< 1 Samuel 4 >

1 Saa bere no, na Israelfo ne Filistifo reko. Israelfo nsraadɔm kyeree nsraban wɔ Ebeneser, na Filistifo nso kyeree nsraban wɔ Afek.
And it was doon in tho daies Filisteis camen to gidere in to batel; for Israel yede out ayens Filisteis in to batel, and settiden tentis bisidis the stoon of help. Forsothe Filisteis camen in to Aphet,
2 Filistifo no tow hyɛɛ Israelfo nsraadɔm no so, dii wɔn so nkonim, na wokum nnipa mpem anan.
and maden redi scheltrun ayens Israel. Sotheli whanne the batel was bigunnun, Israel turned backis to Filisteis; and as foure thousynde of men weren slayn in that batel `euery where bi feeldis;
3 Ɔko no baa awiei, na Israel nsraadɔm no san kɔɔ wɔn nsraban mu hɔ no, Israel mpanyimfo no bisae se, “Adɛn nti na Awurade ama yɛadi nkogu nnɛ yi wɔ Filistifo anim yi? Momma yɛnkɔfa Awurade Apam Adaka no mfi Silo. Sɛ yɛde kɔ ɔsa a, ebegye yɛn afi yɛn atamfo nsam.”
and the puple of Israel turnede ayen to tentis. And the grettere men in birthe of Israel seiden, Whi hath the Lord smyte vs to dai bifore Filisteis? Brynge we to vs fro Silo the arke of boond of pees of the Lord, and come it in to the myddis of vs, that it saue vs fro the hond of oure enemyes.
4 Enti nnipa no somaa mmarima kɔɔ Silo, na wɔde Asafo Awurade a ɔte kerubim ntam Apam Adaka no bae. Saa bere no na Eli mmabarima baanu Hofni ne Pinehas ka wɔn a wɔsoaa Onyankopɔn Apam Adaka no kɔɔ akono hɔ no ho.
Therfor the puple sente in to Silo, and thei token fro thennus the arke of boond of pees of the Lord of oostis, `that sat on cherubyn. And Ophym and Fynees, twei sones of Heli, weren with the arke of boond of pees of the Lord.
5 Bere a Israelfo no huu sɛ wɔde Awurade Apam Adaka no reba nsraban no mu no, wɔn nyinaa bɔɔ ose maa asase wosowee.
And whanne the arke of boond of pees of the Lord hadde come in to the castels, al Israel criede with grete cry, and the erthe sownede.
6 Filistifo no bisae se, “Dɛn na ɛrekɔ so yi? Dɛn osebɔ na ɛwɔ Hebrifo nsraban mu hɔ yi?” Wɔtee sɛ Awurade Apam Adaka no na abedu nsraban mu hɔ no,
And Filisteis herden the vois of cry, and seiden, What is this vois of greet cry in the castels of Ebrews? And thei knewen, that the arke of boond of pees of the Lord hadde come in to castels.
7 wosuroe. Na wɔkae se, “Anyame no aba wɔn nsraban mu hɔ. Ɛno de, asɛm ato yɛn! Yenhyiaa asɛm a ɛte sɛɛ bi da.
And Filisteis dredden, and seiden, God is come in to `the castels; and thei weiliden, and seiden, Wo to vs!
8 Hena na obegye yɛn afi saa Israel anyame atumfo yi nsam? Wɔne anyame a wɔde owu ɔyare ahorow nyinaa bi sɛee Misraimfo, bere a Israelfo wɔ sare so hɔ no.
for so greet ful ioiyng was not yistirdai, and the thridde day passid; wo to vs! who schal kepe vs fro the hond of `these hiye goddis? these ben the goddis, that smytiden Egipt with al veniaunce in deseert.
9 Monyere mo ho, Filistifo! Munnyina sɛ mmarima; anyɛ saa a, Hebrifo no bɛfa mo nkoa sɛnea wɔyɛɛ yɛn nkoa no.”
Filisteis, be ye coumfortid, and be ye men, serue ye not Ebrews, as thei serueden vs; be ye coumfortid, and fiyte ye.
10 Enti Filistifo no koe anibere so, dii Israelfo no so bio. Wɔn a wokunkum wɔn no dɔɔso. Israelfo mpem aduasa na wokunkum wɔn da no. Wɔn a wonyaa wɔn ti didii mu no guan kɔɔ wɔn ntamadan mu.
Therfor Filisteis fouyten, and Israel was slayn, and ech man flei in to his tabernacle; and a ful greet veniaunce was maad, and thretti thousynde of foot men of Israel felden doun.
11 Wɔfaa Onyankopɔn Apam Adaka no, na wokunkum Eli mmabarima baanu no, Hofni ne Pinehas.
And the arke of God was takun; and, twei sones of Heli, Ophym and Fynees, weren deed.
12 Da no ara, ɔbarima bi fi Benyamin abusua mu guan fii akono hɔ beduu Silo. Na watetew ne ntade mu, de mfutuma ahura ne ti mu, de kyerɛ nʼawerɛhow.
Sotheli a man of Beniamyn ran fro the scheltrun, and cam in to Silo in that dai, with his cloth torent and his heed bispreynt with dust; and whanne he was comen,
13 Na Eli retwɛn wɔ kwankyɛn baabi, pɛ sɛ ɔte ɔko no mu nsɛm, efisɛ na ne bo ntɔ ne yam koraa wɔ Onyankopɔn Apam Adaka no ho. Ɔbɔfo no ba bɛkaa asɛm a asi no, wɔtee nteɛteɛmu bi wɔ kurow no mu nyinaa.
Heli sat `on an hiye seete, `and bihelde ayens the weie; for his herte was dredyng for the arke of the Lord. Sotheli aftir that thilke man entride, he telde to the citee, and al the citee yellide.
14 Eli bisae se, “Saa nteɛteɛmu yi ase ne dɛn?” Ɔbɔfo no yɛɛ ntɛm kɔɔ Eli,
And Heli herde the soun of cry, and seide, What is this sown of this noise? And he hastide, and cam, and telde to Heli.
15 a na wadi mfe aduɔkron awotwe na nʼani afura no nkyɛn.
Forsothe Heli was of foure score yeer and eiytene, and hise iyen dasiwiden, and he myyte not se.
16 Ɔka kyerɛɛ Eli se, “Mprempren ara na mifi akono hɔ bae. Nnɛ yi ara, na mewɔ hɔ.” Eli bisae se, “Na ekosii dɛn?”
And he seide to Heli, Y am that cam fro batel, and Y am that flei to dai fro the scheltrun. To whom Ely seide, My sone, what is doon?
17 Ɔbɔfo no buae se, “Israelfo adi nkogu. Israel nsraadɔm no mpem mpem atotɔ wɔ akono hɔ. Afei, wo mmabarima baanu a ɛyɛ Hofni ne Pinehas no nso awuwu, na Onyankopɔn Apam Adaka no nso, wɔafa.”
Forsothe he that telde answeride, and seide, Israel flei bifor Filisteis, and a greet fal is maad in the puple; ferthermore and thi twey sones, Ophym and Fynees, ben deed, and the arke of God is takun.
18 Ɔbɔfo no kaa Onyankopɔn Apam Adaka no ho asɛm ara pɛ, Eli fi akongua a ɔte so mu wɔ abɔntenpon ho no te hwee nʼakyi. Ne kɔn mu bui, efisɛ na wabɔ akwakoraa a ne mu nso yɛ duru. Na wadi Israel anim mfirihyia aduanan.
And whanne he hadde nemyd the arke of God, Hely felde fro `the hiye seete bacward bisidis the dore, and `was deed; for the nollis weren brokun. For he was an eld man, and of greet age; and he demyde Israel bi fourti yeer.
19 Saa bere no na nʼasebea a ɔyɛ Pinehas yere anyinsɛn a ɔreyɛ awo. Ɔtee sɛ wɔafa Onyankopɔn Apam Adaka no, na nʼase ne ne kunu awuwu no, awo kaa no amono mu hɔ ara.
Forsothe his douyter in lawe, `the wijf of Finees, was with childe, and niy the child bering; and whanne `the message was herd that the arke of God was takun, and that hir fadir in lawe was deed, and hir hosebonde, sche bowide hir silf, and childide; for sodeyn sorewis felden in to hir.
20 Owuu wɔ awoko mu, nanso ansa na ɔrebewu no, mmea a wɔregye no awo no kae se, “Mpa abaw; woawo abarimaa.” Nanso wammua wɔn na wankasa wɔn ho nso.
Sotheli in that moment of hir deeth, wymmen that stoden aboute hir, seiden to hir, Drede thou not, for thou hast childid a sone. And sche answeride not to hem, for nether `sche perseyuede.
21 Ɔbesebesee nʼano too abarimaa no din Ikabod, “Anuonyam no wɔ he, Israel anuonyam no asa,” efisɛ wɔafa Onyankopɔn Apam Adaka no na nʼase ne ne kunu nso awuwu.
And sche clepide the child Ichaboth, and seide, The glorie of the Lord is translatid fro Israel, for the arke of God is takun; and for hir fadir in lawe and for hir hosebonde sche seide,
22 Ɔkae se, “Anuonyam afi Israel mu, efisɛ wɔafa Onyankopɔn Apam Adaka no.”
The glorie of God is translatid fro Israel, for the arke of God is takun.

< 1 Samuel 4 >