< Nyikrwkaatamnam 9 >
1 Vbvrikunamv nyidogindung angunvnv vv ninyigv tapu nga milinto. Ho ngo takar nga sichingmooku lo olu kunam am kaato, okv ho dootarkamanv ungrung gv chabi nga jilwkto. (Abyssos )
AND the Fifth angel sounded. And I saw a star which fell from heaven unto the earth and there was given to him the key of the pit of the abyss. (Abyssos )
2 Takar angv vv dootarkamanv ungrung nga ikukto, okv kairungnv vmv mvriak lokv mvkw sukchanam aingbv, mvkw ngv soksok pabv soklinto; Doonyi loung okv doori ngv dootarkamanv lokv mvkw sokchanv kanv ngv dwk pato. (Abyssos )
And he opened the pit of the abyss, and smoke ascended from the pit, as the smoke of a burning furnace; and the sun was darkened, and the air, from the smoke of the pit. (Abyssos )
3 Takam vdw sum mvkw lokv sichingmooku so limu toku, okv modwdwkong gv jwkrw sum karing sibv bunua vdwaka jwkrw aka vbvching jidu kalumto.
And from the smoke came forth locusts upon the earth. And there was given to them power such as scorpions have upon the earth.
4 Bunua vbv minto singnvsingu sum vmalo singnv vdwa vmalo kvvbi nvsinnvmwng vdwaka oguguka twkma dubv minto; vbvritola yvvdw bunugv tuktumlo Pwknvyarnv gv siel lokv tupnam kaama pvdw vkvnv nyi mvngchik ka bunua chetwkkvrwk dubv tulwkto.
And it was told them, that they should not hurt the herbage of the earth, nor any green (thing), nor any tree, but only those men who had not the seal of Aloha upon their foreheads.
5 Takamkamar vdw sum oogv nyi vdwa mvki dubv jimato, vbvritola poolu pwkngu gv lvgabv bunua mvdwkmvku rungdubv tulwk jito. Oogv mvdwkmvku la achinamv modwdwkong gv cheetwk tvla achinam aingbv rimuto.
And it was given them, that they should not kill them, but torture them five months. And their torture was as the torture of a scorpion when he striketh a man.
6 Oogv poolu pwngu lo bunu sinam lvgabv mare, vbvritola bunu paamare; bunu vdwv sinwngre, vbvrijvka sinamv bunua kiyure.
And in those days men shall seek death, and shall not find; and shall desire to die, and death will flee from them.
7 Takam vdwv kaanamv nyimak vngtvnv gora aingbv ridung nyadu. Bunugv dumpo lo bunu vdwv ain biotung bimpvnv jvbv kaato, okv bunugv nyukmu ngv nyi aingbv ridu.
And the likeness of those locusts (was this): they resemble the appearance of horses prepared for battle. And upon their heads (was) a crown of the likeness of gold; and their faces (were) as the faces of men.
8 Bunugv dvmw ngv nyimv vdwgv dvmw jvbv rito, bunugv hijung ngv abwngapa gv hijung jvbv rito.
And they had hair as the hair of women, and their teeth were as of lions;
9 Bunugv hakwng lo riokdvr saruk aingbv kaanv vkvnv hokto, okv bunugv lap lokv lapdwn la vdu dunv ngv goragari atwng go nyimak lo jokdunv jvbv tvvto.
and they had breast-plates as breast-plates of iron, and the sound of their wings was as the sound of the chariots of many horses running to battle.
10 Bunu vdwgv nyabung gvvnamv, okv dwkong gv nyabung gv lvtak jvbv ridu, okv bunugv nyabung ngv vkvnv jwkrw ngv doodu nyi vdwa hirukaya modubv poolu pwkngu lo gobv nvkwng more.
And they had tails like those of scorpions, and stings; and in their tails they have power to hurt men five months.
11 Bunu gvlo ka bunua rigv jinv dvbv go doodu, vv dootarkamanv ungrung nga kaayatayanv nyidogindung ngv. Vkvgv amina Hebrew lo Abaddon gobv mindu; Okv Greek lo Apollyon gobv amin am mindu (vbv mindunam v “Mvyakriyakyanv” ngv vdu). (Abyssos )
And they had a king over them, the angel of the abyss, and his name in Hebrew is Abadon; but in Javanith his name is Apolon. (Abyssos )
12 Soogv busu sucho jinamv vngroku; soogv kokwngbv um busu yaya dubv rimu jinv ngv anyigo aare.
One woe hath gone. Behold, two woes yet come after it.
13 Akvnv nyidogindung angv vv ninyigv tapu nga mito. Ho Pwknvyarnv gv dooku agumai gv doonv namwnama ramnvnv ain takbvr gv chenyung api lokv gaam vdugo aadu bv ngo tvvpato.
And the Sixth angel sounded. And I heard one voice from the horns of the altar of gold which was before Aloha,
14 Vdu ngv nyidogindung akv nga minto, “Kairungnv Euphrarates siko lo, nyidogindung api go kintung pvvnama tulin jito kuka!”
saying to the sixth angel who had the trumpet, Release the four angels which are bound in the great river Phraat.
15 Nyidogindung api nga tulin jitoku; ogulvgavbolo hogv anying chinglo hogv poolu chinglo hogv aluchinglo hogv dw chinglo bunu nyi mvnwng nga apum aom gobv mvnam lokv apum gonvnyi mvki dukubv mvpv ripvla vvpvtoku.
And the four angels were released, they who were prepared for an hour, and for a day, and for a month, and for a year, to kill the third (part) of men.
16 Ngo gorajoknv sipai vdwa kiitokula mintam jitoku: Vv lvngnyi milion gobv ritoku
And the number of the host of the horsemen was two myriads of myriads. I heard the number of them.
17 Ngo nyikrw kaakulo gora achialvgo kaato okv vkv aolo bunugv oogv doonv nyi aka kaato: bunu vmv mvru jvbv kaanv lvngchingnv saruk go kooto, yabubulu tvla sapire vlwng ainggo, okv yage tvla salpar amwk ainggo. Gora gv dumpo ngv abwngapa vdwgv dumpo jvbv rito, okv bunugv gaam lokv vmv ngv soksok lindu. Mvkw ngv soksok lindu okv salpar amwk vkvnv linto.
And as I beheld those horses in the vision, and those who sat upon them, (I saw that) they had breast-plates of fire, and jacinth, and sulphur; and the heads of the horses were as the heads of lions, and from their mouths went out fire, and smoke, and sulphur.
18 Nyiamooku sokv nyi nyitwng aom lokv akonyi: bunu napa lokv linv vmv, mvkw, okv salpar amwk vkvnv aomgo linv vkvnv lokv, chilichilam aingbv mvki nyami toku.
And by these three plagues were the third of men killed; from the fire, and from the smoke, and from the sulphur which went out of their mouths.
19 Ogulvgavbolo gora gv jwkrw ngv bunugv napa lola okv nyabung lo doodu. Bunugv nyabung ngv tabw gv dumpo aingbv ridu, okv bunu um mvnvrinv la nyi vdwa achialvbv achi dubv mvdu.
For the power of the horses is in their mouth and in their tails: for their tails were like serpents which had heads, and with them they wound.
20 Oogv chilichinam lokv, yvvdw nyia opi simabv doobvla ribvdw oogv doonv dvdv ngv, bunu atubogv vkvnv mvsu risunam lokv mvngdinla lingku mato. Bunu uyuvram am kumnam um kayu mabv kumbv la ridu, vmajvka ain lokv, Raaji lokv, tamba lokv, vlwng lokv, okv vsing lokv, mvnam morti oogv nyik kaala manv nyarung tvvla manv, vmajvka vngla manv vkv nvnga kumbvla ridu.
And the rest of men who were not killed by those plagues, did not repent of the works of their hands, that they should not worship demons and idols of gold and of silver and of brass and of stone and of wood, which can neither see nor hear;
21 Vbvmajvka bunu mvkipaki minsunam lokv, bunugv lamahinv lokv, bunugv yomurminsunam, vmalo bunugv choonam lokv bunu mvngdin kumaduku.
nor repented they of their murders, nor of their sorceries, nor of their fornications, nor of their robberies.