< Hesekiel 42 >
1 Och han hade mig ut bort uti yttra gården norrut, ibland de kamrar som lågo emot den byggningen, som vid templet stod, och emot templet norrut;
[in the vision] the man led me out of the inner courtyard, through [the entrance on] the north side. We entered the outer courtyard and came to a building that was built against the north [of the inner courtyard].
2 Hvilken plan hundrade alnar lång var, ifrå portenom norrut, och femtio alnar bred.
That building was (175 feet/53 meters) long and (87-1/2 feet/26.5 meters) wide. Its doorway faced north.
3 Tjugu alnar voro emot den inra gården, och emot golfvet i yttra gårdenom, och tretio alnar ifrå det ena hörnet intill det andra.
In that building were two rows of rooms, built on three levels, that faced each other. One row of rooms was built against the wall of the inner courtyard, and the other row was built against the wall facing the outer courtyard. The building was 34 feet from the temple.
4 Och innantill för kamrarna var en plan, tio alnar bred; en väg af en aln, och deras dörrar norrut.
Between the [two] rows of rooms there was a walkway that was (17-1/2 feet/5.3 meters) wide and (175 feet/53 meters) long. All its doors were on the north side.
5 Och ofvan denna kamrarna voro andre trängre kamrar; ty rummet i de nedra och medelkamrarna var icke stort;
Each of the upper rows of rooms was narrower than the row of rooms below them, [because the upper rows needed to have a walkway in front of them].
6 Ty det var tregge bottnar högt, och hade dock inga pelare, såsom gårdarna pelare hade; utan voro satte slätt hvar uppå den andra.
The rooms on the upper levels had no pillars to support them like the ones in the courtyard. Instead, each of those row of rooms were supported by the walls of the row of rooms on the level below.
7 Och den yttre gården var omfattad med en mur, der kamrarna vid stodo; den var femtio alnar lång.
The wall of the building extended (87-1/2 feet/26.5 meters) past the set of rooms built along the outer courtyard, separating all the rooms from the outer courtyard.
8 Och kamrarna stodo hvar efter den andra, och femtio alnar långt vid yttra gården; men rummet för templet var hundrade alnar långt.
The row of rooms that were along the outer courtyard was (87-1/2 feet/26.5 meters) long, and the set of rooms that faced the temple was (175 feet/53 meters) long.
9 Och nedanför kamrarna var en plan österut, der man utur yttra gårdenom gick.
The lowest row of rooms had an entrance from the outer courtyard, on the east side.
10 Och vid muren östantill voro ock kamrar.
On the south [side], along the wall of the outer courtyard, next to the temple courtyard, was a [a building with two] rows of rooms,
11 Och der var också en plan före, lika som för de andra kamrarna nordantill; och all ting var lika, med längd, bredd, och allt det deruppå var, såsom tillförene på de andra.
with a walkway between them. Those rooms were like the rooms on the north [side]: they were the same length and width, and had the same kind of entrances.
12 Och sunnantill voro ock lika sådana kamrar, med dörrar, och för planenom var den dörren söderut, der man framkommer ifrå den muren som östantill ligger.
The doorways on the south side were similar to the doorways on the north side. There was an entrance in the wall that faced the doors of the set of rooms, and there was an entrance on the east side, at the end of the inside walkway.
13 Och han sade till mig: De kamrar norrut, och de kamrar söderut emot templet, de höra till helgedomen, der Presterna inne äta, då de offra Herranom det aldrahelgasta offret, och de skola der inlägga det aldrahelgasta offret, nämliga spisoffer, syndoffer och skuldoffer; ty det är ett heligt rum.
Then the man said to me, “These rooms that overlook the temple on the north and south sides are holy. Here the priests who offer sacrifices to Yahweh will [their portions of] the sacred offerings. Because these rooms are holy, they will be used to store the sacred offerings: [the grain for] the grain offerings, the offerings for the sins that people have committed, and offerings in order that people will no longer be guilty for having sinned.
14 Och då Presterna gå derin, skola de icke gå åter utu helgedomenom igen uti yttra gården; utan skola tillförene aflägga sin kläder, der de uti tjent hafva, in uti samma kammaren; ty de äro helig; och de skola draga sin andra kläder uppå, och sedan utgå ibland folket.
When the priests leave the temple, they will not be allowed to [immediately] enter the outer courtyard. First, they must remove the clothes that they had been wearing inside the temple, because those clothes are holy. They must put on other clothes before they enter the parts [of the temple area] where the [other] people [gather].”
15 Och då han hade mält allt huset innantill, hade han mig ut till den porten österut, och han mälte ifrå honom allt deromkring.
When the man had finished measuring the inside of the temple area, he led me out through the east entrance [of the outer courtyard] and measured all the way around the temple area.
16 Österut mälte han femhundrade stänger långt.
He measured the four sides of the area. There was a wall around the area that was (875 feet/265 meters) long on each side.
17 Och norrut mälte han ock femhundrade stänger långt;
18 Desslikes söderut, ock femhundrade stänger.
19 Och då han kom vesterut, mälte han ock femhundrade stänger långt.
20 Alltså höll muren, den han mält hade, i fyrkant, på hvar sidon femhundrade stänger, allt omkring, att det helga skulle åtskildt vara ifrå det ohelga.
That wall separated the [area which was] sacred/holy from the [areas that were] not sacred.