< 1 Mose 17 >

1 Abram dii mfe aduɔkron akron no, Awurade yii ne ho adi kyerɛɛ no kae se, “Mene Otumfo Nyankopɔn, nantew mʼanim na yɛ pɛ.
When Abram was nynetye yere olde and ix. the LORde apeared to hym sayenge: I am the almyghtie God: walke before me ad be vncorrupte.
2 Mesi apam a ɛda me ne wo ntam no so dua, na mama wʼasefo adɔɔso.”
And I wyll make my bonde betwene the and me and wyll multiplye the excedyngly.
3 Abram de nʼanim butuu fam, na Onyankopɔn ka kyerɛɛ no se,
And Abra fell on his face. And God talked moreover with hym saynge:
4 “Me fa mu de, saa apam yi na ɛda me ne wo ntam: wobɛyɛ aman bebree agya.
I am beholde my testamet is with the that thou shalt be a father of many natios.
5 Wɔremfrɛ wo Abram bio. Wɔbɛfrɛ wo Abraham, efisɛ mayɛ wo aman bebree agya.
Therfore shalt thou no more be called Abram but thy name shalbe Abraham: for a father of many nations haue I made the
6 Mɛma wʼasefo adɔɔso. Wɔbɛyɛ amanaman bebree na ahemfo nso afi wɔn mu.
and I will multiplye the excedyngly and wyll make nations of the: yee and kynges shall sprynge out of the.
7 Mɛma mʼapam no ayɛ daapem apam a ɛbɛda me ne wo ne wʼasefo ne awo ntoatoaso a ɛbɛba no ntam. Na mɛyɛ wo ne wʼasefo Nyankopɔn.
Moreover I will make my bonde betwene me and the and thy seed after the in their tymes to be an everlastynge testament So that I wyll be God vnto the and to thy seed after the.
8 Mede Kanaan asase a nnɛ wote so sɛ ɔhɔho no nyinaa bɛma wo ne wʼasefo a wɔbɛba akyiri no nyinaa. Ɛbɛyɛ wʼagyapade a wo ne obi mmɔ mu hye afebɔɔ. Na mɛyɛ wɔn Nyankopɔn.”
And I will geue vnto the ad to thy seed after the the lande where in thou arte a straunger: Euen all the lande of Canaan for an everlastynge possession and wil be their God.
9 Afei, Onyankopɔn ka kyerɛɛ Abraham se, “Wo de, ɛsɛ sɛ wo ne wʼasefo ne wʼasefo a wɔbɛba akyiri no di mʼapam no so.
And God sayde vnto Abraha: Se thou kepe my testamente both thou and thy seed after the in their tymes:
10 Eyi ne mʼapam a ɛda me ne wo ntam a ɛsɛ sɛ wo ne wʼasefo ne wʼasefo a wɔbɛba akyiri no di so. Ɛsɛ sɛ wotwa ɔbarima biara twetia.
This is my testamente which ye shall kepe betwene me and you and thy seed after the that ye circucyse all youre men childern ye shall circumcyse
11 Ɛsɛ sɛ mutwa twetia. Ɛno na ɛbɛyɛ apam a ɛda me ne mo ntam no ho nsɛnkyerɛnne.
the foreskynne of youre flesh ad it shal be a token of the bond betwixte me and you.
12 Ɔbarima biara a ɔyɛ wʼaseni a wɔbɛwo no no, odi nnaawɔtwe pɛ a, ɛsɛ sɛ wotwa no twetia. Nkoa a wɔwoo wɔn wɔ wo fi ne ɔnanani biara a wuyii sika tɔɔ no fii ɔmamfrani nkyɛn a ɔnyɛ wʼaseni no nso, ɛsɛ sɛ wotwa no twetia saa ara.
And euery manchilde when it is viij. dayes olde shal be circucysed amonge you in youre generations and all servauntes also borne at home or boughte with money though they be straungers and not of thy seed.
13 Sɛ wɔwoo no wo fi oo, sɛ nso wɔkarii sika kɔtɔɔ no oo, ɛsɛ sɛ wotwa no twetia. Saa honam mu apam yi bɛyɛ daapem apam.
The seruaunte borne in thy housse ad he also that is bought with money must needes be circumcysed that my testament may be in youre flesh for an everlastinge bonde.
14 Wɔbɛpam ɔbarima biara a wontwaa no twetia no afi ne nkurɔfo mu, efisɛ saa onipa no anni mʼapam no so.”
Yf there be any vncircuncysed manchilde that hath not the forskynne of his flesh cutt of his soule shall perish from his people: because he hath broke my testamet
15 Onyankopɔn san ka kyerɛɛ Abraham se, “Ɛfa wo yere Sarai ho nso, efi nnɛ rekɔ, woremfrɛ no Sarai bio. Wobɛfrɛ no Sara.
And God sayde vnto Abraham. Sarai thy wyfe shall nomore be called Sarai: but Sara shall hir name be.
16 Mehyira no, na mɛma no awo ɔbabarima ama wo. Mehyira no ama wabɛyɛ aman nyinaa na. Nʼasefo mu na amanaman mu ahemfo befi.”
For I will blesse her and geue the a sonne of her and will blesse her: so that people ye and kynges of people shall springe of her.
17 Abraham de nʼanim butuw fam bio. Ɔserew bisaa ne ho se, “Ebetumi aba sɛ ɔbarima a wadi mfe ɔha bɛwo ɔba ana? Sara nso a wadi mfe aduɔkron no nso, obetumi awo ɔba ana?”
And Abraham fell vpon his face ad laughte and sayd in his harte: shall a childe be borne vnto hym that is an hundred yere olde ad shall Sara that is nynetie yere olde bere?
18 Na Abraham ka kyerɛɛ Onyankopɔn se, “Onyankopɔn ɛno de, hyira Ismael!”
And Abraha sayde vnto God. O that Ismaell myghte lyve in thy syghte.
19 Na Onyankopɔn kae se, “Mmom, wo yere Sara bɛwo ɔbabarima ama wo, na wobɛto no din Isak, a ase ne Serew. Me ne no bɛyɛ daapem apam a ɛbɛtena hɔ ama nʼasefo a wɔbɛba akyiri no nyinaa.
The sayde God: na Sara thy wife shall bere the a sonne ad thou shalt call his name Isaac. And I will make my bonde with him that it shall be an everlastynge bonde vnto his seed after him.
20 Na Ismael ho asɛm a wokae no nso, mate. Mehyira no ama nʼase adɔ bebree. Ɔbɛyɛ abirɛmpɔn dumien agya. Na mɛma no ayɛ ɔman kɛse.
And as concernynge Ismaell also I haue herde thy request: loo I will blesse him and encrease him and multiplye him excedyingly. Twelve prynces shall be begete and I will make a great nation of him.
21 Nanso me ne Isak a Sara bɛwo no afe sesɛɛ no na ɛbɛyɛ mʼapam no.”
But my bonde will I make with Isaac which Sara shall bere vnto the: even this tyme twelue moneth.
22 Onyankopɔn kasa kyerɛɛ Abraham wiee no, ogyaw no hɔ kɔe.
And God left of talkynge with him and departed vp from Abraham.
23 Saa da no ara, Abraham faa ne babarima Ismael ne mmarima a wɔwoo wɔn wɔ ne fi ne mmarima a wɔtɔɔ wɔn fii ananafo nkyɛn, twitwaa wɔn nyinaa twetia, sɛnea Onyankopɔn ka kyerɛɛ no no.
And Abraham toke Ismaell his sonne and all the servauntes borne in his housse and all that was bought with money as many as were menchildren amonge the me of Abrahas housse and circumcysed the foreskynne of their flesh even the selfe same daye as God had sayde vnto him.
24 Wotwaa Abraham twetia no, na wadi mfe aduɔkron akron.
Abraham was nynetie yere olde and. ix. when he cutt of the foreskynne of his flesh.
25 Ne babarima Ismael nso, wotwaa no twetia no, na wadi mfe dumiɛnsa.
And Ismaell his sonne was. xiij. yere olde when the foreskynne of hys flesh was circumcysed.
26 Saa da no ara, na wotwaa Abraham ne ne ba Ismael nyinaa twetia.
The selfe same daye was Abraha circucised and Ismael his sonne.
27 Ɔbarima biara a ɔwɔ Abraham fi, wɔn a wɔwoo wɔn wɔ Abraham fi ne ɔbarima biara a wɔtɔɔ no fii ɔnanani bi nkyɛn no, wotwitwaa wɔn nyinaa twetia, kaa Abraham ho.
And all the men in his housse whether they were borne in his housse or bought wyth money (though they were straungers) were circumcysed with him.

< 1 Mose 17 >