< Nyikrwkaatamnam 3 >

1 “Sardis aralo gvrja gv nyidogindung nga lvkto:” “Soogv doin si Pwknvyarnv gv Dow kanwgo doonv okv takar pwkkanwgo doogvnv agv lokv milwkdu.” Nonuno ogugo ridung dunvdw ngo chindu; Nonuno turdunv vla aminv doodu, vbvrijvka nonu sidu!
And to the aungel of the chirche of Sardis write thou, These thingis seith he, that hath the seuene spiritis of God, and the seuene sterris. Y woot thi werkis, for thou hast a name, that thou lyuest, and thou art deed.
2 Vkvlvgabv nonu gvlo vjak sinyachika madvlo, gudung tokuka, okv gwlwk tvkuka. Vkvlvgavbolo ngo kaanamv nonu ogugo ridudw ngoogv Pwknvyarnv gv kaagia lo vjvka rvbwng madu.
Be thou wakynge, and conferme thou othere thingis, that weren to diynge; for Y fynde not thi werkis fulle bifore my God.
3 Vbvrikunamv, nonua ogugo tamsar bvdw okv nonugv ogugo tvvbvdw um mvngpa tvlaka; sum tvvto la okv nonugv rimur dvdv lokv mvngdw tokuka. Nonuno uula doomabolo, ngo nonu gvlo dvcho nvgv aingbv aare, okv ngo aadw lo aareku nonu um chimare.
Therfor haue thou in mynde, hou thou resseyuedist, and herdist; and kepe, and do penaunce. Therfor if thou wake not, Y schal come as a nyyt theef to thee, and thou schalt not wite in what our Y schal come to thee.
4 Vbvritola sardis aralo nonu pingkolo miang gonv vji am harkak sila rinv ngv doodu. Nonuno jipung vji nga gvvtola, ngoogv vngkulo vngming gvvre, ogulvgavbolo nonu vbv ridubv rirungnvgo.
But thou hast a fewe names in Sardis, whiche han not defoulid her clothis; and thei schulen walke with me in whijt clothis, for thei ben worthi.
5 Yvvdw rigum dunv um soogv vji yapungnv koonam aingbv gvvmure, okv ngo bunugv amina turnam kitap lokv tilatia jimare. Ngoogv Abu gv kaagelo okv ninyigv nyidogindung vdwgv kaagelo ngo bunua ngo gvbv ridukunv vla ngo mingkuk jireku.
He that ouercometh, schal be clothid thus with whijt clothis; and Y schal not do awei his name fro the book of lijf, and Y schal knoueleche his name bifore my fadir, and bifore hise aungels.
6 “Vbvrikunamv, nonuno nyarung doodubolo Dowv gvrja vdwa ogugo mindudw tvvtoka!”
He that hath eeris, here he, what the spirit seith to the chirchis.
7 “Philadelphia aralo gvrja gv nyidogindung nga lvkto:” “Soogv doin si darwknv okv jvjvnv akin go vkvgv lokv gvngv milwkdu”. Dabid gvbv rinv chabiv ninyi gvlo doodu, okv vdwlo hv riapgu nga chikuk bolo, yvvka um kuktum lama dunv, okv vdwlo hv riapgu nga kuktum bolo um yvvka chikuk lama dunv.
And to the aungel of the chirche of Filadelfie write thou, These thingis seith the hooli and trewe, that hath the keie of Dauid; which openeth, and no man closith, he closith, and no man openith.
8 Nonuno ogu ridudw ngo chindu; nonu gvlo jwkrw meechinggo doodunv vla ngo chindunv; nonu ngoogv tamsar kobv vngming gvvdu okv ngam mvngjwng toku. Ngo nonugv kaagia lo yvv gvka chiktum lamanam riapgu nga chikuk pvkunv.
I woot thi werkis, and lo! Y yaf bifore thee a dore opened, which no man may close; for thou hast a litil vertu, and hast kept my word, and denyest not my name.
9 Tvvgap tvvlaka! Yvvdw jius mabv bunu jius gobv minsu dunv, vbv oogv mvvnvrunv atwng ngv Uyudvbv gvbv ridunv, um ngo nonugv lvchu kampwk lo bunua guplwkla aadu bv mvre. Okv ngo nonua pakdunv vla bunu mvnwng ngv chinreku.
Lo! Y schal yyue to thee of the synagoge of Sathanas, whiche seien that thei ben Jewis, and ben not, but lyen. Lo! Y schal make hem, that thei come, and worschipe byfor thi feet; and thei schulen wite,
10 Ogulvgavbolo nonu ngoogv gamki nama saktvla doodu, ngooka sichingmooku sokv doonv nyi dvdv nga, hingkwkakw dubv nyiamookulo adwkaku gv aarinyi nonua ringling lakula pvvching pvvmu riku.
that Y louyde thee, for thou keptist the word of my pacience. And Y schal kepe thee fro the our of temptacioun, that is to comynge in to al the world, to tempte men that dwellen in erthe.
11 Ngo baapu alvbv aagoraayin rikunv. Nonu ogugo doodudw alvbv richingrimu pvvlaka, vkvlvgavbolo nonugv rigumla amin paapv nama yvvka choka mare.
Lo! Y come soone; holde thou that that thou hast, that no man take thi coroun.
12 Yvvdw rigum doonv um ngoogv Pwknvyarnv gv Pwknvyarnvnaam lo ngo gwngnga pogobv mvre, okv hv vdwloka um kayu mare. Ngo ninyigv aolo Pwknvyarnv gv amin am okv ngoogv Pwknvyarnv gv pamtv, oogv nyidomooku gv ngoogv Pwknvyarnv lokv aanv anwnv Jerusalem gv amin nga lvklwkre, okv ngoogv anwnv amin aka ninyigv aolo lvklwkre.
And hym that schal ouercome, Y schal make a pilere in the temple of my God, and he schal no more go out; and Y schal write on hym the name of my God, and the name of the citee of my God, of the newe Jerusalem, that cometh doun fro heuene of my God, and my newe name.
13 “Vbvrikunamv, nonuno nyarung doodubolo, dowv gvrja nga ogugo mindudw tvvtoka.”
He that hath eeris, here he, what the spirit seith to the chirchis.
14 Laodisia aralo gvrja gv nyidogindung nga lvkto: “Soogv doin si Amen lokv gvngv, vv jwkjwkvrwknv okv jvjvbv minjinv, Pwknvyarnv gv pwklinyarlinnam dvdvgv lingku ngv.
And to the aungel of the chirche of Laodice write thou, These thingis seith Amen, the feithful witnesse and trewe, which is bigynnyng of Goddis creature.
15 Nonu ogugo ripvdw ngo chindu; Nonu harik laka rima vmalo hagu laka rimanam am ngo chindu. Nonuno akonyi vmalo akonyi rinv gubolo ngo alvdo mvngdu!
I woot thi werkis, for nether thou art cold, nether thou art hoot; Y wolde that thou were could, ethir hoot;
16 Vbvritola nonu guumgulum mvngdu, ogulvgavbolo hagu laka rima okv harik laka rima, vbvrinam lvgabv ngoogv gaam lokv ngo nonua tachur bv chura tvvdu kunv!
but for thou art lew, and nether cold, nether hoot, Y schal bigynne to caste thee out of my mouth.
17 No mindu, ‘Ngo nyitv dukunv, okv himpukain dukunv; ngo gvlo ngoogv mvngnamv doodunv vdu.’ Vbvritola nonu chinsu madu vdwgo no gama nvgobv okv ayakaapa namgobv ridu! nonu heema nvgobv, abinbilin nvgobv, okv nyikching nvgobv ridu.
For thou seist, That Y am riche, and ful of goodis, and Y haue nede of no thing; and thou wost not, that thou art a wretche, and wretcheful, `and pore, and blynde, and nakid.
18 Vbvrikunamv, ngo nam minsar dunv, nyitv nam lvgabv ngo gvlo ain lo, kiakakmvrak jvnv ain lo rvvlaka. Vji jipung loka atubogv lvgabv rvvtoka okv hinyinghiru kaapanv awaro nga komam sitoka. Nonugv nyik loka toolwk sinv dubv pyaknam loka rvvtoka, vbvribolo nonu alvbv kaapa lareku.
Y counsele thee to bie of me brent gold, and preued, that thou be maad riche, and be clothid with whijt clothis, that the confusioun of thi nakidnesse be not seen; and anoynte thin iyen with a collerie, that thou se.
19 Yvvnyi ngo pakdudw um ngo mvnwng nga yamdunv okv mvrit dunv. Vbvrikunamv, mvnggap rungtoka okv rimur lokv mvngdw tvkuka.
Y repreue, and chastise whom Y loue; therfor sue thou goode men, and do penaunce.
20 Tvvto laka, riapgu si daktola okv takdwn dunv; yvvdw ngoogv vlv nga tvvchin dula chikuk redw, ngo bunugv duku naam lo aare okv bunua lvkobv dvming gvvre, okv bunuka ngoogv lvkobv dvming tvngming gvvre.
Lo! Y stonde at the dore, and knocke; if ony man herith my voys, and openith the yate to me, Y shal entre to hym, and soupe with hym, and he with me.
21 Ngoogv rigum lakula okv Abu gv dvbvdogingnvnv nvchilo dookunam aingbv yvvdw rigum lakula ridudw um ngoogv dvbvdoogingnvnv gv dooku lo ngo doomu dubv jire.
And Y schal yyue to hym that schal ouercome, to sitte with me in my trone, as also Y ouercam, and sat with my fadir in his trone.
22 “Vbvrikunamv, nonuno nyarung doodubolo, dowv gvrja vdwa ogugo mindudw tvvtoka!”
He that hath eeris, here he, what the spirit seith to the chirchis.

< Nyikrwkaatamnam 3 >