< 4 Mosebok 31 >

1 Och Herren talade med Mose, och sade:
And he spoke Yahweh to Moses saying.
2 Hämna Israels barn öfver de Midianiter, att du sedan församkar dig till ditt folk.
Avenge [the] vengeance of [the] people of Israel from with the Midianites (after *L(P)*) you will be gathered to people your.
3 Så talade Mose med folket, och sade: Väpner män af eder till härs emot de Midianiter, att de hämnas Herran öfver de Midianiter;
And he spoke Moses to the people saying be equipped from with you men for war so they may be on Midian to give [the] vengeance of Yahweh on Midian.
4 Utu hvart slägte ett tusend, så att I skicken i hären af alla Israels slägter.
One thousand to the tribe one thousand to the tribe for all [the] tribes of Israel you will send out to war.
5 Och de togo af Israels tusender, ju tusende af hvart slägtet, tolftusende väpnade till härs.
And they were selected from [the] thousands of Israel one thousand to the tribe two [plus] ten thousand armed [men] of war.
6 Och Mose skickade dem med Pinehas, Prestens Eleazars son, i här, och de helga tygen, och de klangtrummeter i hans hand.
And he sent them Moses one thousand to the tribe to war them and Phinehas [the] son of Eleazar the priest to war and [the] vessels of the holy place and [the] trumpets of the alarm [were] in hand his.
7 Och de förde hären emot de Midianiter, såsom Herren hade budit Mose; och slogo ihjäl allt det som mankön var.
And they waged war on Midian just as he had commanded Yahweh Moses and they killed every male.
8 Dertill slogo de de Midianiters Konungar, med deras slagna, nämliga Evi, Rekem, Zur, Hur och Reba, de fem Midianiters Konungar; Bileam, Beors son, slogo de ock med svärd.
And [the] kings of Midian they killed with slain [ones] their Evi and Rekem and Zur and Hur and Reba [the] five [the] kings of Midian and Balaam [the] son of Beor they killed with the sword.
9 Och Israels barn togo till fångar de Midianiters qvinnor med deras barn; all deras boskap, alla deras håfvor, och allt deras gods skinnade de;
And they took captive [the] people of Israel [the] women of Midian and little one[s] their and all cattle their and all livestock their and all wealth their they plundered.
10 Och uppbrände med eld alla deras städer, deras boningar och alla borger;
And all cities their in dwelling places their and all encampments their they burned with fire.
11 Och togo allt rof, och allt det till tagandes var, både menniskor och boskap;
And they took all the plunder and all the booty among humankind and among the livestock.
12 Och hade det till Mose, och till Presten Eleazar, och till menighetena af Israels barn, nämliga de fångar och den tagna boskapen, och det skinnade godset, uti lägret på de Moabiters mark, som ligger vid Jordan emot Jericho.
And they brought to Moses and to Eleazar the priest and to [the] congregation of [the] people of Israel the captive[s] and the booty and the plunder to the camp to [the] plains of Moab which [were] at [the] Jordan of Jericho.
13 Och Mose och Eleazar Presten, och alle Förstarna för menighetene, gingo emot dem ut för lägret.
And they went out Moses and Eleazar the priest and all [the] leaders of the congregation to meet them to from [the] outside of the camp.
14 Och Mose vardt vred på härens höfvitsmän, som höfvitsmän voro öfver tusende, och öfver hundrade, och kommo utu hären och stridene;
And he was angry Moses towards [the] officers of the army [the] commanders of the thousands and [the] commanders of the hundreds who were coming from [the] war of the battle.
15 Och sade till dem: Hafven I låtit alla qvinnor lefva?
And he said to them Moses ¿ have you let live every female.
16 Si, hafva icke de förvändt Israels barn, genom Bileams råd, till att synda emot Herran på Peor; och en plåga öfvergick Herrans menighet?
There! they they were to [the] people of Israel by [the] word of Balaam to offer unfaithfulness in Yahweh on [the] matter of Peor and it was the plague among [the] congregation of Yahweh.
17 Så slår nu ihjäl allt det som mankön är ibland barnen, och alla de qvinnor, som man känt och när legat hafva.
And therefore kill every male among the little one[s] and every woman [who has] known a man to [the] lying of a male kill.
18 Men all pigobarn, som icke ännu man känt, eller när legat hafva, dem låter för eder lefva.
And all the little one[s] among the women who not they have known lying of a male preserve alive for yourselves.
19 Och ligger utanför lägret i sju dagar, alle som någon slagit, eller den slagen var vederkommit hafven, på det I skolen rena eder på tredje och sjunde dagen; samt med dem som I till fångar gripit hafven.
And you encamp from [the] outside of the camp seven days any [one who] has killed anyone and any - [one who] has touched the [one] slain you will purify yourselves on the day third and on the day seventh you and captive[s] your.
20 Och all kläder, och all tyg af skinn, och allt skinnverk, och all träkäril skolen I skär göra.
And every garment and every article of hide and every product of goat hair and every article of wood you will purify yourselves.
21 Och Presten Eleazar sade till krigsfolket, som i stridene varit hade: Detta är lagen, som Herren hafver budit Mose:
And he said Eleazar the priest to [the] men of the army who had gone to the battle this [is] [the] statute of the law which he commanded Yahweh Moses.
22 Guld, silfver, koppar, jern, tenn och bly;
Only the gold and the silver the bronze the iron the tin and the lead.
23 Och allt det som eld lider, skolen I gå låta genom eld, och rena det, att det med stänkevattnena skärt varder; men allt det som icke lider eld, skolen I låta gå genom vatten;
Every thing which it will go in the fire you will make pass in the fire and it will be pure nevertheless by [the] water of impurity it will purify itself and all that not it will go in the fire you will make pass in the water.
24 Och skolen två eder kläder på sjunde dagen, så varden I rene; sedan skolen I komma i lägret.
And you will wash clothes your on the day seventh and you will be pure and after you will come to the camp.
25 Och Herren talade med Mose, och sade:
And he said Yahweh to Moses saying.
26 Tag summona af fångarnas rof, både af menniskor och af boskap, du och Eleazar Presten, och de öfverste fäderna i menighetene;
Lift up [the] head of [the] booty of captivity among humankind and among the livestock you and Eleazar the priest and [the] leaders of [the] fathers of the congregation.
27 Och gif dem hälftena, som utgingo i hären, och stridt hafva, och andra hälftena menighetene.
And you will divide the booty between [those] skilled of the battle who went out to war and between all the congregation.
28 Och du skall häfoffra Herranom af stridsmännernas del, som i hären voro, ju af femhundrade ena själ, både i menniskor, fä, åsnar och får.
And you will raise a tax for Yahweh from with [the] men of war who went out to war one person from [the] five hundred from humankind and from the cattle and from the donkeys and from the sheep.
29 Af deras hälfte skall du taga det, och få det Prestenom Eleazar, till att häfoffra det Herranom.
From half their you will take [it] and you will give [it] to Eleazar the priest [the] contribution of Yahweh.
30 Men af den hälften, som Israels barn tillkommer, skall du ju af femtio taga ett stycke, både af menniskor, fä, åsnar och får, och af allom fänad, och skall gifva det Leviterna, som taga vara på Herrans tabernakels vakt.
And from [the] half of [the] people of Israel you will take - one - [person] drawn from the fifty from humankind from the cattle from the donkeys and from the sheep from all the livestock and you will give them to the Levites [who] keep [the] service of [the] tabernacle of Yahweh.
31 Och Mose, och Eleazar Presten, gjorde såsom Herren hade budit Mose.
And he did Moses and Eleazar the priest just as he had commanded Yahweh Moses.
32 Och det öfriga bytet, som krigsfolket röfvat hade, var sexhundradetusend, fem och sjutio tusend får;
And it was the booty [the] remainder of the plunder which they had plundered [the] people of the army sheep six hundred thousand and seventy thousand and five thousand.
33 Tu och sjutio tusend nöt;
And cattle two and seventy thousand.
34 Ett och sextio tusend åsnar;
And donkeys one and sixty thousand.
35 Och qvinnfolk, som icke hade känt man eller när legat, tu och tretio tusend själar.
And [the] person[s] of humankind from the women who not they had known lying of a male every person two and thirty thousand.
36 Och den hälften, som dem tillkom, som i stridene varit hade, var i talet trehundradetusend, sju och tretio tusend, och femhundrade får;
And it was the half [the] portion of those [who] had gone out in the army [the] number of the sheep [was] three hundred thousand and thirty thousand and seven thousand and five hundred.
37 Deraf vordo Herranom sexhundrade fem och sjutio får.
And it was the tax for Yahweh from the sheep six hundred five and seventy.
38 Item sex och tretio tusend nöt; deraf vordo Herranom tu och sjutio.
And the cattle [were] six and thirty thousand and tax their for Yahweh [was] two and seventy.
39 Item tretiotusend och femhundrade åsnar; deraf vordo Herranom en och sextio.
And donkeys [were] thirty thousand and five hundred and tax their for Yahweh [was] one and sixty.
40 Item menniskors själar, sextontusend själar; deraf vordo Herranom två och tretio.
And [the] person[s] of humankind [were] six-teen thousand and tax their for Yahweh [was] two and thirty person[s].
41 Och Mose fick det Herrans häfoffret Prestenom Eleazar, såsom Herren honom budit hade.
And he gave Moses [the] tax of [the] contribution of Yahweh to Eleazar the priest just as he had commanded Yahweh Moses.
42 Men den andra hälften, som Mose Israels barnom tillbytt hade ifrå krigsmännerna;
And from [the] half of [the] people of Israel which he had divided Moses from the men who had gone to war.
43 Nämliga den hälften, som menighetene tillkom, var ock trehundradetusend, sju och tretio tusend, femhundrade får;
And it was [the] half of the congregation from the sheep three hundred thousand and thirty thousand seven thousand and five hundred.
44 Sex och tretio tusend nöt;
And cattle six and thirty thousand.
45 Tretiotusend och femhundrade åsnar;
And donkeys thirty thousand and five hundred.
46 Och sextontusend menniskors själar.
And person[s] of humankind six-teen thousand.
47 Och Mose tog af denna hälftene, som Israels barnas var, ju ett stycke af femtio, både af fänaden och af menniskor, och fick det Leviterna, som togo vara på Herrans tabernakels vakt; såsom Herren hade budit Mose.
And he took Moses from [the] half of [the] people of Israel those drawn one from the fifty from humankind and from the livestock and he gave them to the Levites [who] keep [the] service of [the] tabernacle of Yahweh just as he had commanded Yahweh Moses.
48 Och de som höfvitsmännerna voro öfver de tusend i krigsfolket, nämliga öfver tusend, och öfver hundrade, gingo fram till Mose;
And they drew near to Moses the officers who [were] of [the] thousands of the army [the] commanders of the thousands and [the] commanders of the hundreds.
49 Och de sade till honom: Dine tjenare hafva tagit summona af krigsfolket, som under våra händer varit hafva, och der fattas icke en.
And they said to Moses servants your they have lifted up [the] head of [the] men of war who [were] in hand our and not he is missing from us anyone.
50 Derföre bäre vi Herranom gåfvor, hvad som hvar och en funnit hafver af gyldene tyg, kedjor, armsmide, ringar, örnaringar och spann, att våra själar måga varda försonada för Herranom.
And we have brought near [the] offering of Yahweh everyone [that] which he found an article of gold an armlet and a bracelet a signet-ring an earring and an ornament to make atonement on selves our before Yahweh.
51 Och Mose med Prestenom Eleazar tog af dem guldet i allahanda tyg.
And he took Moses and Eleazar the priest the gold from with them every article of work.
52 Och allt gulds häfoffer, som de Herranom häfoffrade, var sextontusend, sjuhundrade och femtio siklar, af höfvitsmännerna öfver tusend, och öfver hundrade.
And it was - all [the] gold of the contribution which they raised for Yahweh six-teen thousand seven hundred and fifty shekel[s] from with [the] commanders of the thousands and from with [the] commanders of the hundreds.
53 Förty krigsfolket hade röfvat hvar och en för sig.
[the] men of The army they had taken plunder everyone for himself.
54 Och Mose med Prestenom Eleazar tog guldet af höfvitsmännerna öfver tusend, och öfver hundrade, och båro det in uti vittnesbördsens tabernakel, Israels barnom till en åminnelse för Herranom.
And he took Moses and Eleazar the priest the gold from with [the] commanders of the thousands and the hundreds and they brought it into [the] tent of meeting a memorial for [the] people of Israel before Yahweh.

< 4 Mosebok 31 >