< Jesaja 38 >
1 På den tiden vardt Hiskia dödssjuk. Och Propheten Esaia, Amos son, kom till honom, och sade till honom: Så säger Herren: Beställ om ditt hus; ty du måste dö, och icke vid lif blifva.
About that time, Hezekiah became [very] ill and was close to dying. [So] I went to see him. And I gave him this message: “This is what Yahweh says: ‘You should tell the people in your palace what you want them to do after you die, because you will not recover from this illness. You are going to die’”
2 Då vände Hiskia sitt ansigte till väggena, och bad till Herran;
Hezekiah turned his face toward the wall, and prayed this:
3 Och sade: Tänk dock, Herre, huru jag för dig vandrat hafver uti sanning, med fullkommeligo hjerta, och hafver gjort hvad dig hafver täckt varit. Och Hiskia gret svårliga.
“Yahweh, do not forget that I have always served you very faithfully, and I have done things that pleased you!” Then Hezekiah [started to] cry loudly.
4 Då kom Herrans ord till Esaia, och sade:
[I left his room, but] Yahweh gave me this message:
5 Gack bort, och säg Hiskia: Så säger Herren dins faders Davids Gud: Jag hafver hört dina bön, och sett dina tårar; si, jag vill ännu föröka dina dagar femton år;
“Go [back] to Hezekiah and tell him that this is what I, the God to whom your ancestor King David belonged, say: ‘I have heard what you prayed, and I have seen you crying. So listen: I will enable you to live 15 years more.
6 Och skall fria dig med denna staden utu Konungens hand af Assyrien; ty jag vill väl beskärma denna staden.
And, I will rescue you and this city from the power [MTY] of the King of Assyria. I will defend this city.
7 Och haf detta för ett tecken af Herranom, att Herren detta göra skall, som han sagt hafver:
And this is what I will do to prove that I will do what I have just now promised. I will cause the shadow of the sun to move ten steps backward on the sundial that was built by King Ahaz.’”
8 Si, jag vill tillbakadraga skuggan på Ahas säjare; tio streck, de han öfverlupit hafver; så att solen skall gå tillbaka tio streck, de hon på säjaren öfverlupit hafver.
So the shadow of the sun on the sundial moved backward ten steps.
9 Detta är Hiskia skrift, Juda Konungs, då han hade krank varit, och var helbregda vorden af sine krankhet:
When King Hezekiah was almost well again, he wrote this:
10 Jag sade: Nu måste jag fara till helvetes portar, förr än jag det mig förmodde, och tänkte ännu länger lefva. (Sheol )
I thought to myself, “Is it necessary for me to die and go to the place where the dead people are during this time of my life when I am still strong? Is Yahweh going to rob me of the remaining years that I [should live]?” (Sheol )
11 Jag sade: Nu måste jag icke mer se Herran, ja, Herran uti de lefvandes lande; nu måste jag icke mer se menniskor, när dem som deras tid utlefva.
I said, “I will not see Yahweh [again] in this world where people are alive. I will not see my friends again, or be with others who [now] are alive in this world.
12 Min tid är borto, och ifrå mig tagen, såsom ens herdas hydda; och jag skär mitt lif tvärtaf såsom en väfvare; han sliter mig sönder såsom en klen tråd; du lyktar dagen för mig, förr än aftonen kommer.
[It is as if] my life has been taken away like [SIM] a tent [whose pegs] have been pulled up by a shepherd and taken away. My time to live has been cut short, like a piece of cloth that a weaver [cuts and] rolls up [after he has finished weaving a cloth].” Suddenly, [it seemed that] my life was ending.
13 Jag tänkte: Måtte jag dock lefva till morgons; men han sönderbröt mig all min ben, såsom ett lejon; ty du lyktar dagen för mig, förr än aftonen kommer.
I waited patiently all during the night, but [my pain was as though] [MET] I was being torn apart by lions. [It seemed that] my life was finished.
14 Jag lät såsom en trana och en svala, och knurlade såsom en dufva; min ögon ville mig brista. Herre, jag lider nöd, lisa mig.
[I was delirious, and] I chirped like a swift or a swallow, and moaned like a dove. My eyes became tired looking up [toward heaven] for help. I cried out, Lord, help me, [because] I am distressed!’
15 O! huru vill jag ( gladeliga ) tala, efter han mig tillsagt hafver, och gör det ock; derföre vill jag i alla mina lifsdagar tacka för denna min själs bedröfvelse.
But there was really nothing [RHQ] that I could say and ask him to reply to me, because it was Yahweh who sent this illness. [So now] I will live humbly during my [remaining] years because I am very anguished.
16 Herre, deraf lefver man, och mins andas lif står alltsammans derutinnan; ty du lätst mig somna, och gjorde mig lefvande.
Yahweh, the sufferings (OR, the promises) that you give are good, [because] what you do and what you say bring [new] life and health to us. And you restore/heal me and allow me [to continue] to live!
17 Si, om tröst var mig stor ängslan; men du lätst dig vårda om mina själ ganska hjerteliga, att hon icke förderfvas skulle; ty du kastade alla mina synder bakom dig.
Truly, my suffering was good for me; you loved me, and as a result you have rescued me from dying and have also forgiven all my sins.
18 Ty helvetet lofvar dig intet; så prisar dig icke heller döden, och de som uti gropena fara, vänta intet efter dina sanning; (Sheol )
Dead people [MTY] cannot praise you; they cannot sing to praise you. Those who have descended to their graves cannot confidently expect you to faithfully [do things for them]. (Sheol )
19 Utan allena de, som lefva, lofva dig, såsom ock jag nu gör. Fadren skall lära barnen dina sanning.
Only people who are still alive, like I am, can praise you. Fathers tell their children how you are faithful, [and if I remain alive, I will do the same thing].
20 Herre, hjelp mig, så vilje vi sjunga mina visor, så länge vi lefve, uti Herrans hus.
[I know that] Yahweh will fully heal me, [so] I will sing to praise him while others praise him playing musical instruments; I will do that every day of my life, in the temple of Yahweh.”
21 Och Esaia bad, att man skulle taga ett plåster af fikon, och lägga uppå hans böld, att han måtte helbregda varda.
I had [previously] said to Hezekiah’s servants, “Prepare an ointment from [mashed] figs, and spread it on his boil, and then he will recover.” [So they did that, and Hezekiah recovered].
22 Men Hiskia sade: Hvilket ett tecken är detta, att jag upp till Herrans hus gå skall?
And Hezekiah had [previously] asked, “What will Yahweh do to prove that I will [recover and be able to] go to his temple?”