< 3 Mosebok 21 >

1 Och Herren sade till Mose: Tala till Presterna, Aarons söner, och säg till dem: En Prest skall icke orena sig på någon dödan af sitt folk;
And he said Yahweh to Moses say to the priests [the] sons of Aaron and you will say to them for a corpse not he will make himself unclean among kinspeople his.
2 Utan på sin skyldman, den honom näst tillkommer, såsom på sin moder, på sin fader, på sin son, på sin dotter, på sin broder;
That except for relative his near to him for mother his and for father his and for son his and for daughter his and for brother his.
3 Och på sin syster, den ännu en jungfru och ingens mans hustru varit hafver; den hans nästa skyldman är, på dem må han orena sig.
And for sister his the virgin near to him who not she has belonged to a husband for her he will make himself unclean.
4 Eljest skall han icke orena sig på någon, som honom är vederkommande ibland hans folk, så att han sig ohelgar.
Not he will make himself unclean a husband among kinspeople his to profane himself.
5 Han skall ock ingen plätt göra på sitt hufvud, eller afraka sitt skägg, och på hans kropp intet märke skära.
Not (they will make bald *Q(k)*) baldness on head their and [the] side of beard their not they will shave and in flesh their not they will cut cut[s].
6 De skola sinom Gudi helige vara, och icke ohelga sins Guds Namn; förty de offra Herrans offer, deras Guds bröd; derföre skola de vara helige.
Holy they will be to God their and not they will profane [the] name of God their for [the] fire offerings of Yahweh [the] food of God their they [are] presenting and they will be a holy thing.
7 Han skall icke taga någon sköko, eller ena förkränkta, eller den som af sin man bortdrifven är; ty han är helig sinom Gudi.
A woman a prostitute and a [woman] profaned not they will take and a woman divorced from husband her not they will take for [is] holy he to God his.
8 Derföre skall du räkna honom helig; ty han offrar dins Guds bröd. Han skall vara dig helig; ty jag är helig, Herren, som eder helgar.
And you will set apart as holy him for [the] food of God your he [is] presenting holy he will be to you for [am] holy I Yahweh [who] sets apart as holy you.
9 Om ens Prests dotter begynner till att bola, den skall man uppbränna i elde; ty hon hafver skämt sin fader.
And a daughter of a man a priest if she will profane herself by acting as a prostitute father her she [is] profaning with fire she will be burned.
10 Hvilken öfverste Prest är ibland hans bröder, på hvilkens hufvud smörjooljan gjuten är, och hans hand fylld är, så att han med kläden iklädd varder, den skall icke blotta sitt hufvud, och icke skära sin kläder sönder;
And the priest great more than brothers his whom it was poured on head his - [the] oil of anointing and he has filled hand his to wear the garments head his not he will let loose and garments his not he will tear.
11 Och skall till ingen dödan komma, och skall icke orena sig, hvarken öfver fader eller moder.
And to any corpses of a dead [person] not he will go for father his and for mother his not he will make himself unclean.
12 Utu helgedomenom skall han icke gå, att han icke ohelgar sins Guds helgedom; ty vigelsen, hans Guds smörjoolja, är på honom. Jag är Herren.
And from the sanctuary not he will go out and not he will profane [the] sanctuary of God his for [the] consecration of [the] oil of anointing of God his [is] on him I [am] Yahweh.
13 Ena jungfru skall han taga sig till hustru;
And he a woman in virginiti her he will take.
14 Men inga enko, eller bortdrefna, eller förkränkta, eller sköko; utan ena jungfru, af sitt folk, skall han taga till hustru;
A widow and a divorced [woman] and a [woman] profaned a prostitute these not he will take that except a virgin from kinspeople his he will take a wife.
15 På det han icke skall ohelga sina säd ibland sitt folk; ty jag är Herren, som honom helgar.
And not he will profane offspring his among kinspeople his for I [am] Yahweh [who] sets apart as holy him.
16 Och Herren talade med Mose, och sade:
And he spoke Yahweh to Moses saying.
17 Tala med Aaron, och säg: Om någor vank är på någrom af dine säd uti edart slägte, den skall icke gå fram, att han offrar sins Guds bröd;
Speak to Aaron saying a man from offspring your to generations their whom it will be in him a blemish not he will draw near to present [the] food of God his.
18 Förty hvar och en, den någon vank hafver, skall icke gå fram, vare sig blind, halt, med ene stygga näso, med oskickeliga lemmar.
For any man whom [is] in him a blemish not he will draw near a man blind or lame or [having] a slit nose or [having] something enlarged.
19 Eller den som hafver en sönderbruten fot eller hand,
Or a man whom it will be in him a fracture of a foot or a fracture of a hand.
20 Eller kroppog är, eller hinno på ögonen hafver, eller vindögd, eller maslog, eller skabbog, eller förbråken är.
Or a [man] hunchbacked or a [man] thin or a defect in eye his or eczema or scabs or a [man] crushed of testicle.
21 Den som nu af Prestens Aarons säd hafver en vank uppå sig, han skall icke gå fram till att offra Herrans offer; ty han hafver en vank, derföre skall han intet nalkas intill sins Guds bröd, att han dem offrar.
Any man whom [is] in him a blemish from [the] offspring of Aaron the priest not he will draw near to present [the] fire offerings of Yahweh a blemish [is] in him [the] food of God his not he will draw near to present.
22 Dock skall han äta af sins Guds bröde, både af de helgo, så ock af de aldrahelgasto.
[the] food of God his from [the] holy things of the holy things and from the holy things he will eat.
23 Men dock skall han icke komma in till förlåten, ej heller nalkas altarena, så länge sådana vank på honom är, att han icke ohelgar min helgedom; ty jag är Herren, som helgar dem.
Nevertheless to the curtain not he will go and to the altar not he will draw near for a blemish [is] in him and not he will profane sanctuary my for I [am] Yahweh [who] sets apart as holy them.
24 Och Mose sade detta till Aaron, och till hans söner, och till all Israels barn.
And he spoke Moses to Aaron and to sons his and to all [the] people of Israel.

< 3 Mosebok 21 >