< Hesekiel 1 >

1 Afe a ɛto so aduasa no, ɔsram a ɛto so anan no da a ɛto so anum no, na meka wɔn a wɔatwa wɔn asu akɔ amannɔne no ho. Mewɔ Asubɔnten Kebar ho no, ɔsoro buei, na mihuu Onyankopɔn wɔ anisoadehu mu.
And it was don, in the thrittithe yeer, in the fourthe monethe, in the fyuethe dai of the moneth, whanne Y was in the myddis of caitifs, bisidis the flood Chobar, heuenes weren openyd, and Y siy the reuelaciouns of God.
2 Ɔsram no da a ɛto so anum no na ɔhene Yehoiakin adi mfe anum wɔ asutwa mu.
In the fyueth dai of the monethe; thilke is the fyuethe yeer of passing ouer of Joachym, kyng of Juda;
3 Awurade asɛm baa Busi babarima Hesekiel a ɔyɛ ɔsɔfo no nkyɛn wɔ Asubɔnten Kebar ho wɔ Babilonia asase so. Ɛhɔ na Onyankopɔn nsa baa ne so.
the word of the Lord was maad to Ezechiel, preest, the sone of Busi, in the lond of Caldeis, bisidis the flood Chobar; and the hond of the Lord was maad there on hym.
4 Mehwɛe, na mihuu sɛ ahum kɛse bi fi atifi fam reba, omununkum kɛse bi a ɛretwa anyinam na hann bi a ano yɛ den atwa ho ahyia. Ogya no mfimfini te sɛ dade a asɔ kɔɔ.
And Y siy, and lo! a whirlewynd cam fro the north, and a greet cloude, and fier wlappynge in, and briytnesse in the cumpas therof; and as the licnesse of electre fro the myddis therof, that is, fro the myddis of the fier.
5 Na ogya no mu na na wohu biribi te sɛ ateasefo baanan. Na wɔn su te sɛ onipa,
And of myddis therof was a licnesse of foure beestis. And this was the biholdyng of tho, the licnesse of a man in tho.
6 wɔn mu biara anim yɛ anan na wɔwowɔ ntaban anan anan.
And foure faces weren to oon, and foure wyngis weren to oon.
7 Wɔn anan yɛ kirebenn, wɔn anammɔn te sɛ nantwi ba de na ɛhyerɛn te sɛ kɔbere mfrafrae a wɔahoa ho.
And the feet of tho weren streiyt feet, and the soole of the foote of tho was as the soole of a foot of a calf, and sparclis, as the biholdynge of buylynge bras.
8 Wɔwowɔ nnipa nsa wɔ ntaban a ɛwowɔ afaafa anan no ase. Wɔn mu biara wɔ nnipa nsa anan a baako wɔ ntaban biara ase,
And the hondis of a man weren vndur the wyngis of tho, in foure partis. And tho hadden faces and wyngis bi foure partis;
9 na wɔn ntaban keka sisi anim. Wɔn nyinaa kɔ wɔn anim tee a wɔnnan wɔn ho.
and the wyngis of tho weren ioyned togidir of oon to another. Tho turneden not ayen, whanne tho yeden, but eche yede bifore his face.
10 Na sɛɛ na wɔn anim tete: Wɔn mu biara wɔ onipa anim, wɔwɔ gyata anim wɔ nifa so, wɔwɔ nantwi anim wɔ benkum so; na wɔn mu biara nso wɔ ɔkɔre anim.
Forsothe the licnesse `of the face of tho was the face of a man and the face of a lioun at the riythalf of tho foure. Forsothe the face of an oxe was at the left half of tho foure; and the face of an egle was aboue tho foure.
11 Saa na na wɔn anim tete. Wɔatrɛtrɛw wɔn ntaban mu kɔ soro; na wɔn mu biara wɔ ntaban abien abien, a mu biara si ɔfoforo de anim wɔ benkum ne nifa, na ntaban abien nso katakata wɔn ho.
And the faces of tho and the wengis of tho weren stretchid forth aboue. Twei wyngis of eche weren ioyned togidere, and tweyne hiliden the bodies of tho.
12 Obiara kɔ nʼanim tee. Baabiara a honhom no bɛkɔ no, hɔ na wɔbɛkɔ a wɔnnan wɔn ho.
And ech of tho yede bifore his face. Where the fersnesse of the wynd was, thidur tho yeden, and turneden not ayen, whanne tho yeden.
13 Ateasefo no suban te sɛ nnyansramma a ɛredɛw anaa ogyatɛn. Ogya di akɔneaba wɔ ateasefo no mu; ɛhyerɛn na mu na anyinam fi twitwa.
And the licnesse of the beestis, and the biholdyng of tho, was as of brennynge coolis of fier, and as the biholdyng of laumpis. This was the siyt rennynge aboute in the myddis of beestis, the schynyng of fier, and leit goynge out of the fier.
14 Na ateasefo no de mmirika di akɔneaba te sɛ anyinam a ɛretwitwa.
And the beestis yeden, and turneden ayen at the licnesse of leit schynynge.
15 Bere a merehwɛ ateasefo no, mihuu sɛ nkyimii si fam wɔ ateasefo a wɔn mu biara anim yɛ anan no nkyɛn mu.
And whanne Y bihelde the beestis, o wheel, hauuynge foure faces, apperide on the erthe, bisidis the beestis.
16 Sɛɛ na na nkyimii no bɔbea te: Etwa yerɛw yerɛw te sɛ sikabereɛbo, na anan no nyinaa sesɛ. Wɔayɛ mu biara te sɛ nkyimii a ɛtoa nkyimii foforo mu.
And the biholdyng of the wheelis and the werk of tho was as the siyt of the see; and o licnesse was of tho foure; and the biholdyng and the werkis of tho, as if a wheel be in the myddis of a wheel.
17 Sɛ nkyimii no nam a wɔkɔ faako a ateasefo no ani kyerɛ; nkyimii no nnan wɔn ho bere a ateasefo no nam no.
Tho goynge yeden bi foure partis of tho, and turneden not ayen, whanne tho yeden.
18 Wɔn hankare no korɔn, na ɛyɛ hu, na aniwa tuatua hankare anan no nyinaa ho.
Also stature, and hiynesse, and orible biholdyng was to the wheelis; and al the bodi was ful of iyen in the cumpas of tho foure.
19 Sɛ ateasefo no nantew a nkyimii a ɛbatabata wɔn ho no nso kɔ saa ara; sɛ ateasefo no ma wɔn ho so fi fam a nkyimii no nso ma wɔn ho so.
And whanne the beestis yeden, the wheelis also yeden togidere bisidis tho. And whanne the beestis weren reisid fro the erthe, the wheelis also weren reisid togidere.
20 Baabiara a honhom no bɛkɔ no, ateasefo no nso bɛkɔ, na nkyimii no bɛka wɔn ho ama wɔn ho so, efisɛ ateasefo no honhom wɔ nkyimii no mu.
Whidur euere the spirit yede, whanne the spirit yede thedur, also the wheelis suynge it weren reisid togidere; for whi the spirit of lijf was in the wheelis.
21 Sɛ ateasefo no tu teɛ a nkyimii no nso kɔ saa ara; sɛ ateasefo no gyina a, wɔn nso gyina; sɛ ateasefo no pagyaw wɔn ho a nkyimii no ne wɔn pagyaw wɔn ho, efisɛ ateasefo no honhom wɔ nkyimii no mu.
Tho yeden with the beestis goynge, and tho stoden with the beestis stondynge. And with the beestis reisid fro erthe, also the wheelis suynge tho beestis weren reisid togidere; for the spirit of lijf was in the wheelis.
22 Na ntrɛwmu bi wɔ ateasefo no atifi a etwa yerɛw yerɛw te sɛ sukyerɛmma, na ɛyɛ hu.
And the licnesse of the firmament was aboue the heed of the beestis, and as the biholdyng of orible cristal, and stretchid abrood on the heed of tho beestis aboue.
23 Na wɔatrɛtrɛw wɔn ntaban no mu asisi anim wɔ ntrɛwmu no ase, na ateasefo no mu biara wɔ ntaban abien a ɛkata ne ho.
Forsothe vndur the firmament the wyngis of tho beestis weren streiyt, of oon to anothir; ech beeste hilide his bodi with twei wyngis, and an other was hilid in lijk maner.
24 Ateasefo no tu teɛe no, metee wɔn ntaban no nnyigyei a ɛte sɛ asu a ɛworo, te sɛ Otumfo no nne, anaa asraafo huuyɛ. Sɛ wogyina a wɔatrɛtrɛw wɔn ntaban mu.
And Y herde the sown of wyngis, as the sown of many watris, as the sown of hiy God. Whanne tho yeden, ther was as a sown of multitude, as the sown of oostis of batel; and whanne tho stoden, the wyngis of tho weren late doun.
25 Na nne bi fi ntrɛwmu a ɛkata wɔn so no atifi bae, bere a wɔatrɛtrɛw wɔn ntaban mu na wogyinagyina hɔ no.
For whi whanne a vois was maad on the firmament, that was on the heed of tho, tho stoden, and leten doun her wyngis.
26 Na biribi a ɛte sɛ aboɔdemmo ahengua wɔ ntrɛwmu a ɛkata ateasefo no atifi no so, na biribi a ɛte sɛ onipa te ahengua so wɔ ɔsoro hɔ.
And on the firmament, that was aboue the heed of tho, was as the biholdyng of a saphire stoon, the licnesse of a trone; and on the licnesse of the trone was a licnesse, as the biholdyng of a man aboue.
27 Mihuu sɛ efi nea ayɛ sɛ nʼasen mu rekɔ ne soro no na ɔte sɛ dade a adɔ kɔɔ sɛ ogya a ano asɔ, na efi hɔ reba ne fam no na ɔte sɛ ogyaframa; na hann a ɛhyerɛn atwa ne ho ahyia.
And Y siy as a licnesse of electre, as the biholding of fier with ynne, bi the cumpas therof; fro the lendis of hym and aboue, and fro the lendis of him til to bynethe, Y siy as the licnesse of fier schynynge in cumpas,
28 Sɛnea nyankontɔn to wɔ omununkum mu osutɔ da no, saa ara na hann a atwa ne ho ahyia no te. Eyi yɛ Awurade anuonyam ahoyi no sɛso. Na mihui no, mede mʼanim butuw fam, na metee obi a ɔrekasa nne.
as the biholdynge of the reynbowe, whanne it is in the cloude in the dai of reyn. This was the biholdyng of schynyng bi cumpas. This was a siyt of the licnesse of the glorie of the Lord. And Y siy, and felle doun on my face; and Y herde the vois of a spekere.

< Hesekiel 1 >