< Hebreerbrevet 7 >

1 Denne Melchisedek var Konung i Salem, högsta Guds Prest; den Abrahe mötte, då han igenkom ifrå den Konungaslagtning, och välsignade honom;
[Now I will say more about] this [man] Melchizedek. He was the king of Salem [city and was] a priest of God, the one who is greater [than anyone else]. He met Abraham who was returning [home] after [he and his men] had defeated the [armies of four] kings [SYN]. Melchizedek [asked God to] bless Abraham.
2 Hvilkom ock Abraham gaf tionde af all ting. Först uttolkas han, rättvisones Konung; men sedan är han ock Salems Konung, det är fredsens Konung;
Then Abraham gave to him one tenth of all [the spoils he] took after winning [the battle. Melchizedek’s name] means firstly ‘king [who rules] righteously’, and since Salem means ‘peace’, he was the ‘king [who rules] peacefully’.
3 Utan fader, utan moder, utan slägt; och hafver hvarken begynnelse på dagarna, eller ända på lifvet; men han är lik vorden vid Guds Son, och blifver Prest i evighet.
[In the Scriptures there is] no [record of who his] father [was], nor [is there any record of who his] mother [was], nor [is there any record of who his] ancestors [were]. There is no [record of when he was] born, nor [is there any record of when he] died. [For these reasons], [it is as though] he continues to be a priest forever, and for this reason he is like God’s Son.
4 Men ser, huru stor den är, som ock Abraham Patriarchen gaf tionde af bytet.
You can realize how great this [man Melchizedek was] from the fact that Abraham, [our famous] ancestor, gave him (a tithe/one tenth) of the spoils [from the battle].
5 Men Levi söner, då de Presterskapet anamma, hafva befallning taga tiond af folket, det är, af sina bröder, efter lagen; ändå de ock af Abrahams länder komne äro.
According to the laws [God gave Moses], the descendants of [Abraham’s great-grandson] Levi, who were priests, should take tithes from [God’s] people who were their relatives, even though those people also were Abraham’s descendants.
6 Men den, hvilkens slägte icke räknas ibland dem, han tog tiond af Abraham, och välsignade honom som löftet hade.
But this man [Melchizedek], who was not among the descendants [of Levi], took tithes from Abraham. He also [asked God to] bless Abraham, the man to whom [God] promised [many descendants].
7 Nu nekar det ingen, att det som mindre är, tager välsignelse af det som större är.
We know for certain that it is the more [important people] who [ask God to] bless the less important people. [And Melchizedek blessed Abraham. So we conclude that Melchizedek was greater than Abraham].
8 Och här taga de menniskor tiond, som dödelige äro; men der han, som betygas om, att han lefver.
In the case of [the priests who are descendants of Levi], men who some day will die receive tithes. But in the case of [Melchizedek it is as if God] testifies that he was still living, [since there is no record in Scriptures about his death].
9 Och, om jag så säga skall: Levi, som tiondena plägar taga, vardt ock tiondad i Abraham;
And it was as though Levi himself, and [all the priests descended from him]—who received tithes [from the people]—paid tithes [to Melchizedek]. And when Abraham paid tithes, it [was as though Levi and all the priests descended from him acknowledged that the work Melchizedek did as a priest was greater than the work Levi did],
10 Ty han var ändå i sins faders länder, då Melchisedek honom mötte.
since [the sperm from which all those priests were eventually born] was still in Abraham’s body [EUP] when Melchizedek met Abraham.
11 Är nu fullkomlighet skedd genom det Levitiska Presterskapet, ty derunder fick folket lagen; hvad behöfde sägas, att en annar Prest uppkomma skulle, efter Melchisedeks sätt, och icke efter Aarons sätt?
[God] gave his laws to his people at the same time he gave regulations about the priests. So, if what the priests who were descended from Levi did could have provided a way for God to completely [forgive] people [for disobeying those laws], certainly no other priest like Melchizedek would have been necessary. [RHQ] Instead, priests who were descended from Aaron, [Levi’s descendant, would have been adequate].
12 Ty der Presterskapet förvandladt varder, der måste ock lagen förvandlas.
[But we know they were not adequate, because a new type of priest like Melchizedek has come]. And since [God] has appointed a new type of priest, he also had to change the regulations [concerning how priests were appointed] {[he appointed priests]}.
13 Ty den som detta sägs om, är af ett annat slägte, af hvilko aldrig någor skötte altaret.
[Jesus], the one about whom I am saying these things, is a descendant of someone else, [not a descendant of Levi]. None of the men from whom Jesus descended ever served as priests [MTY].
14 Ty det är ju uppenbart, att vår Herre är kommen af Juda slägte; till hvilkens slägte Moses intet talat hafver om Presterskapet.
[We know that] since it is obvious that it is from [the tribe of] Judah that our Lord was descended. Moses never said that any of Judah’s descendants would [become] priests.
15 Och är det ännu klarare, medan en annar Prest efter Melchisedeks sätt uppkommer;
Furthermore, [we know that the priests who were descended from Levi were inadequate, since] it is even more obvious that another priest has appeared who is like Melchizedek.
16 Hvilken icke är gjord efter köttslig budords lag, utan efter oändelig lifs kraft.
Jesus became a priest, but not because [he fulfilled] what [God’s] law required [about being a descendant of Levi]. Instead, he has the kind of power that [came from a] life that nothing can destroy (OR, [enabled him to] live [again after he was] killed).
17 Ty han betygar: Du äst en Prest evinnerliga, efter Melchisedeks sätt. (aiōn g165)
[We know this] since [God] confirmed it in [the Scripture passage in which he said to his Son], You [(sg)] are a priest eternally just like Melchizedek was a priest. (aiōn g165)
18 Ty dermed sker, att den förra lag afkommer, för hennes svaghet och onyttos skull.
On the one hand, God canceled what he commanded previously [concerning the priests] because it failed in every way to enable anyone [to become all that God intended].
19 Ty lagen kunde intet göra fullkomligit; och varder ett bättre hopp infördt, genom hvilket vi nalkoms Gudi.
Remember that no one was able to become all that God intended [by obeying] the laws [that God gave Moses]. On the other hand, [God caused that we could] confidently expect better things [than we could expect by obeying God’s laws]. [He did that by his establishing Christ as priest]. Now by means of [Christ sacrificing himself for us] we can come near to God.
20 Och så mycket mer, att det icke skedde utan ed; ty de förre äro utan ed Prester vordne;
Furthermore, [when God appointed Christ, it was when God] solemnly declared [that Christ would be a priest] [LIT]. When [God appointed former] priests, it was not by his solemnly declaring [that they would be priests].
21 Men denne med ed, genom den som sade till honom: Herren svor, och det skall icke ångra honom: Du äst en Prest evinnerliga, efter Melchisedeks sätt. (aiōn g165)
However, when he [appointed Christ to be a priest], it was by these words that [the Psalmist wrote in Scripture]: The Lord has solemnly declared [to the Messiah], —and he will not change his mind— “You will be a priest forever!” (aiōn g165)
22 Så mycket bättre Testament hafver Jesus uträttat.
Because of that, Jesus guarantees that [the new] covenant will be better [than the old one].
23 Och de förre äro månge Prester vordne; derföre att döden lät dem icke blifva;
And formerly, the priests could not keep serving [as priests], because they all died [PRS]. So there were many priests [to take the place of the ones who died].
24 Men denne, efter han blifver evinnerliga, hafver ett oförgängeligit Presterskap. (aiōn g165)
But because [Jesus] lives eternally, he will continue to be a Supreme Priest forever. (aiōn g165)
25 Hvarföre han ock kan evinnerliga saliga göra dem, som genom honom komma till Gud, och lefver alltid, och beder alltid för dem.
So, he can completely and eternally save those who come to God by [trusting in what Jesus has done for them], since he lives forever to plead [with God] to help them.
26 Ty en sådana öfversta Prest höfdes oss hafva, den der helig vore, oskyldig, obesmittad, skild ifrå syndare, och högre än himmelen;
Jesus is the kind of Supreme Priest that we need. He was holy; he did no wrong; he was completely innocent. [God] has now taken him up to the highest heaven separated from [living among] sinners.
27 Hvilken icke dageliga behöfde, såsom de andre öfverste Prester, först för sina egna synder offra, och sedan för folkens synder; ty han gjorde det ena reso, då han sig sjelf offrade.
[The other] Supreme Priests need to sacrifice [animals] day by day [as well as year by year]. They do this, firstly, [to atone] for their own sins, and then [to atone for other] people [who have sinned]. [But because Jesus never sinned], he does not need to atone for his own sin. The only thing [he needed to do to save people] was to sacrifice himself once!
28 Ty lagen sätter menniskor till öfversta Prester, som svaghet hafva; men edsens ord, som efter lagen sagdt är, det sätter Sonen evig och fullkomlig. (aiōn g165)
[We need a Supreme Priest like] him, because in the laws [that God gave Moses] [PRS] the ones who would be appointed to be priests would be men who tended [to sin easily]. But [God] solemnly [declared] [PRS] after [he had given] his laws [to Moses] that [he would appoint] (his Son/the man who is also God) [to be a Supreme Priest. Now] ([his Son/the man who is also God]) has forever become all that God intends him to be. (aiōn g165)

< Hebreerbrevet 7 >