< 1 Mose 25 >

1 Abraham waree ɔbea foforo bi a ne din de Ketura.
Abraha toke hi another wyfe cald Ketura
2 Abraham ne Ketura woo saa mma a wɔn din didi so yi: Simran, Yoksan, Medan, Midian, Yisbak ne Sua.
which bare hi Sunram Iacksam Medan Midia Iesback and Suah.
3 Yoksan woo Seba ne Dedan. Dedan asefo ne Asurfo, Letusfo ne Leumfo.
And Iacksan begat Seba and Deda. And the sonnes of sedan were Assurim Letusim and Leumim.
4 Midian woo Efa, Efer, Henok, Abida ne Eldaa. Eyinom nyinaa yɛ Ketura asefo.
And the sonnes of Midian were Epha Epher Hanoch Abida and Elda. All these were the childern of Bethura.
5 Abraham de nʼagyapade nyinaa maa Isak.
But Abraha gaue all that he had vnto Isaac.
6 Nanso bere a ɔte ase no, ɔmaa ne mpenamma akyɛde, na oyii wɔn fii ne babarima Isak nkyɛn ma wɔkɔɔ apuei fam asase bi so.
And vnto the sonnes of his concubines he haue giftes and sent them awaye from Isaac his sonne (while he yet lyved) east ward vnto the east contre.
7 Abraham nkwanna nyinaa kosii mfe ɔha aduɔson anum.
These are the dayes of the life of Abraha which he lyved: an hudred and. lxxv. yere
8 Abraham nyin bɔɔ akwakoraa posoposo ansa na ɔrewu akɔka ne mpanyimfo ho.
and than fell seke ad dyed in a lustie age (whe he had lyved ynough) ad was put vnto his people.
9 Ne mmabarima Isak ne Ismael siee no wɔ Makpela boda a ɛwɔ Efron no mu. Na ɛhɔ yɛ Hetini Sohar babarima no afuw a ɛwɔ Mamrɛ apuei fam.
And his sonnes Isaac ad Ismael buried hi in the duble caue in the feld of Ephro sone of Zoar the Hethite before Mamre.
10 Eyi ne asase a Abraham tɔ fii Hetifo nkyɛn no. Ɛhɔ na wosiee Abraham ne ne yere Sara.
Which felde abraha boughte of the sonnes of Heth: There was Abraha buried and Sara hys wife.
11 Abraham wu akyi no, Onyankopɔn hyiraa ne ba Isak a na saa bere no ɔte Beer-Lahai-Roi abura no ho no.
And after yt deeth of Abraha God blessed Isaac his sonne which dweld by the well of the lyvige and seige
12 Eyi ne Abraham babarima Ismael a Sara afenaa Hagar a ɔyɛ Misraimni no woo no maa Abraham no asefo ho asɛm.
These are the generatios of Ismael Abrahas sonne which Hagar the Egiptia Saras hand mayde bare vnto Abraham.
13 Wɔn a wodidi so yi yɛ Ismael mmabarima a wɔabobɔ wɔn din fi mpanyin mu no. Na Nebaiot yɛ Ismael abakan. Wɔn a wodidi so yi nso yɛ Kedar, Adbeel, Mibsam,
And these are the names of the sones of Ismaell with their names in their kireddes. The eldest sone of Ismael Neuatoth the Redar Adbeel Mibsa
14 Misma, Duma, Masa,
Misma Duma Masa
15 Hadad, Tema, Yetur, Nafis ne Kedema.
Hadar Thema Ietur Naphis and Redma.
16 Saa din a wɔabobɔ yi yɛ Ismael mmabarima no. Saa din yi na ɛdeda mmusuakuw dumien ne wɔn atenae so.
These are the sones of Ismael and these are their names in their townes and castels. xij. princes of natios.
17 Ismael dii mfirihyia ɔha aduasa ason ansa na ɔrewu. Owu ma wosiee no wɔ ne nkurɔfo mu.
And these are the yeres of the lyfe of Ismael: an hudred and. xxxvij yere and than he fell seke and dyed and was layde vnto his people.
18 Ismael asefo yi tenatenaa nsase a efi Hawila kosi Sur a ɛbɛn Misraim pɛɛ wɔ Asiria ntentenso. Daa na akokoakoko wɔ mmusuakuw yi ntam.
And he dweld from Euila vnto Sur yt is before Egypte as men go toward the Assirias. And he dyed in the presence of all his brethren.
19 Abraham babarima Isak ne nʼasefo ho asɛm ni. Abraham woo Isak.
And these are the generatios of Isaac Abrahas sonne: Abraha begat Isaac.
20 Isak dii mfirihyia aduanan no, ɔwaree Rebeka a ɔyɛ Aramni Betuel a ofi Paddan-Aram no babea. Rebeka yɛ Aramni Laban nuabea.
And Isaac was. xl. yere olde whe he toke Rebecca to wyfe the doughter of Bethuel the Sirian of Mesopotamia and sister to Iaban the Sirien.
21 Isak waree Rebeka mfe bebree a na wɔnwo. Enti Isak bɔɔ Awurade mpae, srɛɛ ɔba maa ne yere. Akyiri no, Awurade tiee ne mpaebɔ, maa ne yere Rebeka nyinsɛnee.
And Isaac made intercessio vnto ye LORde for his wife: because she was bare: and ye LORde was itreated of hi and Rebecca his wife coceaued:
22 Bere a Rebeka nyinsɛnee no, ɛtɔ da a, na mmofra no di aperepere wɔ ne yafunu mu. Sɛ ɛba saa a, obisa ne ho se, “Dɛn na ɛreyɛ me yi?” Afei, ɔbɔɔ mpae bisaa Awurade nea ɛkyerɛ.
and ye childern stroue together withi her, the she sayde: yf it shulde goo so to passe what helpeth it yt I am with childe? And she went and axed ye LORde.
23 Awurade buaa no se, “Aman abien na wɔwɔ wo yafunu mu. Wɔbɛtetew nnipa baanu a wɔwɔ wo yafunu mu no mu. Mmofra baanu no, ɔbaako asefo bɛyɛ ahoɔdenfo asen ne nua a ɔka ne ho no asefo. Na ɔpanyin no bɛsom akumaa no.”
And ye LORde sayde vnto her there are. ij. maner of people in the wombe and ij. nations shall springe out of thy bowels and the one nation shalbe myghtier than the other and the eldest shalbe servaunte vnto the yonger.
24 Rebeka awo duu so no, ɔwoo ntaten.
And whe hir tyme was come to be delyuered beholde: there were. ij. twyns in hir wobe.
25 Na nea odii kan bae no yɛ ɔkɔkɔɔ a ne ho nwi yɛ kuhaa te sɛ nea ɔhyɛ nwi atade. Enti wɔtoo no din Esau.
And he that came out first was redde and rough ouer all as it were an hyde: and they called his name Esau.
26 Eyi akyi no, ne nua no bae a na ne nsa kura Esau nantin; enti wɔtoo ne din Yakob. Rebeka woo wɔn no, na Isak adi mfe aduosia.
And after ward his brother came out and his hande holdynge Esau by the hele. Wher fore his name was called Iacob. And Isaac was. lx. yere olde whe she bare the:
27 Mmofra no nyin no, Esau bɛyɛɛ ɔbɔmmɔfo a ɔtow a, ɔmfom. Na ɔyɛ ha fa wuram baabiara. Yakob nso bɛyɛɛ obi a ɔyɛ komm a ɔmpɛ ne ho asɛm. Na bere biara, ɔpɛ sɛ ɔtena fie.
and the boyes grewe and Esau became a conynge hunter and a tyllman. But Iacob was a simple man and dwelled in the tentes.
28 Na Isak pɛ Esau asɛm yiye, efisɛ na bere biara ɔkɔyɛ ha de hanam a Isak pɛ ba fie. Nanso na Rebeka de, ɔpɛ Yakob asɛm.
Isaac loved Esau because he dyd eate of his venyso but Rebecca loued Iacob
29 Da bi a Esau fi wuram bae a na ɔkɔm de no yiye no, ɔbɛtoo sɛ ne nua kumaa Yakob nso renoa aduan bi a ani yɛ kɔkɔɔ na ɛyɛ akɔnnɔ nso.
Iacob sod potage and Esau came from the feld and was faine
30 Ɔka kyerɛɛ Yakob se, “Mesrɛ wo, ma me wʼaduan a woanoa yi bi nni!” Ɛno nti na wɔfrɛ Esau sɛ Edom, a nkyerɛase ne ade kɔkɔɔ.
and sayd to Iacob: let me syppe of yt redde potage for I am fayntie. And therfore was his name called Edom.
31 Yakob buae se, “Tɔn wo panyin no ma me ansa.”
And Iacob sayde: sell me this daye thy byrthrighte.
32 Esau kae se, “Ɔkɔm rekum me, na mede panyin reyɛ dɛn?”
And Esau answered: Loo I am at the poynte to dye and what profit shall this byrthrighte do me?
33 Yakob buaa Esau se, “Mate, ka ntam kyerɛ me wɔ Onyankopɔn anim sɛ, panyin no yɛ me dea.” Esau kaa ntam no de tɔn ne panyin no maa ne nua kumaa Yakob.
And Iacob sayde swere to me then this daye. And he swore to him and sold his byrthrighte vnto Iacob.
34 Enti Yakob maa Esau aduan no bi ma odii. Ɔnom nsu guu so, sɔre kɔɔ ne kwan. Eyi ne ɔkwan a Esau faa so tɔn ne panyin no.
Than Iacob gaue Esau brede and potage of redde ryse. And he ate and dronke and rose vp and went his waye. And so Esau regarded not his byrthrighte.

< 1 Mose 25 >