< Lukas 10 >

1 Därefter utsåg Herren sjuttiotvå andra och sände ut dem framför sig, två och två, till var stad och ort dit han själv tänkte komma
After that, the Lord Jesus appointed 72 other [people]. He [prepared to] send them out, two-by-two, to every town and village where he [SYN] intended to go.
2 »Skörden är mycken, men arbetarna äro få. Bedjen fördenskull skördens Herre att han sänder ut arbetare till sin skörd.
He said to them, “The [people who are ready to receive my message] are like a field [of] [MET] [grain] that is ready for [people] to harvest {to be harvested}. But there are not many people [to bring them to God]. So pray and ask the Lord [God] to send [more] workers [who will gather people together and teach them my message, just like a landowner sends workers] into his fields [to gather the] harvest.
3 Gån åstad. Se, jag sänder eder såsom lamm mitt in ibland ulvar.
Start going; but [remember that] I am sending you [(pl)] out [to tell my message to people who will try to get rid of you. You will be] like lambs among wolves.
4 Bären ingen penningpung, ingen ränsel, inga skor, och hälsen icke på någon under vägen.
Do not take along [any money in] a purse. Do not take a traveler’s bag. Do not take [extra] sandals. Do not [spend a lot of time] greeting people along the way.
5 Men när I kommen in i något hus, så sägen först: 'Frid vare över detta hus.'
Whenever you enter a house [to lodge there], first say to those people, ‘May [God give inner] peace to [you people] [MTY] [in] this house!’
6 Om då någon finnes därinne, som är frid värd, så skall den frid I tillönsken vila över honom; varom icke, så skall den vända tillbaka över eder själva.
If people who [live] there [are (desiring to have]/worthy of receiving) [God’s] peace, they will experience the [inner] peace that you are [offering them]. If people who [live] there [are not desiring to have God’s] peace, you [will experience God’s inner] peace, [but they will not].
7 Och stannen kvar i det huset, och äten och dricken vad de hava att giva, ty arbetaren är värd sin lön. Gån icke ur hus i hus.
[If they welcome you], stay in that same house [until you leave that village]. Do not move around from one house to another. Eat and drink whatever they provide for you. A worker deserves to get pay [MET] [from the people for whom he works, so you deserve to receive food and a place to stay from the people to whom you go].
8 Och när I kommen in i någon stad där man tager emot eder, så äten vad som sättes fram åt eder,
Whenever you enter a town and the people [there] welcome you, eat what is provided {what [they] provide} for you.
9 och boten de sjuka som finnas där, och sägen till dem: 'Guds rike är eder nära.'
Heal the people there who are sick. Tell them, ‘It is almost [time for] God to send his king to rule [MET] [your lives].’
10 Men när I kommen in i någon stad där man icke tager emot eder, så gån ut på dess gator och sägen:
But if you enter a town whose [people] do not welcome you, go into its [main] streets and say,
11 'Till och med det stoft som låder vid våra fötter ifrån eder stad skaka vi av oss åt eder. Men det mån I veta, att Guds rike är nära.'
‘[Because you have refused to hear our message, we(exc) will not only leave], we will also shake off the dust of your town that clings to our sandals, to warn you [that God will reject/punish you]. But [we want you to know that] it is almost [the time when] God will start to rule!’
12 Jag säger eder att det för Sodom skall på 'den dagen' bliva drägligare än för den staden.
I will tell you this: On the [MTY] [final] day when [God judges everyone], he will punish the wicked people [MTY] who long ago lived in Sodom, [the city that he destroyed because its people were so wicked]. But he will punish [even] more severely the people [MTY] of any town [whose people refused to hear your message]!”
13 Ve dig, Korasin! Ve dig, Betsaida! Ty om de kraftgärningar som äro gjorda i eder hade blivit gjorda i Tyrus och Sidon, så skulle de för länge sedan hava suttit i säck och aska och gjort bättring.
“There will be terrible [punishment] for [you people who live in] [MTY] Chorazin and Bethsaida [cities]. I did great miracles in your cities [to show God’s power, but you did not turn from your sinful behavior]. If the miracles that I performed in your [cities] had been done in Tyre and Sidon [cities], the wicked people who lived there would have long ago [shown that they were sorry for their sins by] sitting on the ground wearing coarse cloth and putting ashes on their heads.
14 Men också skall det vid domen bliva drägligare för Tyrus och Sidon än för eder.
[But they did not have the opportunity that you have, so when God punishes people, he will punish the wicked people who lived in] Tyre and Sidon, but he will punish you more severely [because you did not pay attention to my message].
15 Och du. Kapernaum, skall väl du bliva upphöjt till himmelen? Nej, ned till dödsriket måste du fara. -- (Hadēs g86)
[I also have something to say to] you [people who live in] Capernaum [city]. (Do not [think that you will be honored] {[that God] will honor you} in heaven!/Do you [think that you will be honored] {[that God] will honor you} in heaven?) [RHQ] [That will not happen! On the contrary], [after you die, God] will send you down to the place where [sinful people] will be punished [forever]!” (Hadēs g86)
16 Den som hör eder, han hör mig, och den som förkastar eder, han förkastar mig; men den som förkastar mig, han förkastar honom som har sänt mig.»
[Jesus also said to the disciples, “God will consider that] those who listen to your [message] are listening to me, and that those who reject your [message] are rejecting me. And [he will consider that] those who reject me are rejecting [God], the one who sent me.”
17 Och de sjuttiotvå kommo tillbaka, uppfyllda av glädje, och sade: »Herre, också de onda andarna äro oss underdåniga genom ditt namn.»
The 72 [people whom Jesus appointed went and did as he told them to]. When they returned, they were very joyful. They said, “Lord, [people did what we(exc) told them to do]! Demons also obeyed us when by your [(sg)] authority [MTY] [we commanded them to leave people]!”
18 Då sade han till dem: »Jag såg Satan falla ned från himmelen såsom en ljungeld.
Jesus replied, “[When those demons were obeying you, because God had enabled you to defeat them, it was as though] [MET] I saw Satan fall from heaven [as suddenly and quickly] as lightning [strikes].
19 Se, jag har givit eder makt att trampa på ormar och skorpioner och att förtrampa all ovännens härsmakt, och han skall icke kunna göra eder någon skada.
Listen! I have given you authority so that if you oppose evil spirits [MET] [they will not hurt you]. I have given you authority to defeat our enemy, [Satan]. Nothing shall hurt you.
20 Dock, glädjens icke över att änglarna äro eder underdåniga, utan glädjens över att edra namn äro skrivna i himmelen.»
But [although] you can rejoice that evil spirits obey you, you should rejoice [more] that your names have been written {that [God] has written your names} in heaven, [because you will be with God forever].”
21 I samma stund uppfylldes han av fröjd genom den helige Ande och sade: »Jag prisar dig, Fader, du himmelens och jordens Herre, för att du väl har dolt detta för de visa och kloka, men uppenbarat det för de enfaldiga. Ja, Fader; så har ju varit ditt behag.
At that time the Holy Spirit caused [Jesus] to be very happy. He said, “Father, you [(sg)] rule over [everything in] heaven and [on] the earth! Some [people think that they are] wise [because] they are well-educated. But I thank you that you have prevented them from [knowing] these things. [Instead], you have revealed them to [people who accept your truth as readily] [MET] [as] little children [do]. Yes, Father, [you have done that] because it seemed good to you [to do] so.”
22 Allt har av min Fader blivit för trott åt mig. Och ingen känner vem Sonen är utom Fadern, ej heller vem Fadern är, utom Sonen och den för vilken Sonen vill göra honom känd.»
[Jesus also said to the 72 disciples], “[God], my Father, has revealed to me all [I need to know and the power I need for my work]. Only my Father knows who I [really] am. Furthermore, only I and those [people] to whom I wish to reveal him know what [God] my Father is [like].”
23 Sedan vände han sig till lärjungarna, när han var allena med dem och sade: »Saliga äro de ögon som se det I sen.
Then when Jesus’ disciples were alone with him, he turned toward them and said, “[God] is pleased with you [SYN] who have seen [the things that I have done]!
24 Ty jag säger eder: Många profeter och konungar ville se det som I sen men fingo dock icke se det, och höra det som I hören, men fingo dock icke höra det.»
I want you to know that many prophets and kings [who lived long ago] desired to see the things that you are seeing [me do], but these things did not [happen] then. They longed to hear the things that you have been hearing [me say], but these things were not [revealed to them] then.”
25 Men en lagklok stod upp och ville snärja honom och sade: »Mästare, vad skall jag göra för att få evigt liv till arvedel?» (aiōnios g166)
[One day as Jesus was teaching people], a man was there who had studied carefully the laws that [God gave Moses]. He wanted to ask Jesus a difficult question. So he stood up and asked, “Teacher, what shall I do in order to live [with God] forever?” (aiōnios g166)
26 Då sade han till honom: »Vad är skrivet i lagen? Huru läser du?»
Jesus said to him, “You [(sg)] have read [RHQ] what [Moses] has written in the laws that [God gave him]. What did Moses write about living forever?”
27 Han svarade och sade: »'Du skall älska Herren, din Gud, av allt ditt hjärta och av all din själ och av all din kraft och av allt ditt förstånd och din nästa såsom dig själv.'»
The man replied, “[He wrote that] we [(inc)] must love the Lord our God. [We must show that] by what we feel and by what we do and by what we think. [He] also [wrote that we must love] people that we come in contact with as much as [we love] ourselves.”
28 Han sade till honom: »Rätt svarade du. Gör det, så får du leva,
Jesus replied, “You [(sg)] have answered [your question] correctly. If you do all that [continually], you will live [with God forever].”
29 Då ville han rättfärdiga sig och sade till Jesus: »Vilken är då min nästa?»
But the man wanted to defend [the way] he [acted toward people that he came in contact with] (OR, to defend why he [had asked a question that Jesus answered so simply]). So he said to Jesus, “Which people that I come in contact with [should I love]?”
30 Jesus svarade och sade: »En man begav sig från Jerusalem ned till Jeriko, men råkade ut för rövare, som togo ifrån honom hans kläder och därtill slogo honom; därefter gingo de sin väg och läto honom ligga där halvdöd.
Jesus replied [by telling him this illustration]: “A [Jewish] man was once going down along the road from Jerusalem to Jericho. Bandits attacked him. They took away [most of] the man’s clothes [and everything else that he had], and they beat him until he was almost dead. Then they left him.
31 Så hände sig att en präst färdades samma väg; och när han fick se honom, gick han förbi.
It happened that a [Jewish] priest was going along that road. When he saw that man, [instead of helping him], he passed by on the other side [of the road].
32 Likaledes ock en levit: när denne kom till det stället och fick se honom, gick han förbi.
Similarly, a man who worked in the temple [in Jerusalem] came to that place and saw the man. But he also passed by on the other side [of the road].
33 Men en samarit, som färdades samma väg, kom också dit där han låg; och när denne fick se honom, ömkade han sig över honom
Then a man from Samaria [province] came along that road to where the man was lying. [People from Samaria despise Jews. But] when he saw that man, he pitied him.
34 och gick fram till honom och göt olja och vin i hans sår och förband dem. Sedan lyfte han upp honom på sin åsna och förde honom till ett härbärge och skötte honom.
He went over to him and put some [olive] oil and wine on his wounds [to help heal them]. He wound strips of cloth [around the wounds]. He placed the man on his own donkey and took him to an inn and took care of him.
35 Morgonen därefter tog han fram två silverpenningar och gav dem åt värden och sade: 'Sköt honom och vad du mer kostar på honom skall jag betala dig, när jag kommer tillbaka.' --
The next morning he gave two silver coins to the innkeeper and said, ‘Take care of this man. If you [(sg)] spend more than this amount [to care for him], I will pay you back when I return.’”
36 Vilken av dessa tre synes dig nu hava visat sig vara den mannens nästa, som hade fallit i rövarhänder?»
Then Jesus said, “Three people [saw] the man whom bandits attacked. Which one of them [acted in a loving way toward] that man?”
37 Han svarade: »Den som bevisade honom barmhärtighet.» Då sade Jesus till honom: »Gå du och gör sammalunda.»
The man who studied the Scriptures replied, “The one who acted mercifully toward him.” Jesus said to him, “You [(sg)] go and act like that [toward] everyone whom [you can help]!”
38 När de nu voro på vandring, gick han in i en by, och en kvinna, vid namn Marta, tog emot honom i sitt hus.
As Jesus and his disciples continued to travel, they entered a village [near Jerusalem]. A woman whose name was Martha invited them to come to her house.
39 Och hon hade en syster, som hette Maria; denna satte sig ned vid Herrens fötter och hörde på hans ord.
Her [younger] sister, whose name was Mary, sat near Jesus. She was listening to what he was teaching.
40 Men Marta var upptagen av mångahanda bestyr för att tjäna honom. Och hon gick fram och sade: »Herre, frågar du icke efter att min syster har lämnat alla bestyr åt mig allena? Säg nu till henne att hon hjälper mig.»
But Martha was very much concerned about preparing [a meal]. She went to Jesus and said, “Lord, (you do not seem to care that my sister has left me to prepare everything by myself!/do you not care that my sister has left me to prepare everything by myself?) [RHQ] Tell her that she should help me!”
41 Då svarade Herren och sade till henne: »Marta, Marta, du gör dig bekymmer och oro för mångahanda,
But the Lord replied, “Martha, Martha, you [(sg)] are very worried about many things.
42 men allenast ett är nödvändigt. Maria har utvalt den goda delen, och den skall icke tagas ifrån henne.»
But only one thing is truly necessary, and that is, [to listen to what I am teaching]. Mary has decided to [do that], and that is better [than worrying]. [The blessing that she is receiving from listening to me] will not be taken away from her {No one will take away from her [the blessing that she is receiving from listening to me]}.”

< Lukas 10 >