< Sakaria 11 >
1 Låt upp dina dörr, Libanon, att eld må förtära din cedreträ.
[You people of] [APO] Lebanon [should] open your gates, [because you will not be able to stop] fire from burning your cedar [trees]!
2 Jämrer eder, I furoträ ty cedreträn äro fallne, och den härliga byggningen är förstörd. Jämrer eder, I eker i Basan; ty den faste skogen är omkullhuggen.
Your cypress/pine [trees] [APO] should [also] wail because the cedar [trees] have been cut down. Those glorious/great trees have been destroyed. The oak trees in the Bashan [region] should also wail, because the other trees in the forest have been cut down.
3 Man hörer herdarna jämra sig; ty deras härliga byggning är förstörd. Man hörer de unga lejonen ryta; ty Jordans prål är förstördt.
And listen to the shepherds crying because the fertile pastures have been ruined. Listen to the lions roar; they roar because the delightful forest [where they live] near the Jordan [River] has been ruined.
4 Det säger Herren, min Gud: Vakta slagtefåren;
This is what Yahweh my God said [to me]: “[I want you to] become a shepherd for a flock [of sheep that are about] to be slaughtered.
5 Ty deras herrar slagta dem, och hålla det för ingen synd; sälja dem; ock säga: Lofvad vare Herren; jag är nu rik; och deras herdar skona dem intet.
The people who are going to buy the sheep will kill the sheep, and they will not be punished. Those who are selling the sheep say, ‘[I] praise Yahweh, [because] I will become rich!’ Even the shepherds do not feel sorry for the sheep.
6 Derföre vill jag ock intet mer skona inbyggarena i landena, säger Herren. Och si, Jag skall öfvergifva menniskorna, hvar och en uti dens andras hand, och uti deras Konungs hand, att de skola förkrossa landet, och jag skall intet hjelpa dem utu deras hand.
And similarly, I no longer feel sorry for the people of this country. I am going to allow many of them [HYP] to be captured by other people or by their king. Those who capture them will ruin this country, and I will not rescue any [of the people].”
7 Och jag vaktade slagtefåren för de elända fårens skull, och tog två stafrar till mig; den ena kallade jag Lust, den andra kallade jag Ve, och vaktade fåren.
So I became the shepherd of a flock [of sheep that were about] to be slaughtered [for their meat to be sold] to the dealers. [I took good care of the sheep, even the ones that were the weakest sheep. Then] I took two [shepherds’] /walking sticks). I named the one [staff] ‘Kindness’ and the other [staff] ‘Union’. And I took good care of the sheep.
8 Och jag förgjorde tre herdar uti enom månad, ty jag förmådde icke lida dem; så ledo de ej heller mig.
But the three shepherds [who had been working with me] detested me, and I became impatient with them. Within one month I (dismissed/got rid of) those shepherds.
9 Och jag sade: Jag vill intet vakta eder. Det som dör, det dö; det som försmäktar, det försmäkte; och de qvarblefne äte det ena dess andras kött.
So I said [to the dealers], “I will no [longer] be the shepherd. I will allow the ones that are dying to die. I will allow the ones that are getting lost to get lost. And I will not prevent those that remain from destroying each other.”
10 Och jag tog min staf Lust, och bröt honom sönder, på det jag skulle rygga mitt förbund, som jag med all folk gjort hade.
Then I took the staff that I had named ‘Kindness’ and I broke it. [That showed that Yahweh] was annulling/canceling the agreement that he had made with all the people-groups.
11 Och det vardt på den dagen ryggadt; och de elände fåren, som med mig höllo, märkte deraf, att det Herrans ord var.
So that agreement was ended immediately. And the men who bought and sold sheep who were watching me knew [by seeing what I was doing] that I was giving them a message from Yahweh.
12 Och jag sade till dem: Behagar det eder, så bärer hit så mycket som jag gäller; hvar icke, så låter det blifva. Och de vogo upp så mycket som jag galt, tretio silfpenningar.
I told them, “If you think it is what you should do, pay me [for taking care of the sheep]. If you do not think that is what you should do, do not pay me.” So they paid me [only] 30 pieces of silver.
13 Och Herren sade till mig: Kasta det bort, att det må enom pottomakare gifvet varda, den kosteliga summan, för hvilka jag när dem skattad är. Och jag tog de tretio silfpenningar, och kastade dem uti Herrans hus, på det de skulle pottomakarenom gifne varda.
Then Yahweh said to me, “[That is a ridiculously small amount of money that they have paid you]! [So] throw it to the man who makes clay pots!” So I took the silver to the temple of Yahweh, and I threw it in the chest where the offerings/money is kept.
14 Och jag bröt sönder den andra min staf Ve; på det jag skulle borttaga broderskapet emellan Juda och Israel.
Then I broke my second staff, [the one that I named] ‘Union’. That [indicated that] Judah and Israel would no longer be united.
15 Och Herren sade till mig: Tag åter till dig ens galens herdas tyg;
Then Yahweh said to me, “Take again the things that a foolish shepherd uses,
16 Ty si, jag skall uppväcka herdar i landena, de der icke skola bese det försmäktada; det slagna icke besöka, och det sönderbrutna icke hela, och det helbregda icke försörja; utan de fetas kött skola de uppäta, och sönderrifva deras klöfvar.
because I am going to appoint a new king for the people, [one who will not take care of my people. He will be like a foolish shepherd]: [MET] He will not take care of those who are dying, those who are very young, those who have been injured, or those who do not have enough food. Instead, he will [treat them very cruelly, like a shepherd who would] [MET] kill and eat the best sheep and tear off their hoofs.
17 O! afgudaherdar, som hjorden öfvergifva; svärdet komme öfver deras arm, och uppå deras högra öga; deras arm borttvine, och deras högra öga varde mörkt.
But terrible things will happen to that foolish/useless king who abandons the people [MET] over whom he rules. [His enemies] will strike his arm and his right eye with their swords. [The result will be that] he will have no strength in his arm, and his right eye will become completely blind.”