< Mika 1 >

1 Detta är HERRENS ord som kom till morastiten Mika i Jotams, Ahas' och Hiskias, Juda konungars, tid, vad han skådade angående Samaria och Jerusalem.
[I am] Micah. I am from [the town of] Moresheth [in Judah]. Yahweh gave me these [messages in] visions about Samaria and Jerusalem during the time when Jotham, [and then] Ahaz, and [then] Hezekiah, were the kings of Judah.
2 Hören, I folk, allasammans; akta härpå, du jord med allt vad på dig är. Och vare Herren, HERREN ett vittne mot eder, Herren i sitt heliga tempel.
You people everywhere on the earth, pay attention to this [DOU]! Yahweh our God is accusing you from his holy temple [in heaven].
3 Ty se, HERREN träder ut ur sin boning, han far ned och går fram över jordens höjder.
He will come down [from heaven] and walk on the tops of the highest mountains.
4 Bergen smälta under hans fötter, och dalar bryta sig fram -- såsom vaxet gör för elden, såsom vattnet, när det störtar utför branten.
[It will be as though] the mountains will melt under his [feet] like [SIM] wax [melts] in front of a fire, and like [SIM] water [disappears] when it rushes/flows down into a valley.
5 Genom Jakobs överträdelse sker allt detta och genom Israels hus' synder. Vem är då upphovet till Jakobs överträdelse? Är det icke Samaria? Och vem till Juda offerhöjder? Är det icke Jerusalem?
Those things will happen because of the terrible sins [DOU] that the people [MTY] of Israel, [the descendants of] Jacob, have committed. But it was [RHQ] [the people of] Samaria [city who persuaded all the people of] Israel to sin, and it was [RHQ] because the people of Jerusalem [set up altars to worship their gods] that [the other people of] Judah [were persuaded to worship idols on] their hilltops.
6 Så skall jag då göra Samaria till en stenhop på marken, till en plats för vingårdsplanteringar; jag skall vräka hennes stenar ned i dalen, och hennes grundvalar skall jag blotta.
So Yahweh will cause Samaria to become a heap [of rubble/ruins]; [it will be only] a field for planting vineyards. He will cause the stones of its [buildings] to roll down into the valley, and the foundations [of the buildings] will be uncovered.
7 Alla hennes beläten skola bliva krossade, alla hennes skökoskänker uppbrända i eld, alla hennes avgudar skall jag förstöra; ty av skökolön har hon hopsamlat dem, och skökolön skola de åter bliva.
All the idols in Samaria will be smashed, and the gifts [given to prostitutes at the temples of their idols] will be destroyed in a fire. And because people paid prostitutes there, [their enemies will take away those idols and sell them] to get money to pay to prostitutes [in other countries].
8 Fördenskull måste jag klaga och jämra mig, jag måste gå barfota och naken; jag måste upphäva klagoskri såsom en schakal och sorgelåt såsom en struts.
Because [Samaria will be destroyed], I will weep and wail. I will walk around (barefoot/without any sandals on my feet) and naked. I will howl like a jackal/wolf and screech like an owl,
9 Ty ohelbara äro hennes sår; slaget har nått ända till Juda, det har drabbat ända till mitt folks port, ända till Jerusalem.
because Samaria will be completely destroyed [MET]; nothing can save that city. But the same thing will happen to Judah! [It is as though the enemy army] has [already] reached the city gates of Jerusalem, [the main city where] my people [live].
10 Förkunnen det icke i Gat; gråten icke så bittert. I Bet-Leafra vältrar jag mig i stoftet.
Do not tell that to [our enemies] in Gath [city in Philistia]! Do not cry, [lest the people there find out what is happening]! [Instead, just] roll in the dirt in Beth-Leaphrah [because the name of that town means ‘house of dust].’
11 Dragen åstad, I Safirs invånare, i nakenhet och skam. Saanans invånare våga sig icke ut. Klagolåten i Bet-Haesel tillstädjer eder ej att dröja där.
You people who live in Shaphir [town, whose name means ‘beautiful],’ naked and ashamed, you will be taken [to another country]. [You people in] Beth-Ezel [town] should mourn, [because] no one from Zaanan [town, whose name means ‘one who goes out],’ will go out to help you.
12 Ty Marots invånare våndas efter tröst; ned ifrån HERREN har ju en olycka kommit, intill Jerusalems port.
[The name of] Maroth [town sounds like ‘bitterness];’ everyone there is anxiously waiting for good things to happen to them, but good things will not happen to them; instead, terrible things are about to happen to them, and it will soon happen at the gates of Jerusalem.
13 Spännen travare för vagnen, I Lakis' invånare, I som voren upphovet till dottern Sions synd; ty hos eder var det som Israels överträdelser först funnos.
You people of Lachish [city, whose name sounds like ‘team],’ hitch your horses to pull the chariots [in which you can ride to flee from your enemies]. The Israeli people rebelled against Yahweh, and you (imitated them/did the same evil things that they did), and that caused the people of Jerusalem [IDM] to start sinning, too.
14 Därför måste du giva skiljebrev åt Moreset-Gat. Husen i Aksib hava för Israels konungar blivit såsom en försinande bäck.
[You people of Judah], send a farewell gift to [the people] of Moresheth [town], [because their enemies will soon destroy it]. [The name of the town Aczib means ‘deception],’ and the kings of Israel [will soon find out that the people of that town] will deceive them.
15 Ännu en gång skall jag låta erövraren komma över eder, I Maresas invånare. Ända till Adullam skall Israels härlighet komma.
[The name of your town of] Mareshah [means ‘conqueror],’ and Yahweh will [soon] send someone to conquer your town. [It will be necessary for] the great/glorious leaders of Israel to go [and hide in the cave at] Adullam [city].
16 Raka dig skallig och skär av ditt hår, i sorg över barnen, som voro din lust; gör ditt huvud så kalt som gamens, ty de skola föras bort ifrån dig.
[You people of Judah], shave your heads [while you will be mourning], because your children whom you love will [soon] be (exiled/forced to leave you and go to another country).

< Mika 1 >