< Hagai 2 >

1 Da a ɛto so aduonu baako wɔ ɔsram a ɛto so ason no, Awurade de asɛm faa Odiyifo Hagai so se:
In the seuenthe monethe, in the oon and twentith dai of the monethe, the word of the Lord was maad in the hond of Aggei, the profete, and seide,
2 “Ka eyi kyerɛ Sealtiel babarima Serubabel a ɔyɛ Yuda amrado ne Ɔsɔfopanyin Yehosadak babarima Yosua ne Onyankopɔn nkurɔfo nkae a wɔwɔ asase no so hɔ no. Bisa wɔn se,
Speke thou to Sorobabel, the sone of Salatiel, the duyk of Juda, and to Jhesu, the gret preest, the sone of Josedech, and to othere of the puple, and seie thou,
3 ‘Mo a moaka yi mu hena na ohuu saa ofi yi anuonyam sɛnea na ɛte kan no? Muhu no dɛn nnɛ? Ɛnyɛ mo sɛ ɛnsɛ hwee mprempren ana?
Who in you is left, that sai this hous in his firste glorie? and what seen ye this now? whether it is not thus, as if it be not bifore youre iyen?
4 Enti Serubabel, nya akokoduru mprempren.’ Saa na Awurade se, ‘Ɔsɔfopanyin Yehosadak babarima Yosua, nya akokoduru. Mo nnipa a mowɔ asase no so mprempren no, munnya akokoduru. Awurade na ose. Munnya akokoduru na monyɛ adwuma, efisɛ, meka mo ho.’ Saa na Asafo Awurade ka.
And now, Sorobabel, be thou coumfortid, seith the Lord, and Jhesu, greet preest, sone of Josedech, be thou coumfortid, and al the puple of the lond, be thou coumfortid, seith the Lord of oostis; and do ye, for Y am with you, seith the Lord of oostis.
5 ‘Eyi ne apam a me ne mo yɛe bere a mufii Misraim. Me Honhom ka mo ho. Ɛno nti munnsuro.’
The word that Y couenauntide with you, whanne ye wenten out of the lond of Egipt, and my Spirit schal be in the myddil of you.
6 “Eyi ne asɛm a Asafo Awurade ka. ‘Ɛrenkyɛ biara, mɛwosow ɔsoro ne asase bio. Mɛwosow po tamaa ne asase kesee nso.
Nyle ye drede, for the Lord of oostis seith these thingis, Yit o litil thing is, and Y schal moue heuene, and erthe, and see, and drie lond;
7 Mɛwosow aman nyinaa, na aman nyinaa anidaso bɛba, na mede anuonyam bɛhyɛ saa ofi yi ma.’ Saa na Asafo Awurade se.
and Y schal moue alle folkis, and the desirid to alle folkis schal come; and Y schal fille this hous with glorie, seith the Lord of oostis.
8 ‘Dwetɛ no yɛ me de. Na sikakɔkɔɔ yɛ me de.’ Sɛɛ na Asafo Awurade se.
Myn is siluer, and myn is gold, seith the Lord of oostes.
9 ‘Saa ofi yi anuonyam bɛkorɔn asen nʼanuonyam a atwa mu no.’ Saa na Asafo Awurade ka. ‘Na mɛma asomdwoe aba ha.’ Me, Asafo Awurade na makasa.”
The glorie of this laste hous schal be greet, more than the firste, seith the Lord of oostis. And in this place Y schal yyue pees, seith the Lord of oostis.
10 Ɔhene Dario adedi mfe abien mu, ɔsram a ɛto so akron no da a ɛto so aduonu anan, Awurade kaa saa asɛm yi kyerɛɛ Odiyifo Hagai.
In the foure and twentithe dai of the nynthe monethe, in the secounde yeer of kyng Daryus, the word of the Lord was maad to Aggei, the profete, and seide, The Lord God of oostis seith these thingis,
11 “Asɛm a Asafo Awurade ka ni: ‘Mummisa asɔfo no nea mmara no ka.
Axe thou preestis the lawe, and seie thou,
12 Sɛ nam kronkron bi hyɛ obi atade mmuano mu, na sɛ ho kɔka brodo anaa abɔmu, nsa anaa ngo anaa aduan foforo bi a, ɛno nso bɛyɛ kronkron ana?’” Asɔfo no buae se: “Dabi.”
If a man takith halewyd fleisch in the hem of his clothing, and touchith of the hiynesse therof breed, ether potage, ether wyn, ether oile, ether ony mete, whether it schal be halewid? Sotheli preestis answeriden, and seiden, Nai.
13 Na Hagai bisae se, “Na sɛ obi nso de ne ho ka funu de gu ne ho fi, na ɔde ne ho twitwiw nneɛma a wɔabobɔ din yi bi ho a na wɔagu ho fi ana?” Na asɔfo no buae se, “Yiw.”
And Aggei seide, If a man defoulid in soule touchith of alle these thingis, whether it schal be defoulid? And prestis answeriden, and seiden, It schal be defoulid.
14 Afei, Hagai kae se, “‘Saa ara na nnipa no ne saa ɔman yi te.’ Saa na Awurade se. ‘Biribiara a wɔyɛ ne biribiara a wɔde ba no ho agu fi.
And Aggei answeride, and seide, So is this puple, and so is this folc bifor my face, seith the Lord, and so is al werk of her hondis; and alle thingis whiche thei offren there, schulen be defoulid.
15 “‘Enti efi nnɛ, munnwen saa ade yi ho yiye. Monkae sɛnea na nneɛma te, ansa na moreto Awurade asɔredan no fapem no.
And nowe putte ye youre hertis, fro this dai and aboue, bifor that a stoon on a stoon was put in temple of the Lord,
16 Bere a modwene sɛ mubenya nnɔbae susukoraa aduonu no, munyaa du pɛ. Bere a mode mo ani buu sɛ mubenya galɔn aduonum afi nsakyibea no, munyaa aduonu pɛ.
whanne ye wenten to an heep of twenti buischels, and there weren maad ten; ye entriden to the pressour, that ye schulden presse out fifti galouns, and there weren maad twenti.
17 Memaa ɔyare a ɛsɛe nnɔbae, ɛbɔ ne mparuwbo bɛsɛee mo nsa ano nnwuma nyinaa. Nanso moampɛ sɛ mobɛsan aba me nkyɛn. Saa na Awurade se.
Y smoot you with brennynge wynd; and with myldew, and hail, alle the werkis of youre hondis; and ther was noon in you that turnede ayen to me, seith the Lord.
18 Efi ɔsram a ɛto so akron, da a ɛto so aduonu anan no, munnwen da a wɔtoo Awurade asɔredan fapem no ho yiye.
Putte ye youre hertis fro this dai, and in to comynge, fro the foure and twentithe dai of the nynthe monethe, fro the dai in whiche foundementis of the temple of the Lord ben castun, putte ye on youre herte.
19 Aba bi aka asan no so ana? Ebesi nnɛ, bobe, borɔdɔma, atoaa ne ngodua asow wɔn aba ana? “‘Efi saa da yi rekɔ no, mehyira mo.’”
Whether now seed is in buriownyng? and yit vineyerd, and fige tre, and pomgarnade, and the tre of olyue flouride not.
20 Awurade asɛm baa Hagai nkyɛn ne mprenu so wɔ ɔsram no da a ɛto so aduonu anan:
Fro this dai Y schal blesse. And the word of the Lord was maad the secounde tyme to Aggei, in the foure and twentithe dai of the monethe,
21 “Ka kyerɛ Serubabel a ɔyɛ Yuda amrado no se, merebɛwosow ɔsoro ne asase.
and seide, Spek thou to Sorobabel, duik of Juda, and seie thou, Y shal moue heuene and erthe togidere, and Y schal distrie the seet of rewmes,
22 Mebutuw ahengua, na masɛe ananafo aheman no tumi. Mɛdan wɔn nteaseɛnam ne wɔn a wɔka no abutuw. Apɔnkɔ akafo no mfoa bɛbobɔ wɔn ho wɔn ho ama wɔatotɔ.
and Y schal al to-breke the strengthe of rewme of hethene men, and schal distrie a foure horsid carte, and the stiere therof; and horsis schulen go doun, and stieris of hem, a man bi swerd of his brother.
23 “‘Da no’ Asafo Awurade na ɔka, ‘Mɛfa wo, Sealtiel babarima, me somfo Serubabel, mɛfa wo sɛ nsɔwano kaa, efisɛ mayi wo.’ Me Asafo Awurade, na makasa.”
In that dai, seith the Lord of oostis, thou Sorobabel, sone of Salatiel, my seruaunt, Y schal take thee, seith the Lord; and Y schal putte thee as a signet, for Y chees thee, seith the Lord of oostis.

< Hagai 2 >