< 1 Mose 8 >

1 Nanso Onyankopɔn kaee Noa ne wuram mmoa a na wɔne no wɔ Adaka no mu no, na ɔmaa mframa bɔ faa asase so, na nsu no twee.
And god remebred Noe and all ye beastes and all ye catell yt were with hi in ye arke And god made a wynde to blow vppo ye erth and ye waters ceased:
2 Asuti a ɛwowɔ asase ase no mu nsu a ɛbobɔe no gyaee ba, na ɔsoro mfɛnsere no nso mu toto maa osu no gyaee tɔ.
ad ye fountaynes of the depe ad the wyndowes of heave were stopte and the rayne of heaven was forbidde
3 Nsu no toaa so twe fii asase so. Nnafua ɔha ne aduonum akyi no, na nsu no atwe koraa.
and the waters returned from of ye erth ad abated after the ende of an hundred and. l. dayes.
4 Ɔsram a ɛto so ason no da a ɛto so dunson so, Adaka no kɔtaa Ararat mmepɔw so.
And the arke rested vppo the mountayns of Ararat the. xvij. daye of the. vij. moneth.
5 Nsu no toaa so, twee ara kosii ɔsram a ɛto so du no so. Na ɔsram no da a edi kan no, mmepɔw no atifi daa adi.
And the waters went away ad decreased vntyll the x. moneth. And the fyrst daye of the tenth moneth the toppes of the mounteyns appered.
6 Adaduanan akyi no, Noa buee mfɛnsere a otwa too Adaka no ho no,
And after the ende of. xl. dayes. Noe opened the wyndow of the arke which he had made
7 na ɔsomaa kwaakwaadabi ma odii akɔneaba kosii sɛ nsu no nyinaa yow fii asase no so.
ad sent forth a raven which went out ever goinge and cominge agayne vntyll the waters were dreyed vpp vppon the erth
8 Afei, ɔsomaa aborɔnoma sɛ ɔnkɔhwɛ sɛ asase no so awo ana.
Then sent he forth a doue from hym to wete whether the waters were fallen from of the erth.
9 Nanso aborɔnoma no annya baabi ansi, efisɛ na nsu no akata asase no so nyinaa. Enti ɔsan baa Noa nkyɛn ma Noa teɛɛ ne nsa soo ne mu de no baa Adaka no mu.
And when the doue coude fynde no restinge place for hyr fote she returned to him agayne vnto the arke for the waters were vppon the face of all the erth. And he put out hys honde and toke her and pulled hyr to hym in to the arke
10 Noa twɛn nnanson, na ɛno akyi no, ɔsan somaa aborɔnoma no bio.
And he abode yet. vij. dayes mo and sent out the doue agayne out of the arke
11 Bere a aborɔnoma no san baa ne nkyɛn anwummere no, na ngodua ahabammono a watew tua nʼano. Ɛno na ɛmaa Noa huu sɛ nsu no atwe afi asase no so.
And the doue came to hym agayne aboute eventyde and beholde: There was in hyr mouth a lefe of an olyve tre which she had plucked wherby Noe perceaved that the waters wer abated vppon the erth.
12 Noa twɛn nnanson bio, na ɔsan somaa aborɔnoma no, nanso wansan amma ne nkyɛn bio.
And he taried yet. vij. other dayes and sent forth the doue which from thence forth came no more agayne to him.
13 Na ɛbaa sɛ Noa dii mfe ahansia ne baako, ɔsram a edi kan no mu da a edi kan no, na nsu no atwe afi asase no so. Enti Noa yii Adaka no suhyɛ no, na ohuu sɛ asase so awo.
And it came to passe the syxte hundred and one yere and the fyrst daye of the fyrst moneth that the waters were dryed vpp apon the erth. And Noe toke off the hatches of the arke and loked: And beholde the face of the erth was drye.
14 Ɔsram a ɛto so abien no da a ɛto so aduonu ason so no na asase no so woo koraa.
so by the. xxvij. daye of the seconde moneth the erth was drye.
15 Onyankopɔn ka kyerɛɛ Noa se,
And God spake vnto Noe saynge:
16 “Wo ne wo yere ne wo mmabarima ne wɔn yerenom mfi Adaka no mu mpue.
come out of the arcke both thou and thy wyfe ad thy sonnes and thy sonnes wyues with the.
17 Yi abɔde biara a nkwa wɔ mu a wɔwɔ wo nkyɛn, a ɛyɛ nnomaa, mmoa ne mmoa a wɔnam asase so nyinaa fi Adaka no mu sɛnea ɛbɛyɛ a, wɔn ase bɛdɔ wɔ asase so.”
And all the beastes that are with the whatsoever flesh it be both foule and catell and all maner wormes that crepe on the erth brynge out with the and let them moue growe ad multiplye vppon the erth.
18 Enti Noa ne ne mmabarima ne ne yere ne ne mmabarima yerenom fii Adaka no mu.
And Noe came out ad his sonnes and his wyfe and his sonnes wyues with hym.
19 Mmoa no nyinaa ne abɔde a wɔnam asase so nyinaa ne nnomaa nyinaa ne biribiara a ɛnam asase so nyinaa fii Adaka no mu saa ara mmaako mmaako.
And all the beastes and all the wormes and all the foules and all that moved vppon the erth came also out of the arke all of one kynde together.
20 Na Noa sii afɔremuka maa Awurade. Ɔfaa mmoa ne nnomaa a wɔn ho tew, de bɔɔ ɔhyew afɔre wɔ afɔremuka no so.
And Noe made an aulter vnto the LORDE and toke of all maner of clene beastes and all maner of clene foules and offred sacrifyce vppon the aulter.
21 Awurade tee afɔre a Noa bɔe no huam no, ɔkaa wɔ ne koma mu se, “Ɛwɔ mu sɛ bɔne ahyɛ onipa koma ma fi ne mmofraase de, nanso merenni onipa akyi nnome asase bio. Na merensɛe abɔde a nkwa wɔ mu bio sɛnea mayɛ yi.
And the LORDE smellyd a swete savoure and sayd in his hert: I wyll henceforth no more curse the erth for mannes sake for the imagynacion of mannes hert is evell even from the very youth of hym. Morover I wyll not destroy from henceforth all that lyveth as I haue done.
22 “Mmere dodow a asase da so wɔ hɔ yi, ogu ne otwa, awɔw ne ahuhuru, asusow ne ɔpɛ, awia ne anadwo to rentwa da.”
Nether shall sowynge tyme and harvest colde and hete somere and wynter daye and nyghte ceasse as longe as the erth endureth.

< 1 Mose 8 >

A Dove is Sent Forth from the Ark
A Dove is Sent Forth from the Ark