< Hosea 14 >
1 Vänd om, o Israel, till HERREN, din Gud; ty genom din missgärning har du kommit på fall.
[You people of] Israel, return to Yahweh our God. You are being punished because of the sins which you have committed.
2 Tagen med eder böneord, och vänden så åter till HERREN; sägen till honom: "Skaffa bort all missgärning, och tag fram goda håvor, så vilja vi hembära dig våra läppars offer, såsom man offrar tjurar.
So now return to Yahweh and say [MTY] this to him: “Forgive us for all the sins that we have committed, and kindly accept (us/our sacrifices) in order that we may thank/praise you [IDM].
3 Hos Assur skola vi ej mer söka vår frälsning, vi skola icke vidare stiga till häst. våra händers verk skola vi icke mer kalla för vår Gud. Ty hos dig är det som den faderlöse undfår barmhärtighet."
[We admit that] Assyria will not save us, and our war horses will not save us, either. We will never again say, ‘You are our gods’ to [the idols that] we [SYN] have made. You are the one who acts mercifully to orphans.”
4 Ja, deras avfällighet vill jag hela, jag vill bevisa dem kärlek av hjärtat, ty min vrede har vänt sig ifrån dem.
[Yahweh says, “If they say that to me, ] I will forgive them for having (turned away from/abandoned) me, and I will love them with all my inner being, because I [PRS] will have stopped being angry with them.
5 Jag skall bliva för Israel såsom dagg, han skall blomstra såsom en lilja, och såsom Libanons skog skall han skjuta rötter.
I will be to the people of Israel like dew [that refreshes the soil]. When I do that, they will [become as delightful as] [MET] lilies are when they are blooming. [No one will be able to conquer them; ] they will be [as unmovable as] [SIM] the roots [of cedar trees].
6 Telningar skola utgå från honom, han skall bliva lik ett olivträd i fägring och doft skall han sprida såsom Libanon.
[Their good influence will spread] like [MET] the branches of a tree. They will be like [SIM] beautiful olive trees, and [they will be as delightful as] [SIM] the aroma of the cedar [trees in] Lebanon.
7 De som bo i hans skugga skola åter få odla säd och skola grönska såsom vinträd; hans namn skall vara såsom Libanons vin.
People will [come to them to be protected] [like people are protected from the hot sun by being] [MET] in the shade [of a tree]. They [will (flourish/be strong) like] [SIM] grain that grows well. They will [be successful like] a vineyard [in which grapes grow abundantly]. They will become as famous/well-known as [SIM] the wines from Lebanon.
8 Men vad har jag då mer att skaffa med avgudarna, du Efraim! Jag själv vill ju giva bönhörelse och se till honom. Ja, lik en grönskande cypress vill jag bliva; hos mig skall finnas frukt att hämta för dig.
[You people of] Israel, do not [RHQ] have anything more to do with idols; if you [get rid of your idols], I will answer your [prayers] and take care of you. I am like [MET] a strong/green pine tree, and your blessings come from me.”
9 Den som är vis, han akte härpå; den som är förståndig, han besinne detta. Ty HERRENS vägar äro rätta, och på dem vandra de rättfärdiga, men överträdarna komma där på fall.
Those who are wise will understand the things [about which I have written]. Those who think well will pay careful attention to them. The things that Yahweh wants us to do [MET] are right; righteous people will conduct their lives adhering to them. But those who rebel against Yahweh will be ruined.