< Job 13 >
1 Ja, alltsammans har mitt öga sett, mitt öra har hört det och nogsamt givit akt.
“Hey, I [SYN] have seen everything [that you have seen], and I have heard and understood all [that you have said].
2 Vad I veten, det vet också jag; icke står jag tillbaka för eder.
What you know, I also know; I do (not know less than/know as much as) you.
3 Men till den Allsmäktige vill jag nu tala, det lyster mig att gå till rätta med Gud.
But I would like to speak to Almighty God, [not to you]; I would like to argue with him [and prove that I (am innocent/have not done things that are wrong]).
4 Dock, I ären män som spinna ihop lögn, allasammans hopsätten I fåfängligt tal.
As for you, you do not allow people to know the truth about me, like someone covers [up a bad surface of a wall] with whitewash [MET]. You are all like doctors [MET] [that give people] useless [medicines].
5 Om I ändå villen alldeles tiga! Det kunde tillräknas eder som vishet.
I wish/desire that you would be silent; that would be the wisest thing that you [could do].
6 Hören nu likväl mitt klagomål, och akten på mina läppars gensagor.
Listen to what I will say to you now; listen while I am saying [what is true about myself].
7 Viljen I försvara Gud med orättfärdigt tal och honom till förmån bruka oärligt tal?
Are you telling lies about me to prove God [is just in causing me to suffer]? Are you saying what is deceitful in order to benefit him?
8 Skolen I visa eder partiska för honom eller göra eder till sakförare för Gud?
Are you trying to defend him? Are you trying to prove [as you would] in a court that he is innocent?
9 Icke kan sådant ändas väl, när han håller räfst med eder? Eller kunnen I gäckas med honom, såsom man kan gäckas med en människa?
If he looks closely, will he find that everything that you have done is good? Or can you deceive him, like you deceive other people?
10 Nej, förvisso skall han straffa eder, om I visen en hemlig partiskhet.
If you secretly say/do things to cause God to act favorably toward you, he will surely rebuke you.
11 Sannerligen, hans majestät skall då förskräcka eder, och fruktan för honom skall falla över eder.
He will certainly [RHQ] cause you to be terrified by his power/greatness; you will become extremely afraid.
12 Edra tänkespråk skola då bliva visdomsord av aska, edra försvarsverk varda såsom vallar av ler.
The things that you say [that you think are] wise are [as useless as] [MET] as ashes; what you say to defend your opinions is no better than [MET] clay [that quickly crumbles].
13 Tigen nu för min, så skall jag tala, gånge så över mig vad det vara må.
“So, be quiet and allow me to speak, and then it will not matter what happens to me.
14 Ja, huru det än går, vill jag fatta mitt kött mellan tänderna och taga min själ i min hand.
I am ready to endure anything; I am [even] willing to risk being executed [IDM, DOU] [for what I will say].
15 Må han dräpa mig, jag hoppas intet annat; min vandel vill jag ändå hålla fram inför honom.
If God kills me, then I will not have anyone else whom I can confidently expect to help me, but I am going to defend my behavior in his presence [anyway].
16 Redan detta skall lända mig till frälsning, ty ingen gudlös dristar komma inför honom.
No wicked/godless person would dare to stand in the presence of God, [but because I say that I have not done things that are wrong], perhaps, if I can prove that to God, he will save me.”
17 Hören, hören då mina ord, och låten min förklaring tränga in i edra öron.
“God, listen very carefully to what I say [DOU].
18 Se, här lägger jag saken fram; jag vet att jag skall befinnas hava rätt.
I am ready to prove that I am innocent, and I know that you also will declare that I am not guilty.
19 Eller gives det någon som kan vederlägga mig? Ja, då vill jag tiga -- och dö.
I certainly do not think [RHQ] that [you or anyone else] will say that what I say is not true; if anyone did that, I would (be silent/stop talking) and die.
20 Allenast två ting må du ej göra mot mig, så behöver jag ej dölja mig inför ditt ansikte:
“I am requesting you to do two things for me; if you do them, I will (not hide from you/come and stand in front of you) [LIT].
21 din hand må du ej låta komma mig när, och fruktan för dig må icke förskräcka mig.
[The first thing that I request is that you] stop punishing [IDM] me; and [the second thing that I request is that you] stop causing me to be very terrified.
22 Sedan må du åklaga, och jag vill svara, eller ock skall jag tala, och du må gendriva mig.
You speak [first], and then I will reply; or allow me to speak first, and [then] you reply.
23 Huru är det alltså med mina missgärningar och synder? Låt mig få veta min överträdelse och synd.
What have I done that is wrong? What sins have I committed? Show me how I have disobeyed you.
24 Varför döljer du ditt ansikte och aktar mig såsom din fiende?
Why (do you refuse to be friendly with/have you abandoned) me [IDM]? Why do you (act toward me as though I am/consider me to be) your enemy?
25 Vill du skrämma ett löv som drives av vinden, vill du förfölja ett borttorkat strå?
I am [as insignificant as] [MET] a leaf that is blown by the wind; why are you trying to cause me to be afraid [RHQ]? Why are you pursuing me? Am I [useless, nothing more than a bit of] dry chaff [RHQ]?
26 Du skriver ju bedrövelser på min lott och giver mig till arvedel min ungdoms missgärningar;
[It seems that] you are writing things to accuse me [of doing things that are wrong], even recalling bad things that I did when I was young.
27 du sätter mina fötter i stocken, du vaktar på alla vägar, för mina fotsulor märker du ut stegen.
[It is as though] you have fastened my feet with chains [to prevent me from walking], and you watch me wherever I walk; [It is as though] you even look closely at my footprints [to see where I have gone].
28 Och detta mot en som täres bort lik murket trä, en som liknar en klädnad sönderfrätt av mal!
[As a result], my body is decaying like [SIM] rotten wood, like a piece of cloth that is eaten by [larvae of] moths.”