< Luk 5 >
1 Alu golo Jisu Gennesaret svparsvlv adarlo dakto ho nyi vdwv Pwknvyarnv gv gaam tvvdubv vla ninyigv kiambv chapcha nyato.
Now it happened, as he stood by the lake Gennesareth, the multitude pressing upon him to hear the word of God;
2 Nw svparsvlv adarlo svpw anyigo pucha dubv kaapato; ngui naanv vdwv ho kayupila okv vsap a kakdungto.
that seeing two barks aground, near the shore, the fishermen having landed to wash their nets,
3 Jisu svpw akonvlo aatoku—hv Saimon gvbv rito—okv ninyia minto achukgo adar lokv nvnglwk tvkv vla. Jisu svpw lo doopv tvla okv nyitwng nga tamsarto.
he went aboard one of them, which was Simon's; and desiring him to put off a little from the land, sat down, and taught the people out of the bark.
4 Vdwlo nw raanam a raanya tvkudw, nw Saimonnyi minto, “Svpw a adu dubv isi arayabv tunglwkto, okv no la noogv ajin vdwv ngui naanam lvgabv vsap a orlwkto.”
When he had done speaking, he said to Simon, Launch out into deep water, and let down your nets for a draught.
5 “Tamsarnv,” Saimon minto, “Ngonu siyu harkwng pvnv vbvrijvka oguguka naapama. Vbvritola no vbv mindu nvbolo, ngo vsap vdwa orlwkre.”
Simon answered, Master, we have toiled all night, and have caught nothing; nevertheless, at your word, I will let down the net.
6 Bunu vsap vdwa orlwkto okv vsap vdwa bokpwk tvdukubv achialv kaibv ngui vkv naatoku.
Having done this, they inclosed such a multitude of fishes, that the net began to break.
7 Vkvlvgabv bunu bunugv ajin vdwa pudumsedum labvkv vla goklwkto. Bunu aato okv svpw anyilo ngui v aku dubv naaku namv svpw vdwv isi bv hoolwk tvvtoku.
And they beckoned to their companions, in the other bark, to come and help them. And they came, and loaded both their barks, so that they were near sinking.
8 Ogugo ripvkudw um Saimon Pitar kaagv rikula, nw ninyigv lvpa lvkwnglo Jisu gv habolo gipv tvkula okv minto, “Ahtu! ngoogv lokv vngroto, ngo rimurnv nyi vla!”
When Simon Peter saw this, he threw himself at Jesus' knees, saying, Depart from me, Lord, for I am a sinful man.
9 Nw okv ninyia lvkobv rinv kvvbi mvnwngngv bunugv achialvbv ngui naakunama kaangak nyatoku.
For the draught of fishes which they had taken had filled him and all his companions with terror,
10 Saimon gv ribam ajin Jibedi gv kuunyilo Jems okv Jon bunyi ka kaangak toku. Jisu Saimonnyi minto, “Busu mabvka; vjak lokv no nyi naakar reku.”
particularly James and John, sons of Zebedee, who were Simon's partners. And Jesus said to Simon, Fear not, henceforth you shall catch men.
11 Bunu svpw vdwa segumlo pucha toku, ogu mvnwngnga kayupila Jisunyi vngming gvtoku.
And having brought their barks to land, they forsook all, and followed him.
12 Jisu lvkogulo Banggu akolo dooto ho hoka nyi ako apin hv yala arwnam lvvma nvgo dooto. Vdwlo nw Jisunyi kaapa tokudw, nw atubongv gipv gvrila okv Jisunyi kodwkkrwkla kooto, “Tamsarnv, no mvngduboloka, no ngam darwk dubv mvlare!”
When he was in one of the neighboring cities, a man covered with leprosy, happened to see him, threw himself on his face, and besought him, saying, Master, if you will, you can cleanse me.
13 Jisu ninyigv laakkv idaira linla okv ninyia mvsit toku. “Ngo vbv mvngrung dunv,” nw mirwkto. “Darwk tokukv!” Vjakgobv lvvma ngv nyi hum kayupila vngtoku.
Jesus stretching out his hand, and touching him, said, I will; be you cleansed. That instant his leprosy departed from him.
14 Jisu nyi hum minggapto “Yvvnyika minpa mabvka, vbvritola nyibu gvlo vngdavngra nyika okv ninyia jwngkadaka motoka; vbvrigvrila nyi mvnwngnga chimpakaapa molaka no poorung pvku vla, erin nvsenga jilaka Moses gv minkubv.”
And he commanded him to tell no person. But go, said he, show yourself to the priest, and present the offered appointed by Moses, for notifying the people that you are cleansed.
15 Vbvritola Jisu gv lvkwnglo kaiyayabv dupwng toku, nyi nyitwng ngv aala ninyigvlo tvvto okv bunugv lvvma vdwlokv pooya dukubv aato.
Yet so much the more was Jesus everywhere talked of, that vast multitudes flocked to hear him, and to be cured by him of their maladies.
16 Vbvritola nw jematai kolo vngla, hoka nw kumtoku.
And he withdrew into solitary places, and prayed.
17 Alu golo vdwlo Jisu tamsar rilo, Parisis okv Pvbv tamsarnv nyi mego hoka dooto hoka doonv kvgonv Galili banggu mvnwng lokv okv Judia lokv okv Jerusalem lokv aanvgo. Ahtu gv jwkrw v Jisu gvlo doolwkto lvvma nvnga mvpu dubv.
One day, as he was teaching, and Pharisees, and doctors of law, who had come from Jerusalem, and from every town of Galilee and Judea, were sitting by, the power of the Lord was exerted in the sure of the sick.
18 Nyi mego digwngnv nyi go gadw aolo doodubv joolaila aato, okv bunu naam arwng joolwk dubv rikwngto okv ninyia Jisu gv kaagialo joopv jidubv vla.
And, behold, some men carrying on a bed a man afflicted with a palsy, endeavored to bring him in, and place him before Jesus;
19 Nyitwng ngv achialv twngtv kunam lvgalo, bunu ninyia ogoloka arwnglo joolwk jiku mapa matoku. Vkvlvgabv bunu ninyia namwng aolo joocha toku, namwng nga mvkoto, okv ninyia gadw aolo doomu tvla soolu jitoku nyitwng gv pingkolo Jisu gv kaagialo.
but finding it impracticable, by reason of the crowd, they got upon the roof, and let him down through the tiling, with the little bed, in the midst before him.
20 Vdwlo Jisu bunugv vkvnvgo achialvbv mvngjwng kunama kaapa tokudw, nw nyi hum minto, “Ngoogv ajin a, noogv rimur vdwa mvngnga jipv kunv.”
Jesus perceiving their faith, said, Man, your sins are forgiven you.
21 Pvbv tamsarnv vdwv okv Parisis vdwv bunu atu v minrap nyato, “Yvvla so nyi si svkvnvgo nyarjitari dunv! Pwknvyarnv mvngchik rimur vdwa mvngnga mvngdunv!”
On which the Scribes and the Pharisees reasoned thus, Who is this that speaks blasphemies? Can any one forgive sins except God?
22 Jisu bunugv mvngnam a chintoku, okv bunua minto, “Ogubv nonu svkvnvgo mvngdunv?
Jesus knowing their thoughts, addressed himself to them, and said, What are you reasoning in your hearts?
23 So si minpubv minse gure, ‘Noogv rimur vdwa mvngnga ropvku,’ vmalo miya svgure ‘Gudung gvrila okv vnglakuka’?
Which is easier, to say, Your sins are forgiven you; or to say, Arise, and walk?
24 Vbvrinam v, ngo nonua himpa more, Nyia Kuunyilo ngv siching gwngda so jwkrw doodunv rimura mvngnga dubv.” Vkvlvgabv nw digwngnv nyi um minto, “Ngo nam mindunv, gudungto, noogv kartaknvnv nga naarapto, okv naam bv vngnyiku!”
But that you may know that the Son of Man has power on earth to forgive sins, Arise, said he to the palsied man, take up your bed, and return to your house.
25 Vjakgobv nyi mvnwnggv kaagialo nyi angv gudung toku, ninyigv dootak kartaknvnv nga naatoku, okv Pwknvyarnvnyi hartvla, naam bv vngtoku.
That instant he rose in their presence, took up his bed, and returned home, glorifying God.
26 Bunu mvnwng ngv achialvbv kaangak tangak nyatoku! achialvbv busu datoku, bunu Pwknvyarnvnyi hartv yingla minto “Ngonu silu kaasartabo rungnvgo kaatokubv!”
Seeing this, they were all struck with amazement and reverence, and glorified God, saying, We have seen wonderful things to-day.
27 So kochingbv, Jisu agumlo vnglinto, okv lampu nakumyanv nyigo kaapato aminv Lebi, ninyigv opislo dooto. Jisu ninyia minto, “Nga vngming gvlaak,”
After this, he went out, and observing a publican, named Levi, sitting at the toll-office, said to him, Follow me.
28 Lebi gudung datoku, ogumvnwngnga kayu toku, okv Jisunyi vngming gvtoku.
And he arose, left all, and followed him.
29 Vbvrikunamv Jisu gv lvgabv Lebi ninyigv naamlo kainv dvmam go mvpvtoku, okv goklwknam nyen lokv lampu naakumyanv nyi ngv twngtv yato okv kvvbi nyi hvkv ta.
And Levi made him a great entertainment in his own house, where there was a great company of publicans and others, at table with them.
30 Parisis nyi megola okv Pvbv tamsarnv nyi mego bunugv apumlo rinvgo bunu Jisu gv lvbwlaksu vdwa miakaayala minto, “Nonu ogubv lampu naayanv vdwa okv toa kunam nyi vdwa dvbam tvngbam dunv?” vla bunu tvuto.
But the Scribes and the Pharisees of the place murmured, saying to his disciples, Why do you eat and drink with publicans and sinners?
31 Jisu bunua mirwkto, “Yvvnyi hv chvrv nvngv daktor lodanv mvngma dvnv, vbvritola v bunu mwng yvvbunudw lvvma dunv.
Jesus answering, said to them, It is not the healthy, but the sick, who need a physician.
32 Mvngdwnv nyi vdwa mvngdin modubv ngo aama, vbvritola toa kunam vdwgvbv.”
I am come to call, not the righteous, but sinners, to reformation.
33 Nyi mego Jisunyi minto, “Jon gv lvbwlaksu vdwv yikla dookidu okv kumdakumra dvkv, okv Parisis vdwgv lvbwlaksu vdwvkam vbvridu; vbvritola noogv lvbwlaksu vdwv dvki okv twngki nyadu.”
Then they asked him, How is it that the disciples of John, and likewise those of the Pharisees, frequently fast and pray, but yours eat and drink?
34 Jisu mirwkto, “No vbv dvminchok dunvri nyidalo makburiji bongngv najibongv okv ninyigv ajin vdwa doodv mogvrila nyen vdwa ogu dvmatvngma bv vngmu dubvi? Vdwloka vbvrirung mare!
He answered, Would you have the bridemen fast, while the bridegroom is with them?
35 vbvritola vkvnv alu hv aare vdwlo makburiji bongngv bunugv lokv naarorikudw vbvrikubolo ho bunu yikrap reku.”
But the days will come, when the bridegroom shall be taken from them: in those days they will fast.
36 Jisu mindvjito bunua so minchisinam sam: “Yvvka vji jenw nga ariap go pulinla jekulo hamtak lwknv kaama. Nw vbvrikubolo vji jinw nga takmure, okv ho jinw ariap v jekulo ape simare.
He added this similitude, No man mends an old mantle with new cloth; otherwise the new will rend the old; besides, the old and new will never suit each other.
37 Yvvka anggor ala anw nga anggor ala aku pumchup lo pwtamlwknv kaama, ogulvgavbolo vbvribolo pumchup hv takla anggor ala ngv yarpok linla pumchup hv alv kumare.
No person puts new wine into old leather bottles; otherwise, the new wine will burst the bottles, and thus the wine will be spoiled, and the bottles rendered useless.
38 Ho mabvya anggor ala anw nga pumchup anw lo pwlwk rungsego!
But if new wine be put into new bottles, both will be preserved.
39 Okv yvvka anggor ala aku tvnggvrila anw lodanv vla mvngmadvnv. Nw mindu, ‘anggor ala aku v alvyadu.’”
Besides, a man, after drinking old wine, calls not immediately for new; for he says, The old is milder.