< 2 Mosebok 22 >
1 Om någor stjäl en oxa eller ett får, och slagtar det, eller säljer, han skall igengifva fem oxar för en oxa, och fyra får för ett får.
Yahweh also said, “If someone steals a bull or a sheep, and then slaughters it [to sell it or to sacrifice it] or sells its [meat to someone else], he must pay five bulls for the bull [that he stole], and [he must pay] four sheep for the sheep [that he stole].
2 Om en tjuf beslagen varder, att han bryter sig in, och får hugg till döds; så skall ingen blodsrätt gå öfver dråparen.
If a thief is caught while he is breaking into someone else’s house [at night], if [the one who catches him] kills the thief, he is not guilty of murdering him.
3 Men är solen öfver honom uppgången, då skall man blodsrätten gå låta. En tjuf skall igen betala. Hafver han intet, så skall man sälja honom för hans tjufnad.
But if that happens during the daytime, [the one who killed the thief] is guilty of murdering him. The thief must pay for what he stole. If he has no [animals with which to pay for the one that he stole], he must be sold to [become someone’s else’s slave and the money must be used] to pay for what he stole.
4 Finner man tjufnaden när honom lefvande, det vare sig oxe, åsne eller får, så skall han gifva dubbelt igen.
If the thief still has the animal when he is caught, whether it is a bull or a donkey or a sheep, and it is still alive, the thief must give back [the stolen animal as well as giving] two [additional] animals for each one that he stole.
5 Om någor gör skada på åker eller vingård, så att han låter sin boskap skada göra uti ens annars åker; han skall af det bästa i sin åker och vingård igen betala.
If someone allows his animals to (graze/eat the grass) in his field or in his vineyard, and if they stray away and eat the crops in another person’s field, the owner of the animals must pay [the owner of those crops] by giving him the best crops from his own field or vineyard.
6 Om en eld uppkommer, och fånger i törne, så att skylarne eller säden, som ännu står, eller åkren uppbränd varder; det skall han betala igen, som elden släppt hafver.
Suppose someone starts a fire in his own field, and the fire spreads through the grass and starts burning in someone else’s field, and the fire burns grain that is growing or grain that is already [cut and] stacked. Then the person who started the fire must pay completely for the damage.
7 Om någor får sinom nästa penningar, eller tyg till att gömma, och dem samma varder det stulet utu huset; finner man tjufven, då skall han gifva det tvefaldt igen.
Suppose someone gives to another person some money or other valuable goods and asks him to guard them [in his house for a while]. If those things are stolen from that person’s house, if the thief is caught, he must pay back twice [as much as he stole].
8 Finner man icke tjufven, så skall man hafva husvärden fram för gudarna; om han icke hafver kommit sina hand vid sins nästas ting.
But if the thief is not caught, the owner of the house [from which the things were stolen] must stand before the judges, so that the judges can determine whether [the owner of the house] was the one who took the other man’s goods [and sold them to someone else].
9 Och om en den andra skyller för någon orätt, vare sig om oxa, eller åsna, eller får, eller kläder, eller hvad som helst bortkommet är, då skall begges deras sak komma inför gudarna; hvilken gudarne fördöma, han skall betala sinom nästa dubbelt igen.
If two people argue about which one of them owns a bull or a donkey or a sheep or some clothing, or something else that has been lost, the two people who each claim/say that the item belongs to them must stand before the judges. The one whom the judges declare is lying must pay back [to the real owner] twice as many bulls or donkeys or sheep or pieces of clothing.
10 Om någor sätter neder när sin nästa, åsna, eller oxa, eller får, eller hvad boskap det kan vara, och det dör, eller eljest får skada, eller varder honom bortdrifvet, så att ingen ser det;
Suppose someone gives his donkey or bull or sheep or some other animal to someone else and asks him to take care of it [for a while], and the animal dies or is injured or is stolen while no one is watching.
11 Så skall det komma till en ed dem emellan vid Herran, att han icke hafver låtit komma sina hand vid hans nästas ting. Och äganden skall den anamma, att hin icke skall gifvat igen.
Then the person [who was taking care of the animal] must (swear/solemnly declare), knowing that God is listening, that he did not steal the animal. If he did not steal it the owner of the animal must accept/believe that the other person is telling the truth, and the other person will not have to pay anything back to the owner.
12 Om en tjuf stjäl honom det ifrå, skall han då betala det ägandenom igen.
But if the animal was stolen [while he was supposed to be taking care of it], the man who promised to take care of it must pay back the owner for the animal.
13 Varder det rifvet, skall han hafva fram vittne deruppå, och så intet igengifva.
If [he says that] the animal was killed by wild animals, he must bring back the remains of the animal that was killed and show it to the animal’s owner. If he does that, he will not have to pay anything for the animal.
14 Om någor lånar af sin nästa, och det varder förderfvadt, eller dör, så att dess herre der icke när är, då skall han gifva det igen.
If someone borrows an animal, and if that animal is hurt or dies when its owner is not there, the one who borrowed it must pay the owner for the animal.
15 Är dess herre der när, då skall han icke gifva det igen; medan han det för sina penningar lejt hafver.
But if that happens when the owner of the animal is there, the one who borrowed it will not have to pay back anything. If the man who borrowed it only rented it, the money that he paid to rent it will be enough to pay for the animal [dying or being injured].”
16 Om någor lockar ena jungfru, den ännu icke förlofvad är, och lägrar henne; han skall gifva henne hennes morgongåfvor, och hafva henne till hustru.
“If a man persuades a girl/woman to have sex with him, a girl/woman who (is a virgin/has never had sex with any man) and who is not engaged to be married, he must pay the bride price for her and marry her.
17 Om hennes fader försön honom henne, skall han då utgifva penningar, så mycket som jungfruers morgongåfvor tillhörer.
But if her father refuses to allow her to marry him, he must pay to the woman’s father the amount of money that is equal to the amount of bride price money that men pay for virgins.
18 En trollkona skall du icke låta lefva.
You must execute any woman who (practices sorcery/is a shaman).
19 Den som hafver värdskap med någon boskap, han skall döden dö.
You must execute any person who has sex with an animal.
20 Den som offrar gudom, utan Herranom allena, han vare förbannad.
You [must offer sacrifices] only to Yahweh. You must execute anyone who offers a sacrifice to any [other] god.
21 Främlingar skall du icke beröfva eller undertrycka; förty I hafven ock varit främlingar i Egypti lande.
You must not mistreat a foreigner [who comes to live among you]. Do not forget that you were previously foreigners in Egypt.
22 I skolen ingen enko och faderlös barn bedröfva.
You must not mistreat any widow or any orphan.
23 Bedröfvar du dem, så varda de ropande till mig, och jag skall höra deras rop;
If you mistreat them and they cry out to me [for help], I will hear them.
24 Och min vrede skall förgrymma sig, så att jag dräper eder med svärd, och edra hustrur skola varda enkor, och edor barn faderlös.
And I will be angry with you, and I will cause you to be killed in a war [MTY]. Your wives will become widows, and your children will no longer have fathers.
25 När du lånar mino folke penningar, det fattigt är när dig, skall du icke hafva dig så med honom som en ockrare, och intet ocker på honom bedrifva.
If you lend money to any of my people who are poor, do not act like a moneylender and require him to pay interest on the money.
26 När du tager en klädnad till pant af din nästa, skall du få honom det igen, förra än solen går ned.
If he gives you his cloak to guarantee [that he will pay the money back], you must give the cloak back to him before the sun goes down,
27 Förty hans klädnad är hans huds endesta öfvertäckelse, der han uti sofver. Ropar han till mig, så vill jag höra honom; ty jag är barmhertig.
because he needs it to keep him warm [during the night]. (That is the only covering that poor people have when they sleep at night./What else will he cover himself with during the night?) [RHQ] [If you do not act mercifully toward him by returning his cloak], when he cries out to me asking for my help, I will help him, because I [always act] mercifully.
28 Gudarna skall du icke banna, och den öfversta i ditt folk skall du icke lasta.
Do not (revile/speak evil about) me, and do not (curse/ask me to do harmful things to) any ruler of your people.
29 Din fyllelse och tårar skall du icke fördröja. Din första son skall du gifva mig.
(Do not withhold from/Give) me the best parts of the grain that you harvest and of the olive oil and the wine that you produce.
30 Så skall du ock göra med dinom oxa och får; i sju dagar låt det blifva när sine moder; på åttonde dagenom skall du gifva mig det.
You must dedicate your firstborn sons to me. Similarly, your firstborn [male] cattle and sheep belong to me. After those animals are born, allow them to stay with their mothers for seven days. On the eighth day, offer them to me [as a sacrifice].
31 I skolen vara ett heligt folk för mig; derföre skolen I intet kött äta, det som på markene af djurom rifvet är, utan kasta det för hundarna.
You are people who are (completely dedicated to/set apart for) me. [And I detest] the meat of any animal that has been killed by wild animals. Therefore you should not eat such meat. Instead, throw it where the dogs [can eat it].”