< Nyikrwkaatamnam 6 >

1 Vbvrikunamv ngo siel kanw lokv atuake anga Svlarkuuv mvyakla taakuk dubv kaato, okv turnv pwknamyarnam api lokv akonv vv vlv ngv doogum gumnam aingbv, “aalakv!” vdubv ngo tvvto.
AND I saw, when the Lamb had opened one of the SEVEN SEALS. And I heard one of the four living-ones speaking as the voice of thunder, Come, and see!
2 Okv ngo kaanamv, yapungnv gora ako hoka kaapato. Vkvgv aolo doonv vv vrigo bvngto, okv hv dvbvbiotung ako jikunam go. Rigum nvgv rigumnam aingbv hv rigum dubv vnglintoku.
And I looked: and there was a white horse; and he who sat upon him had a bow, and there was given to him a crown; and he went forth conquering, so that he might conquer.
3 Vbvrikunamv Svlarkuuv anyinvnv siel um mvyakla taakukla rikunamv; okv anyi jinv gv turnv pwknamyarnamv “aalakv!” vdubv ngo tvvto.
And when he had opened the SECOND SEAL, I heard the second living-one, who said, Come!
4 Hokochingbv gora, lvngchingnv akodv linto. Hogv gorajoknv um sichingmooku so yalungnyimak rimisumu dubv jwkrw jilwkto, vkvlvgavbolo nyi am paki minsu modubv vla. Hv riukse sootv bogo jikunamv.
And there went out another horse (which was) red; and to him who sat upon him was given to take peace from the earth, and thus that one another they should kill; and there was given to him a great sword.
5 Vbvrikunamv Svlarkuu angv vv siel aumnv um mvyakla taakukto; okv aomnv turnv pwknamyarnamv minto, “aalakv!” vdubv ngo tvvto. Ngo kaanamv, okv hoka yakenv gora ako dakto. Oogv gorajoknv vv ninyigv laklo kiikanvnv vpipiitak tago bvngto.
And when he had opened the THIRD SEAL, I heard the third living one, saying, Come, and see! And I saw, and, behold, a black horse, and he who sat upon him had a balance in his hand.
6 Turnv pwknamyarnam api gv aralokv vlvgo adu dulin dunv aingbv tvvpato, vbv minto, alu lookin gv lvgabv rvklaplapjo ngv “Ampu gv nyilapdumtup akinnv, okv alu lookin gv lvgabv rvklaplapjo ngv radv gv nyilapdumtup aom ngv. Vbvritola olib singnv nga okv anggur rongo nga mvpak mabvka vto!”
And I heard a voice from the midst of the four living-ones, saying, A choenix of wheat for a dinar; And three choenices of barley for a dinar; And the oil and the wine hurt not.
7 Vbvrikunamv Svlarkuuv siel apinv um mvyakla taakuk namv; okv ho turnv pwknamyarnam apinvnv vv minto, “Aatokv!” vla ngo tvvpato.
And when he had opened the FOURTH SEAL, I heard the fourth living-one, saying, Come, and see!
8 Ngo kaato namv, okv hoka ungmv unglvnv gora go dakto. Ho gorajoknv gv aminv Sinam, okv sikunv vdwgv mookuv, Bunu vdwa sichingmooku gv aolo Api lokv akin gunyi tujupkunam am jitoku, yalungnyimak lokv, yarwngdvrw lokv, lvvma lokv, okv mootum svnwngsvmin vdwlokv mvkire. (Hadēs g86)
And I saw a green horse, and he who sat upon him had the name of Death, and Shiul followed after him. And there was given to him power over the fourth of the earth, to kill with the sword, and with famine, and with death, and with the toothed beast of the earth. (Hadēs g86)
9 Vbvrikunamv siel angunvnv um Svlarkuuv pukola taakukto. Yogwngmvrwng gv kampwk hoka Pwknvyarnv gv gamchar am japgo karnv vdwa okv jwkjwkvrwkbv minjiyanv vdwa mvki namgv yajiyalu vdwa doodubv ngo kaato.
And when he had opened the FIFTH SEAL, I saw under the altar the souls of them who had been killed for the word of Aloha, and for the testimony of the Lamb, which had been theirs.
10 Bunu vdwv adudutv rungbv gokto, “Gwlwkyachoknv Ahtu, darwknv, okv jvjvnv! Sichingmooku lo nyi vdw sum ngonua mvkinv vdwa jwngkadaka la okv mvrit dwv vdwching nyikula?”
And they cried with a great voice, saying, Until when, O Lord, holy (and) true, Dost thou not judge and avenge our blood On those who dwell upon the earth?
11 Bunu nyichar vdwa yapungnv vjipakria borsakgo jito, okv bunu vdwa pakinam aingbv kvvbi pakbu vdwaka okv mvngjwngnv vdwaka paki nyami ma lo gobv, bunua achukgo doonula doya chotoka vtoku.
And there was given to each of them the white robe; and it was told them, that they should rest yet a little time, until should be completed their fellow-servants, their brethren who would be killed as also they.
12 Okv siel akvnvnv um Svlarkuuv taakuk dubv ngo kaato. Hoka maatarrungbv mobi go hvkto, okv doonyi ngv vji kyaanv aingbv yakiato, okv poolu ngv lvngchingla oyi jvbv ritoku.
And I saw when he opened the SIXTH SEAL, there was a great movement; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and all the moon became as blood;
13 Takuk nyimanv asi gv ritvvdori riyinyi singnv lokv holunam aingbv takar ngv nyido lokv sichingmooku so ooluto.
and the stars of heaven fell to the earth, as the fig-tree casteth her figs, when from a great wind she is shaken.
14 Nyidokolo ngv tibungnam kitap aingbv tibung lakula nyeriku, okv moodw mvnwng ngv okv bokpin mvnwng ngv aigv duku akin lo doomabv vngkupvngv riku.
And the heavens were sundered as a book that is rolled, and all the mountains and islands from their places were moved;
15 Vbvrikunamv sichingmooku gv dvbv vdwv, rigvdogvnv, okv militari abwngyachoknv, nyitv vdwv, okv jwkrwyachonv, okv kvvbi nyi mvnwng vka, nyira vdwka okv ajarabinv vvka, bunu awv hungrunglo okv moodw gv lvngrak arwnglo, toosi nyala rito.
and the kings of the earth and great ones, and the chiefs of thousands, and the rich and the mighty ones, and every servant, and every freeman, hid them in the caverns, and in the rocks of the mountains,
16 Bunu moodw vdwa okv lvngrak vdwa goktoku, “Ngonua dvbvdootum lokv doonv gv nyukmu okv Svlarkuu gv haachinam lokv toosinam lvgabv aolo homam bvka!
saying to the mountains and to the rocks, Fall upon us, and hide us from the face of him who sitteth upon the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb.
17 Bunugv maatarrungbv haachi chidwv silu kula, okv yvvka um dakrap minsu lama dunv?”
For the great day of their wrath has come, and who is able to stand?

< Nyikrwkaatamnam 6 >