< Mezmurlar 124 >

1 Davut'un hac ilahisi RAB bizden yana olmasaydı, Desin şimdi İsrail:
You Israeli [people], [answer this question]: What [would have happened to us] if Yahweh had not been (helping/fighting for) us?
2 RAB bizden yana olmasaydı, İnsanlar bize saldırdığında,
When [our enemies] attacked us, if Yahweh had not been fighting for us,
3 Diri diri yutarlardı bizi, Öfkeleri bize karşı alevlenince.
we would have all been killed [IDM] because they were very angry with us!
4 Sular silip süpürürdü bizleri, Seller geçerdi üzerimizden.
[They would have been like] [MET] a flood that swept/carried us away; [it would have been as though] the water would have covered us,
5 Kabaran sular Aşardı başımızdan.
and we would [all] have drowned in the flood that was (raging/flowing very fast).
6 Övgüler olsun Bizi onların ağzına yem etmeyen RAB'be!
[But] praise Yahweh, because he has not allowed our [enemies to destroy us] [like wild animals] [MET] tear apart [the creatures that they capture].
7 Bir kuş gibi Kurtuldu canımız avcının tuzağından, Kırıldı tuzak, kurtulduk.
We have escaped [from our enemies] like a bird escapes from the trap that hunters have set; [it is as though] the trap [that our enemies set for us] was broken and we have escaped from it!
8 Yeri göğü yaratan RAB'bin adı yardımcımızdır.
Yahweh is the one who helps us [MTY]; he is the one who made heaven and the earth.

< Mezmurlar 124 >