< 1 Samuel 17 >

1 Afei, Filistifo boaboaa wɔn asraafo ano wɔ Soko a ɛwɔ Yuda sɛ wɔrebɛko. Wɔkyeree nsraban wɔ Soko ne Aseka ntam wɔ Efes-Damim.
Nowe the Philistims gathered their armies to battell, and came together to Shochoh, which is in Iudah, and pitched betweene Shochoh and Azekah, in the coast of Dammim.
2 Saulo yɛɛ saa ara, boaboaa ne dɔm ano wɔ baabi a ɛbɛn Ela bon.
And Saul, and the men of Israel assembled, and pitched in the valley of Elah, and put themselues in battell araie to meete the Philistims.
3 Filistifo faa bepɔw baako, na Israelfo no nso faa baako a obon no da wɔn ntam.
And the Philistims stoode on a mountaine on the one side, and Israel stoode on a mountaine on the other side: so a valley was betweene them.
4 Ɔbarima tenten hoɔdenfo bi a ne din de Goliat a ofi Gat no pue fii Filistifo no nsraban mu bae. Na ne tenten bɛboro anammɔn akron.
Then came a man betweene them both out of the tents of the Philistims, named Goliath of Gath: his height was sixe cubites and an hande breadth,
5 Na ɔhyɛ kɔbere kyɛw, hyɛ kɔbere akotade a akode bobɔ mu, na emu duru yɛ kilogram aduonum ason.
Aud had an helmet of brasse vpon his head, and a brigandine vpon him: and the weight of his brigandine was fiue thousand shekels of brasse.
6 Na nʼanan nso, kɔbere nkatanan kata ho na kɔbere peaw nso sɛn nʼakyi.
And he had bootes of brasse vpon his legs, and a shield of brasse vpon his shoulders.
7 Na ne peaw ano dade no te sɛ ntamanwemfo nsadua mu abaa, na ano dade no kari dwetɛ kilogram ason. Na ne nkatabokurafo di nʼanim.
And the shaft of his speare was like a weauers beame: and his speare head weyed sixe hundreth shekels of yron: and one bearing a shielde went before him.
8 Goliat begyinaa hɔ teɛɛ mu guu Israelfo no so se, “Asraafo yi nyinaa na morebɛko ana? Munyi mo mu baako na ɔmmɛko mma mo, na me nso mesi Filistifo anan mu. Yɛbɛko de awie asɛm no ka!
And he stoode, and cried against the hoste of Israel, and saide vnto them, Why are yee come to set your battell in aray? am not I a Philistim, and you seruaunts to Saul? chuse you a man for you, and let him come downe to me.
9 Sɛ mo nipa no tumi kum me a, yɛbɛyɛ mo nkoa. Na sɛ mikum no a, mobɛyɛ yɛn nkoa.”
If he be able to fight with me, and kill me, then wil we be your seruants: but if I ouercome him, and kill him, then shall yee be our seruants, and serue vs.
10 Filistini no kae se, “Memmfa Israel asraafo nyɛ hwee, momma me ɔbarima a ɔne me bɛko.”
Also the Philistim saide, I defie the hoste of Israel this day: giue mee a man, that we may fight together.
11 Bere a Saulo ne Israelfo tee eyi no wɔbɔɔ huboa na wɔn ho popoe.
When Saul and all Israel heard those wordes of the Philistim, they were discouraged, and greatly afraide.
12 Na Dawid yɛ ɔbarima bi a wɔfrɛ no Yisai a ɔyɛ Efratni na ofi Betlehem wɔ Yuda asase so no babarima. Na Yisai wɔ mmabarima baawɔtwe, na Saulo bere so no, na wabɔ akwakoraa a ne mfe a wadi no kɔ anim yiye.
Nowe this Dauid was the sonne of an Ephrathite of Beth-lehem Iudah, named Ishai, which had eight sonnes: and this man was taken for an olde man in the daies of Saul.
13 Na Yisai mmabarima mpanyimfo baasa na wodii Saulo akyi kɔɔ ɔko no. Na abakan no din de Eliab, nʼakyi ba din de Abinadab, na nea ɔto so abiɛsa no din de Sama.
And the three eldest sonnes of Ishai went and followed Saul to the battel: and the names of his three sonnes that went to battell, were Eliab the Eldest, and the next Abinadab, and the thirde Shammah.
14 Dawid de, na ɔno ne akumaa koraa. Mpanyimfo baasa no na wodii Saulo akyi,
So Dauid was the least: and the three eldest went after Saul.
15 nanso na Dawid di akɔneaba; ɔkɔsom Saulo na wakɔhwɛ nʼagya nguan wɔ Betlehem nso.
Dauid also went, but hee returned from Saul to feede his fathers sheepe in Beth-lehem.
16 Filistini yi pue mema ne ho so wɔ Israelfo asraafo nʼanim anɔpa ne anwummere, saa ara adaduanan.
And the Philistim drew neere in the morning, and euening, and continued fourtie daies.
17 Da koro bi, Yisai ka kyerɛɛ Dawid se, “Fa nkyewe lita aduonu abien yi ne brodo mua du yi kɔma wo nuabarimanom.
And Ishai said vnto Dauid his sone, Take nowe for thy brethren an Ephah of this parched corne, and these ten cakes, and runne to the hoste to thy brethren.
18 Na fa kyiisi du a wɔatwitwa yi ma ɔsafohene no. Ɛyɛ a hwɛ sɛnea wo nuabarimanom no ho te, na gye krataa fi wɔn nkyɛn brɛ me.
Also carie these ten fresh cheeses vnto the captaine, and looke howe thy brethren fare, and receiue their pledge.
19 Na Dawid nuanom ne Israel asraafo no wɔ Ela bon no mu a wɔreko atia Filistifo.”
(Then Saul and they, and all the men of Israel were in the valley of Elah, fighting with the Philistims)
20 Ade kyee anɔpa no, Dawid gyaw nguan no maa oguanhwɛfo bi na ɔfaa akyɛde no kɔe. Oduu nsraban mu hɔ bere a na asraafo no rekɔ mpasua ahorow no so. Wɔrekɔ no, na wɔreto asafonnwom reteɛteɛ mu.
So Dauid rose vp earely in the morning, and left the sheepe with a keeper, and tooke and went as Ishai had commanded him, and came within the compasse of the hoste: and the hoste went out in araie, and shouted in the battell.
21 Na Israel ne Filistifo no rebɛn a wodi nhwɛanim.
For Israel and the Philistims had put themselues in araie, armie against armie.
22 Dawid gyaw ne nneɛma maa akode sohwɛfo no, yɛɛ ntɛm kɔɔ akono hɔ kokyia ne nuanom.
And Dauid left the things, which hee bare, vnder the handes of the keeper of the cariage, and ranne into the hoste, and came, and asked his brethren howe they did.
23 Bere a Dawid ne wɔn rekasa no, Filistini tenten hoɔdenfo Goliat a ofi Gat, fii Filistifo asraafo no mu teɛteɛɛ mu ahantan so kyerɛɛ Israel asraafo no.
And as hee talked with them, beholde, the man that was betweene the two armies, came vp, (whose name was Goliath ye Philistim of Gath) out of the armie of the Philistims, and spake such woordes, and Dauid heard them.
24 Bere a Israelfo no huu ɔbarima no, wɔn nyinaa de ehu guan kɔe.
And all the men of Israel, when they sawe the man, ranne away from him, and were sore afraied.
25 Afei, na Israelfo keka wɔ wɔn mu se, “Woahu ɔbran no? Ɔba bɛkasa tia Israel da biara. Na woate akatua a ɔhene ahyɛ sɛ ɔde bɛma obiara a obetumi akum no no? Ɔhene ahyɛ sɛ ɔde ne babea bɛma no aware, na ne fifo nso, ɔhene remma wontua tow biara a wogye no Israelman mu.”
For euery man of Israel saide, Sawe yee not this man that commeth vp? euen to reuile Israel is he come vp: and to him that killeth him, wil the king giue great riches, and will giue him his daughter, yea, and make his fathers house free in Israel.
26 Dawid bisaa mmarima a wogyina ne ho no se, “Dɛn na mobɛyɛ ama ɔbarima a obekum saa Filistini yi, na ɔnam so ayi saa animguase yi afi Israel so? Hena ne saa Filistini bosonsomni yi a ɛsɛ sɛ ogu Onyankopɔn Teasefo asraafo anim ase?”
Then Dauid spake to the men that stoode with him, and sayde, What shall be done to the man that killeth this Philistim, and taketh away the shame from Israel? for who is this vncircumcised Philistim, that he shoulde reuile the hoste of the liuing God?
27 Wotii asɛm a wɔaka dedaw no mu kyerɛɛ no se, “Nea woate dedaw no yɛ nokware. Ɛno na yɛbɛyɛ ama onipa a obekum ɔbran no.”
And the people answered him after this maner, saying, Thus shall it be done to the man that killeth him.
28 Bere a Dawid nuapanyin Eliab tee sɛ ɔne mmarima no rekasa saa no, ne bo fuw no, na obisae se, “Adɛn nti na woaba ha? Na nguan kakra a wɔwɔ sare so no, wode wɔn gyaw hena? Minim sɛnea wogye wo ho di ne sɛnea wo komapirim te. Ɔko yi hwɛ ara nti na wobae.”
And Eliab his eldest brother heard when he spake vnto the men, and Eliab was verie angrie with Dauid, and sayde, Why camest thou downe hither? and with whome hast thou left those fewe sheepe in the wildernesse? I knowe thy pride and the malice of thine heart, that thou art come downe to see the battell.
29 Dawid bisae se, “Mayɛ dɛn? Nti, ɛnsɛ sɛ mekasa mpo?”
Then Dauid sayde, What haue I nowe done? Is there not a cause?
30 Afei, ɔdan ne ho ne afoforo kɔkasae. Ɔde asɛm koro no ara bae, na mmarima no buaa no sɛnea wɔaka dedaw no.
And hee departed from him into the presence of another, and spake of the same maner, and the people answered him according to the former woordes.
31 Asɛm a Dawid kaa no twaa nnipa bi asom, ma wɔkɔbɔɔ Saulo amanneɛ, enti ɔsoma kɔfrɛɛ no.
And they that heard the wordes which Dauid spake, rehearsed them before Saul, which caused him to be brought.
32 Dawid ka kyerɛɛ Saulo se, “Mma hwee nhaw wo. Mɛkɔ na me ne Filistini yi akɔko.”
So Dauid saide to Saul, Let no mans heart faile him, because of him: thy seruant wil goe, and fight with this Philistim.
33 Saulo buaa Dawid se, “Worentumi ne saa Filistini yi nko. Woyɛ abarimaa, nanso ɔno de, ɔyɛ ɔkofo fi ne mmofraase.”
And Saul sayde to Dauid, Thou art not able to goe against this Philistim to fight with him: for thou art a boye, and he is a man of warre from his youth.
34 Na Dawid ka tii mu se, “Mahwɛ mʼagya nguan ara, na sɛ gyata anaa sisi bi ba sɛ ɔrebɛkyere oguan ba bi afi nguankuw no mu a,
And Dauid answered vnto Saul, Thy seruant kept his fathers sheepe, and there came a lyon, and likewise a beare, and tooke a sheepe out of the flocke,
35 mede abaa poriwa di nʼakyi gye aboa no fi nʼanom. Na sɛ aboa no dan nʼani ba me hɔ a, miso nʼabogye, kyere no, de abaa poriwa no bɔ no, kum no.
And I went out after him and smote him, and tooke it out of his mouth: and when he arose against me, I caught him by the beard, and smote him, and slue him.
36 Mayɛ saa akum gyata ne sisi, na saa na mɛyɛ Filistini bosonsomni no nso, efisɛ wagu Onyankopɔn Teasefo asraafo ho fi.
So thy seruaunt slue both the lyon, and the beare: therefore this vncircumcised Philistim shall be as one of them, seeing hee hath railed on the hoste of the liuing God.
37 Awurade a ogyee me fii gyata ne sisi awerɛw ano no, ɔno ara na obegye me afi Filistini yi nsam.” Saulo penee so kae se, “Eye, kɔ. Awurade nka wo ho.”
Moreouer Dauid sayd, The Lord that deliuered me out of the pawe of the lyon, and out of the paw of the beare, he wil deliuer me out of the hand of this Philistim. Then Saul sayd vnto Dauid, Go, and the Lord be with thee.
38 Afei, Saulo de ɔno ankasa akode maa Dawid. Ɔde kɔbere kyɛw ne akotade kaa ho.
And Saul put his rayment vpon Dauid, and put an helmet of brasse vpon his head, and put a brigandine vpon him.
39 Dawid hyɛe, de afoa kyekyere taree so, tuu anammɔn bɛyɛ abien, kɔɔ nʼanim hwɛɛ sɛnea ɛte, efisɛ na ɔnhyɛɛ biribi a ɛte saa da. Afei, ɔkae se, “Merentumi mfa eyinom nhyehyɛ me ho nkɔ, efisɛ menhyɛɛ bi saa da.” Enti ɔworɔw ne nyinaa guu hɔ.
Then girded Dauid his sword vpon his rayment, and began to go: for he neuer proued it: and Dauid sayde vnto Saul, I can not goe with these: for I am not accustomed. wherefore Dauid put them off him.
40 Ɔfaa kokwabo anum fii asuwa bi mu, de guu ne nguanhwɛfo kotoku mu. Ɔfaa ne nguanhwɛfo pema ne nʼahwimmo nko ara. Afei, osii kwan so sɛ ɔne Goliat rekɔko.
Then tooke he his staffe in his hand, and chose him fiue smoothe stones out of a brooke, and put them in his shepheards bagge or skrippe, and his sling was in his hand, and he drewe neere to the Philistim.
41 Goliat twiw pinii Dawid a ne nkatabokurafo di nʼanim.
And the Philistim came and drew neere vnto Dauid, and the man that bare the shielde went before him.
42 Goliat huu Dawid no, obuu no abomfiaa.
Now when the Philistim looked about and saw Dauid, he disdeined him: for he was but yong, ruddie, and of a comely face.
43 Ɔworoo so kyerɛɛ Dawid se, “Meyɛ ɔkraman na wode pema aba me so?” Na ɔkaa nʼanyame din ntam de domee Dawid.
And the Philistim sayde vnto Dauid, Am I a dog, that thou commest to me with staues? And the Philistim cursed Dauid by his gods.
44 Goliat kae se, “Bra mʼanim ha, na mede wo nam bɛma nnomaa ne nkekaboa.”
And the Philistim sayd to Dauid, Come to me, and I will giue thy flesh vnto the foules of the heauen, and to the beastes of the field.
45 Dawid ka kyerɛɛ Filistini no se, “Wode afoa, peaw ne bɛmma na ɛreba me so, na me de, mede Asafo Awurade, Israel asraafo Nyankopɔn a woagu ne din ho fi no din na mede reba wo so.
Then sayd Dauid to the Philistim, Thou commest to me with a sword, and with a speare, and with a shield, but I come to thee in the Name of the Lord of hostes, the God of the hoste of Israel, whom thou hast rayled vpon.
46 Nnɛ, Awurade bedi wo so nkonim, na mekum wo, atwa wo ti. Na mede Filistifo asraafo no afunu mama nnomaa ne nkekaboa, na wiase nyinaa behu sɛ, Onyankopɔn bi wɔ Israel!
This day shall the Lord close thee in mine hand, and I shall smite thee, and take thine head from thee, and I wil giue the carkeises of the hoste of the Philistims this daye vnto the foules of the heauen, and to the beasts of the earth, that all the world may know that Israel hath a God,
47 Na obiara behu sɛ, Onyankopɔn mfa akode na egye ne nkurɔfo. Ɛyɛ ne ko, na ɛnyɛ yɛn ko. Awurade de wo bɛma yɛn!”
And that all this assembly may know, that the Lord saueth not with sworde nor with speare (for the battel is the Lords) and he will giue you into our handes.
48 Goliat yɛɛ sɛ ɔreba Dawid so no, ntɛm ara, na Dawid nso tuu mmirika kohyiaa no.
And when the Philistim arose to come and drawe neere vnto Dauid, Dauid hasted and ran to fight against the Philistim.
49 Ɔde ne nsa hyɛɛ nguanhwɛfo kotoku no mu, yii kokwabo baako de hyɛɛ nʼahwimmo no mu tow ma ɛkɔbɔɔ Filistini no moma so. Kokwabo no wuraa Goliat tirim ma obu hwee, maa nʼanim kobutuw fam.
And Dauid put his hande in his bagge, and tooke out a stone, and slang it, and smote the Philistim in his forehead, that the stone sticked in his forehead, and he fell groueling to the earth.
50 Enti Dawid de ahwimmo ne kokwabo baako dii Filistini ɔkwabran no so.
So Dauid ouercame the Philistim with a sling and with a stone, and smote the Philistim, and slew him, when Dauid had no sword in his hand.
51 Dawid tuu mmirika kɔɔ Filistini no so kɔtwee nʼafoa fii ne boha mu. Dawid de afoa no kum no twaa ne ti. Bere a Filistifo huu sɛ wɔn kwabran no awu no, wɔtetew san wɔn akyi, guanee.
Then Dauid ranne, and stood vpon the Philistim, and tooke his sword and drew it out of his sheath, and slewe him, and cut off his head therewith. So whe the Philistims saw, that their champion was dead, they fled.
52 Afei, Israelfo no bɔɔ ose kɛse nkonimdi so, taa Filistifo no ara koduu Gat ne Ekron apon ano. Na Filistifo a wɔawuwu no afunu ne apirafo no gugu ɔkwan so, de fi Saaraim de koduu Gat ne Ekron.
And the men of Israel and Iudah arose, and shouted, and followed after the Philistims, vntill they came to the valley, and vnto the gates of Ekron: and the Philistims fell downe wounded by the way of Shaaraim, euen to Gath and to Ekron.
53 Afei, Israelfo asraafo san wɔn akyi bɛbɔ wuraa Filistifo nsraban a wɔaguan afi hɔ no mu faa wɔn nneɛma.
And the children of Israel returned from pursuing the Philistims, and spoyled their tents.
54 Dawid faa Goliat ti de kɔɔ Yerusalem, na ɔkoraa Filistini no akode wɔ ɔno ankasa ne ntamadan mu.
And Dauid tooke the head of ye Philistim, and brought it to Ierusalem, and put his armour in his tent.
55 Bere a Saulo huu Dawid sɛ ɔrekɔ Goliat anim no, obisaa Abner a na ɔyɛ nʼakofo sahene se, “Abner, hena ba ne saa aberante yi?” Abner buae se, “Nokware ni, minnim.”
When Saul sawe Dauid go forth against the Philistim, he sayd vnto Abner the captaine of his hoste, Abner, whose sonne is this yong man? and Abner answered, As thy soule liueth, O King, I can not tell.
56 Ɔhene no ka kyerɛɛ no se, “Ɛyɛ a, bisa.”
Then the King sayde, Enquire thou whose sonne this yong man is.
57 Dawid kum Goliat akyi no, Abner de no brɛɛ Saulo a na ɔda so kita Filistini no ti no.
And when Dauid was returned from the slaughter of the Philistim, then Abner tooke him, and brought him before Saul with the head of the Philistim in his hand.
58 Saulo ka kyerɛɛ no se, “Ka biribi a ɛfa wʼagya ho kyerɛ me, me ba.” Na Dawid buae se, “Ne din de Yisai, na yɛte Betlehem.”
And Saul sayde to him, Whose sonne art thou, thou yong man? And Dauid answered, I am the sonne of thy seruant Ishai the Bethlehemite.

< 1 Samuel 17 >