< Ağitlar 2 >

1 Rab öfkelenince Siyon kızını nasıl bulutla kapladı! İsrail'in görkemini gökten yere fırlattı, Öfkelendiği gün ayağının taburesini anımsamadı.
Yahweh was extremely angry [with us]; as a result, [it was as though] [MET] he covered Jerusalem with a dark cloud. Previously it was a beautiful/glorious city, but he has caused it to become a ruins. At the time he punished [MET] Israel, he [even] abandoned his temple [MET] [in Jerusalem].
2 Yakup soyunun yaşadığı her yeri acımadan yuttu, Yahuda kızının surlu kentlerini gazabıyla yıktı, Yerle bir etti onları, Krallığını ve önderlerini alçalttı.
Yahweh destroyed the homes of [the people of] [PRS] Judah; he did not act mercifully. Because he was very angry, he broke down the fortresses of Judah. He has caused our kingdom and our rulers to become disgraced, and he has gotten rid of them.
3 Kızgın öfkesiyle İsrail'in gücünü kökünden kesti, Düşmanın önünde sağ elini onların üstünden çekti, Çevresini yiyip bitiren alevli ateş gibi Yakup soyunu yaktı.
Because he was extremely angry, he has caused Israel to not be powerful [MET] any more. He has refused to assist us when our enemies attacked us. He has destroyed Israel like [SIM] a raging fire destroys everything.
4 Düşman gibi yayını gerdi, Hasım gibi sağ elini kaldırdı, Göz zevkini okşayan herkesi öldürdü, Gazabını Siyon kızının çadırı üstüne ateş gibi döktü.
He bent his bow [to prepare to shoot us, his people], as though we were his enemies. He [prepared to] kill the people whom we love the most [MET], members of our own families. He is extremely angry [MTY] with us people of Jerusalem; his anger is like [SIM] a fire.
5 Rab adeta bir düşman olup İsrail'i yuttu, Bütün saraylarını yutup surlu kentlerini yıktı, Yahuda kızının feryadını, figanını arşa çıkardı.
Yahweh has become like an enemy to [us] Israelis; he has destroyed our palaces and caused our fortresses to become ruins. He has gotten rid of many people in Jerusalem, and caused us to mourn and weep [for those who were killed].
6 Bahçe çardağını söker gibi kendi çardağını söküp attı, Buluşma yerini yok etti, RAB Siyon'da bayram ve Şabat günlerini unutturdu, Şiddetli öfkesi yüzünden kralı da kâhini de reddetti.
He has caused his temple to be smashed [as easily] as [SIM] if it was a shelter in a garden. He has caused [us, his people], to forget all our sacred festivals and Sabbath days. He has caused [our] kings and priests to be rejected because he was extremely angry with them.
7 Rab sunağını attı, Tapınağını terk etti; Siyon saraylarını çeviren surları düşman eline bıraktı. Bayram gününde olduğu gibi, Düşman RAB'bin Tapınağı'nda sevinç çığlıkları attı.
Yahweh has rejected his own altar and abandoned his temple. He has allowed [our] enemies to tear down the walls of [our temple and] our palaces. They shout [victoriously] in the temple of Yahweh, like we [previously shouted] during our sacred festivals.
8 RAB Siyon kızının surlarını yıkmaya karar verdi, İpi gerdi ve yıkmaktan el çekmedi, İç ve dış surlara yas tutturdu, İkisinin de gücü tükendi.
Yahweh was determined to cause the walls of our city [MTY] to be torn down. [It was as though] he measured the walls and [then he completely] destroyed [MTY] them. [It was as though] he caused the towers and walls to lament/weep, [because they were now ruins].
9 Siyon'un kapıları yere battı, RAB kapı sürgülerini kırıp yok etti, Kralıyla önderleri başka ulusların arasında kaldı, Kutsal Yasa uygulanmaz oldu, Peygamberlerine RAB'den görüm gelmiyor artık.
The city gates have collapsed; the bars that fastened the gates shut have been smashed. The king and his officials have [been forced to] go to other countries. No longer does anyone teach the people the laws [that God gave to Moses]. The prophets do not receive any visions [because] Yahweh does not give them any.
10 Siyon kızının ileri gelenleri suskun, yere oturmuş, Başlarına toprak saçıp çul kuşanmışlar, Yeruşalim'in erden kızları yere eğmiş başlarını.
The old men of Jerusalem [MTY] sit on the ground, and they say nothing. They wear rough sackcloth and throw dust on their heads [to show that they are sad]. The young girls of Jerusalem bow down [sorrowfully], their faces touching the ground.
11 Gözlerim tükenmekte ağlamaktan, İçim kanıyor; Halkımın yıkımından Yüreğim sızlıyor, Çünkü kent meydanlarında çocuklarla bebekler bayılmakta.
My eyes are very tired because of my tears; I am very grieved in my soul. Because [very many of] my people have been killed, I grieve and am exhausted. [Even] children and babies are fainting [and dying] in the streets [because they have no food].
12 Kent meydanlarında yaralılar gibi bayılıp Can çekişirken annelerinin bağrında, “Ekmekle şarap nerede?” diye soruyorlar annelerine.
They cry out to their mothers, “We need [RHQ] something to eat and drink!” They faint like wounded men in the streets of the city. They slowly die in the arms of their mothers.
13 Senin için ne diyeyim? Ey Yeruşalim kızı, seni neye benzeteyim? Ey Siyon'un erden kızı, sana neyi örnek göstereyim de Seni avutayım? Sendeki gedik deniz kadar büyük, Kim sana şifa verebilir?
You people of Jerusalem [MTY, DOU], (what can I/there is nothing that I can) say [to help you]. No people have [RHQ] suffered like you are suffering; I do not know what I can do to comfort you. The disaster [MET] that you have experienced is as great as the ocean is deep; there is no one [RHQ] who can restore your [city].
14 Peygamberlerin senin için boş ve anlamsız görümler gördüler. Suçunu ortaya çıkarsalardı, eski gönencine kavuşabilirdin; Oysa seni ayartacak boş görümler gördüler.
The prophets among you claimed that they had seen visions [from Yahweh], but what they said was false and worthless. They did not save you from being (exiled/forced to go to other countries), because they did not proclaim that you had sinned. Instead, the messages that they gave you deceived you [because] they were not true.
15 Yoldan geçen herkes el çırparak seninle alay ediyor, Yeruşalim kızına baş sallayıp ıslık çalarak, “Bütün dünyanın sevinci, güzellik simgesi dedikleri kent bu mu?” diyorlar.
All those who pass by you make fun of [IDM] you; they shake their heads and they hiss/sneer at you. [They say], “Is this that great city of Jerusalem? Is it the city that was the most beautiful city in the world, the city that caused all [the people on] the earth to be joyful?”
16 Düşmanlarının hepsi seninle alay etti, Islık çalıp diş gıcırdatarak, “Onu yuttuk” diyorlar, “İşte beklediğimiz gün, sonunda gördük onu.”
[Now] all our enemies scoff [IDM] at you; they hiss/sneer [at you] and gnash their teeth [to show that they hate you]. They say, “We have destroyed them! This is what we longed/waited for, and now it has happened!”
17 RAB düşündüğünü yaptı, Geçmişte söylediği sözü yerine getirdi, Yıktı, acımadı, Düşmanı senin haline sevindirdi, Hasımlarını güçlü kıldı.
Yahweh has done what he planned; long ago he threatened to destroy you, and [now] he has done it. He has destroyed [your city] without acting mercifully [toward you]; he has enabled your enemies to he happy about defeating you; he has enabled your enemies to [continually] become stronger.
18 Halk Rab'be yürekten feryat ediyor. Ey Siyon kızının surları, Gece gündüz gözyaşın sel gibi aksın! Dinlenme, gözüne uyku girmesin!
I wish/desire that the walls of Jerusalem [APO] would cry out to Yahweh! You people of Jerusalem [MET], Cry day and night! Let your tears flow like rivers. Do not stop grieving; do not stop crying.
19 Kalk, gece her nöbet başında haykır, Rab'bin huzurunda yüreğini su gibi dök! Her sokak başında açlıktan bayılan çocuklarının başı için O'na ellerini aç.
Get up [every] night and cry out; tell Yahweh what you are feeling. Raise your arms to plead to him to act mercifully to prevent our children from dying; they are fainting on the street corners because they have no food to eat.
20 “Bak, ya RAB, gör! Kime böyle yaptın? Kadınlar çocuklarını, sevgili yavrularını mı yesin? Kâhinle peygamber Rab'bin Tapınağı'nda mı öldürülsün?
Yahweh, look, and think [about it]! Have you ever [RHQ] caused people to suffer like this before? [It is certainly not right that] [RHQ] women are eating the flesh of their own children, the children whom they have always taken care of! [It is not right that] [RHQ] priests and prophets are being killed in your own temple!
21 Gençler, yaşlılar sokaklarda, yerlerde yatıyor, Kılıçtan geçirildi erden kızlarımla gençlerim, Öfkelendiğin gün öldürdün onları, acımadan boğazladın.
[The corpses of] people of all ages lie in the streets; [there are even corpses of] young men and young women who have been killed by [our enemies’] swords. Because you were very angry, you caused them to be killed; you have slaughtered them without pitying them [at all].
22 Bir bayram günü davet eder gibi Beni dehşete düşürenleri davet ettin her yandan. RAB'bin öfkelendiği gün kaçıp kurtulan, Sağ kalan olmadı. Sevgiyle büyüttüğüm çocuklarımı Düşmanım yok etti.”
You summoned our enemies to attack us from every direction, as though you were calling/inviting them to come to a feast. At that time when [you showed that] you were very angry, no one escaped. Our enemies murdered [our little children, ] ones whom we took care of and reared/brought up.

< Ağitlar 2 >