anigye ateɛ mu, wɔde Lebanon anuonyam bɛma no Karmel ne Saron ahoɔfɛ; wobehu Awurade anuonyam, yɛn Nyankopɔn tumi no.
It shall florish abundantly and shall greatly reioyce also and ioye: the glory of Lebanon shalbe giuen vnto it: the beautie of Carmel, and of Sharon, they shall see the glory of the Lord, and the excellencie of our God.
3 Hyɛ nsa a emu agow no mu den, hyɛ nkotodwe a ahodwow no mu den;
Strengthen the weake handes, and comfort the feeble knees.
4 Ka kyerɛ wɔn a wɔn koma atu no se, “Monhyɛ mo ho den, na munnsuro; mo Nyankopɔn bɛba, ɔde aweretɔ bɛba; ananmuhyɛ a efi ɔsoro bɛba abegye mo nkwa.”
Say vnto them that are fearefull, Bee you strong, feare not: beholde, your God commeth with vengeance: euen God with a recompense, he will come and saue you.
5 Ɛno na wobebue anifuraefo ani, na wɔama asotifo aso ate asɛm.
Then shall the eyes of the blinde be lightened, and the eares of the deafe be opened.
6 Ɛno na mpakye behuruw te sɛ ɔforote, na mum tɛkrɛma de anigye ateɛ mu. Nsu betue wɔ sare so, na nsuwansuwa apue wɔ nweatam so.
Then shall ye lame man leape as an hart, and the dumme mans tongue shall sing: for in the wildernes shall waters breake out, and riuers in ye desert.
7 Nwea a so yɛ hyew no bɛdan ɔtare, na nsuwansuwa atue wɔ asase wosee so. Atu a anka sakraman te mu no, ɛhɔ na sare ne demmire ne paparɔso befifi.
And the dry ground shalbe as a poole, and the thirstie (as springs of water in the habitation of dragons: where they lay) shall be a place for reedes and rushes.
8 Na ɔtempɔn bɛda hɔ; wɔbɛfrɛ no Ahotefo Kwan. Wɔn a wɔn ho ntew rentu kwan wɔ so; ɛbɛda hɔ ama wɔn a wɔnantew saa Kwan no so; amumɔyɛfo nkwaseafo rennantenantew so.
And there shalbe a path and a way, and the way shalbe called holy: the polluted shall not passe by it: for he shalbe with them, and walke in the way, and the fooles shall not erre.
9 Gyata biara rentena hɔ, na akekaboa biara rensi so; wɔrenhu wɔn wɔ hɔ. Na wɔn a wɔagye wɔn nko ara na wɔbɛfa so,
There shall be no lyon, nor noysome beastes shall ascend by it, neither shall they be found there, that the redeemed may walke.
10 na wɔn a Awurade agye wɔn no bɛsan aba. Wɔde nnwonto bɛhyɛn Sion; anigye a ɛnsa da bɛyɛ wɔn ahenkyɛw. Wobenya anigye ne ahosɛpɛw mmoroso, na awerɛhow ne apinisi beguan akɔ.
Therefore the redeemed of the Lord shall returne and come to Zion with prayse: and euerlasting ioy shall bee vpon their heads: they shall obteine ioye and gladnesse, and sorow and mourning shall flee away.

< Yesaia 35 >