< Jesaja 39 >

1 Vid samma tid sände Merodak-Baladan, Baladans son, konungen i Babel, brev och skänker till Hiskia; och han fick höra, att denne hade varit sjuk, men blivit återställd.
Soon after that, Baladan’s son Merodach-Baladan, the King of Babylon, heard a report that Hezekiah had been very sick but that he had recovered. So he wrote some notes and gave them to some messengers to take to Hezekiah, along with a gift.
2 Och Hiskia gladde sig över deras ankomst och visade dem sitt förrådshus, sitt silver och guld, sina välluktande kryddor och sina dyrbara oljor och hela sitt tyghus och allt vad som fanns i hans skattkamrar. Intet fanns i Hiskias hus eller eljest i hans ägo, som han icke visade dem.
[When the messengers arrived], Hezekiah welcomed them gladly. [Then] he showed them everything that was in his (treasure houses/places where very valuable things were kept)—the silver, the gold, the spices, and the nice-smelling [olive] oil. He also took them to see the place where they kept their soldiers’ weapons, and he showed them the other valuable things that were in the storehouses. Hezekiah showed them everything [LIT] that was in the palace or in other places [HYP].
3 Men profeten Jesaja kom till konung Hiskia och sade till honom: "Vad hava dessa män sagt, och varifrån hava de kommit till dig?" Hiskia svarade: "De hava kommit till mig ifrån fjärran land, ifrån Babel."
Then I went to King Hezekiah and asked him, “Where did those men come from, and what did they want?” He replied, “They came from the far away land of Babylon.”
4 Han sade vidare: "Vad hava de sett i ditt hus?" Hiskia svarade: "Allt som är i mitt hus hava de sett: intet finnes i mina skattkamrar, som jag icke har visat dem."
I asked him, “What did they see in your palace?” Hezekiah replied, “They saw everything. I showed them absolutely everything that I own—all my valuable things.”
5 Då sade Jesaja till Hiskia: "Hör HERREN Sebaots ord:
Then I said to Hezekiah, “Listen to this message from the Commander of the armies of angels:
6 Se, dagar skola komma, då allt som finnes i ditt hus och som dina fäder hava samlat ända till denna dag skall föras bort till Babel; intet skall bliva kvar, säger HERREN.
'There will be a time when everything in your palace, all the valuable things that your ancestors stored there up until the present time, will be carried away to Babylon. Yahweh says that there will be nothing left.
7 Och söner till dig, de som skola utgå av dig och som du skall föda, dem skall man taga, och de skola bliva hovtjänare i den babyloniske konungens palats."
Furthermore, some of your sons will be forced to go to Babylon. They will be castrated in order that they can become servants in the palace of the king of Babylon.'”
8 Hiskia sade till Jesaja: "Gott är det HERRENS ord, som du har talat." Och han sade ytterligare: "Frid och trygghet skola ju få råda i min tid."
Then Hezekiah replied to me, “That message from Yahweh that you have given to me is good.” He said that because he was thinking, “Even if that happens, there will be peace, and people in this country will be safe during the time that I am alive.”

< Jesaja 39 >