< Matteus 5 >
1 När han såg folket, steg han upp på ett berg; och som han hade satt sig, gingo hans Lärjungar fram till honom.
When Jesus saw the crowds, he went up on a hillside. He sat down [in order to teach] his disciples. They came near to him [to listen to him].
2 Då öppnade han sin mun, lärde dem, och sade:
Then he began to teach them by saying,
3 Salige äro de som äro andelige fattige; ty himmelriket hörer dem till.
[God] is pleased with people who recognize that they have a spiritual [need]; he will allow them to be the people whose lives he rules over.
4 Salige äro de bedröfvade; ty de skola få hugsvalelse.
[God] is pleased with people who mourn [because they have sinned; ] they will be encouraged {he will encourage them.}
5 Salige äro de saktmodige; ty de skola besitta jordena.
[God] is pleased with people who are meek; they will inherit the earth [that God will recreate].
6 Salige äro de som hungra och törsta efter rättfärdighetena; ty de skola blifva mättade.
[God] is pleased with people who sincerely [desire to live] righteously [just like they] desire to eat and drink [MET]; they will be enabled {he will enable them} to do all that he desires [MET].
7 Salige äro de barmhertige; ty dem skall ske barmhertighet.
[God] is pleased with people who act mercifully; he will act mercifully to them.
8 Salige äro de renhjertade; ty de skola se Gud.
[God] is pleased with people who think only about that which pleases him; [some day] they will [be where] God is and will see him.
9 Salige äro de fridsamme; ty de skola kallas Guds barn.
[God] is pleased with people who help other people to live peacefully; they will be considered to be {he will consider that they are} his children [MET].
10 Salige äro de som lida förföljelse för rättvisones skull; ty dem hörer himmelriket till.
[God is pleased with] people to whom evil things are done {to whom [other people] do evil things} because they [conducted themselves] righteously; he will allow them to be where he rules over people.
11 Salige ären I, när menniskorna försmäda och förfölja eder, och säga allt ondt emot eder, ljugande, för mina skull.
[God is pleased with] you when [other] people insult you, when [other people] do evil things to you and when [other people] say falsely [that] you are evil because [you believe in] me.
12 Glädjens och fröjder eder; ty edor lön är stor i himmelen; förty de hafva sammalunda förföljt Propheterna, som hafva varit för eder.
[When that happens], rejoice and be glad [DOU], because [God will give] you a great reward in heaven. [God will think highly of you], just like [he thought highly of] the prophets whom your [ancestors persecuted] long ago.
13 I ären jordenes salt; är det så, att saltet mister sin sälto, hvarmed skall man då salta? Till intet mer är det nyttigt, utan att man kastar det ut, och låter det trampas af menniskomen.
“You are [able to influence] evil [people] [MTY] [and improve the way they live in order that they do not become more evil, just like] salt [is able to improve the flavor of food and to preserve it] [MET] [from spoiling]. Salt that no longer tastes salty cannot become salty again [RHQ]. As a result, that salt becomes useless. It is rejected by people, thrown on the ground, and walked on {People reject it, throw it on the ground and walk on it} [MET]. [Similarly, if the way you live no longer influences people to live in a godly manner, God will reject you].
14 I ären verldenes ljus; icke kan den staden döljas, som ligger på ett berg.
You [enable] evil [people] [MTY] [to perceive God’s truth as] a light [enables people to perceive what is around them. Just like] everyone can see [LIT] [the lights of] a city on a hill [MET], [other people can see what you do].
15 Icke tänder man heller ljus, och sätter det under ena skäppo, utan på en ljusastaka; att det lyser allom dem som i huset äro.
After people light a lamp, they never put it under a basket. Instead, [they put it] on a lampstand in their houses in order that it can shine on everyone there.
16 Så låter edart ljus lysa för menniskomen, att de måga se edra goda gerningar, och prisa edar Fader, som är i himmelen.
[Similarly], you need to do [what is right] [MET] in such a manner that other people can see the good deeds that you do, and as a result they will praise your Father [who is] in heaven.”
17 I skolen icke mena, att jag är kommen till att upplossa lagen, eller Propheterna; jag är icke kommen till att upplossa, utan till att fullborda.
“I came to earth, not to annul the laws [that God gave Moses] or [what] the prophets [MTY] [wrote]. Instead, I [came] to cause to happen [what the authors of those books predicted would happen]. So do not think any longer that I have come [to earth] in order that I might annul [what they wrote].
18 Ty jag säger eder för sant: Tilldess att himmel och jord förgås, varder ej förgången den minste bokstafven, icke heller en prick af lagen, förr än det är allt skedt.
Keep this in mind: [Every] point of those laws, [including those points that seem] least important, and even the smallest details of the laws [MTY] will surely be in effect [HYP, LIT] until the heavens and the earth disappear and until all [that God told their authors to write] happens.
19 Derföre, hvilken som upplossar ett af dessa minsta buden, och lärer så menniskorna, han skall kallas den minste i himmelriket; men hvilken som det gör och lärer, han skall kallas stor i himmelriket.
Since [all God’s laws are important], if anyone disobeys any of those commandments, [even if it would be] one of the least [important ones], and if that person teaches people [to disobey any of those commandments], it will be said {[God] will say} that that person is the least [important] of those in the place where [EUP] God rules. But those who obey [those commandments] and teach [other people to obey them, it will be said] {[God] will say} that they are very important among those that God rules.
20 Ty jag säger eder att, utan edor rättfärdighet öfvergår de Skriftlärdas och de Phariseers, då skolen I icke komma i himmelriket.
Keep this in mind: [You assume that] the Pharisees and the men who teach our laws [faithfully obey] what God commands. But if you do not obey those laws better than they obey them, you will by no means enter the place where God rules.”
21 I hafven hört, att dem gamlom sagdt är: Du skall icke dräpa; men hvilken som dräper, han skall vara skyldig under domen.
“You have heard [your religious teachers say] that it was said {that [Moses] said} to your ancestors, ‘Do not murder [anyone.’ This implied that] if someone murders [another person], the judge will condemn that person [and] sentence him to be [executed] {[say that someone must execute him]}.
22 Men jag säger eder, att hvilken som förtörnas på sin broder, han skall vara skyldig under domen; men hvilken som säger: Racha till sin broder, han är skyldig under rådet; men hvilken som säger: Du dåre, han är skyldig till helvetes eld. (Geenna )
But what I say to you is this: [If you are] angry with someone, [God] will judge you. If you say to someone, ‘[You are worthless],’ the Jewish Council will judge you. If you [hate someone], and say to them 'You fool!' you. yourself, will be in danger of being thrown into the fires in hell. (Geenna )
23 Derföre, om du offrar dina gåfvo på altaret, och kommer så ihåg, att din broder hafver något emot dig;
So, when you take your gift [for God] to the altar, if you remember that you have offended someone,
24 Så lägg der dina gåfvo ned för altaret, och gack först bort, och förlika dig med din broder; och kom sedan, och offra dina gåfvo.
leave your gift by the altar, and first go [to the person you have offended]. Tell that person that you are sorry for what you have done, and ask that person to forgive you. Then go back and offer your gift [to God].
25 Du skall vara din trätobroder benägen till vänskap snart, medan du ännu äst med honom på vägen; att din trätobroder antvardar dig icke domarenom, och domaren antvardar dig tjenarenom, och du kastas så i häktelse.
[Also], when a fellow citizen [takes you to court in order to] accuse you, settle accounts with that person quickly while you are walking with that person [to court]. Do that [while there still is time to do so] in order that he will not take you to the judge, [because if] the judge [favors the person who is accusing you, he will declare that you are guilty and send you] to the prison guard, and the prison guard will put you in prison.
26 Sannerliga säger jag dig, du varder der icke utkommandes, tilldess du hafver betalat den yttersta skärfven.
Keep this in mind: [If you go to prison], you will never get out [because you will never be able to] pay all that the judge says that you owe [MET]. [And remember also that] you [ought to settle accounts with God before you die, too].”
27 I hafven hört, att det var sagdt dem gamlom: Du skall icke göra hor.
“You have heard [God’s] commandment, ‘Do not commit adultery.’
28 Men jag säger eder: Hvilken som ser på ena qvinno, till att begära henne, han hafver allaredo gjort hor med henne i sitt hjerta.
But what I say to you is this: If a man only looks at a woman desiring to have sex with her, [God considers that] his doing that [MET] is sin.
29 Om så är, att ditt högra öga är dig till förargelse, så rif det ut, och kastat ifrå dig; det är dig bättre att ett ditt ledamot förderfvas, än att din hela kropp skulle kastas till helvetes. (Geenna )
If because of what you see [MTY] you [are tempted to] sin, [stop looking at those things! Even if you have to] gouge out one of your eyes and throw it away [HYP] [to avoid sinning, do it!] It is good [that you not sin and] as a result [go to heaven, even though while you are still here on earth] you lack one [or both of] your eyes. But it is not good [that you continue to have two eyes and sin and, as a result, God] sends your whole body to hell. (Geenna )
30 Är det ock så, att din högra hand är dig till förargelse, så hugg henne af, och kasta henne ifrå dig; det är dig bättre att ett ditt ledamot förderfvas, än att hela kroppen kastas till helvetes. (Geenna )
If you are [tempted to] use one of your hands to sin [MTY], [stop using your hand. Even if you have to] cut your hand off and throw it away [to avoid sinning, do it] [HYP]! It is good [that you do not sin and as a result you go to heaven, even though while you are still here on earth] you lack one [or both] of your [hands]. But it is not good [that you sin and, as a result, God] sends your whole body to hell.” (Geenna )
31 Det är ock sagdt: Hvilken som öfvergifver sina hustru, han skall gifva henne ett skiljobref.
“It is written {[Moses] wrote}, ‘If a man is divorcing his wife, he should write a document [on which he states that he is] divorcing her.’
32 Men jag säger eder: Hvilken som helst öfvergifver sina hustru, utan för hors skull, han kommer henne till att göra hor; och hvilken ena öfvergifna tager till hustru, han gör hor.
But [now listen to what] I say to you: [A man] may [divorce his wife] only if she has committed adultery, [and not for any other reason]. If a man divorces his wife [for any other reason, and he has sex with another woman], he makes his wife become one against whom he has committed adultery, [because in God’s estimation she still is his wife]. Also, if a man marries a woman who is divorced {whose husband has divorced her}, [God considers] him [guilty of] committing adultery.”
33 Åter hafven I hört, att det var sagdt dom gamlom: Du skall icke svärja dig men, utan skall hålla Herranom din ed.
“You have also heard [your religious teachers say] that it was written {that [Moses] wrote} to your ancestors, ‘Make sure that you do what you promised the Lord that you would do!’ [DOU]
34 Men jag säger eder, att I skolen allsintet svärja, hvarken vid himmelen; ty han är Guds stol;
But [now listen to what] I say to you: Never promise to do anything and then ask a superior being to affirm [that what you are saying will happen. For example, do] not [promise that you will give something and then ask spiritual beings in] heaven [MTY] [to affirm that you will do it], because heaven is where God [sits] on his throne [MTY] [to rule over people].
35 Eller vid jordena; ty hon är hans fotapall; ej heller vid Jerusalem; ty det är en mägtig Konungs stad.
[Also, do] not [promise that you will give something and then ask spiritual beings] on earth [MTY] [to affirm that you will do it], because the earth is where God rests his feet [MET]. [Also, do] not [promise that you will do something and ask religious authorities] in Jerusalem [to affirm that you will do it], because Jerusalem is the city where [God], the great King [rules].
36 Ej heller skall du svärja vid ditt hufvud; ty du förmår icke göra ett hår hvitt eller svart.
[Also, do not promise that you will do something and then say that] your head [should be cut off] {[someone should cut off] your head} [if you do not do it]. You are not [even] able to [change the color of the hair of your head by] making one [black] hair white or one [white] hair black.
37 Men edart tal skall vara: Ja, ja; nej, nej; hvad deröfver är, det är af ondo.
[If you talk about doing something], just say ‘Yes, I [will do it],’ or ‘No, I [will not do it].’ [If you say] anything more than that, it is from [Satan], the Evil One.”
38 I hafven hört, att det är sagdt: Öga för öga, tand för tand.
“You have heard [your religious teachers say] that [it is written] {[Moses wrote]}, ‘[Retaliate like this]: [If someone damages] one of your eyes, [someone should damage] one of that person’s eyes. [If someone damages] one of your teeth, [someone should damage] one of that person’s teeth.’
39 Men jag säger eder, att I skolen icke stå det onda emot; utan är det så, att någor slår dig vid det högra kindbenet, så vänd honom ock det andra till.
But [now listen to what] I say to you: Do not take revenge for evil [deeds done] {[that other people do]} [to you]. Instead, if someone [insults you by] striking you on one cheek, turn your other cheek toward that person [in order that he can strike it also].
40 Och om någor vill gå till rätta med dig, och taga din kjortel ifrå dig, låt honom ock hafva kåpona med.
If someone wants to sue you and take your (inner garment/shirt), give him your (outer garment/coat) also.
41 Och om någor nödgar dig ena milo, så gack två med honom.
If a [military authority] compels you to go with him one mile [and carry his gear], go with him two miles [and carry his gear].
42 Gif honom, som af dig bedes, och vänd dig icke ifrå honom, som något vill låna af dig.
Also, if someone asks you for [something], give [him what he is asking for]. If someone requests you to lend him [something], do not refuse [to lend it to him].”
43 I hafven hört, att det är sagdt: Du skall älska din nästa, och hata din fienda.
“You have heard [your religious teachers say that it is written that Moses wrote], ‘Love the citizens of your country and hate your enemies.’
44 Men jag säger eder: Älsker edra ovänner; välsigner dem som eder banna, och görer väl emot dem som eder hata; bedjer för dem som göra eder skada, och förfölja eder;
But [now listen to what] I say to you: Love your enemies [as well as your friends], and pray for those who cause you to suffer.
45 På det I skolen vara edar Faders barn, som är i himmelen; ty han låter sina sol uppgå öfver onda och goda, och låter regna öfver rättfärdiga och orättfärdiga.
Do that in order to imitate what [God], your Father [who is] in heaven, does. He desires that you [MET] do [like he does]. [He acts kindly to all people. For example, he causes] the sun to shine [equally] on wicked [people] and on good [people], and [he sends] rain [both] on righteous [people] and on unrighteous [people].
46 Förty, om I älsken dem som eder älska, hvad fån I för lön? Göra icke ock så de Publicaner det samma?
If you love [only] the people who love you, ([do not expect God to] reward you [in heaven]!/will [God] reward you [in heaven]?) [RHQ] [This is based on the fact that everyone], even the tax collectors, [who you think are very great sinners], love [RHQ] those who love them. [If you act like them], ([you are not any different from tax collectors!/in what way are you different from tax collectors]?) [RHQ]
47 Om I hafven eder vänliga mot edra bröder allenast, hvad besynnerligit gören I? Göra icke ock så de Publicaner?
If you want [God] to bless only your friends, (you are not acting any better than other people!/are you acting any better than other people?) [RHQ] Even the non-Jews, [who you think sin very much] (OR, [you think are unacceptable to God]), want God to bless their friends [RHQ], [but God does not reward them for that].
48 Varer fördenskull fullkomlige, såsom edar himmelske Fader fullkomlig är.
[You need to love those who do not love you], and in that way become perfect as [God] your Father, [who is] in heaven, is perfect.”