< 2 Timotheosbrevet 4 >

1 Så betygar jag nu för Gudi, och Herranom Jesu Christo, den der döma skall lefvande och döda, i sin tillkommelse, och i sitt rike;
Christ Jesus [is going to come back and] judge those who are living [when he comes] and those who will have died. He will judge them [concerning what rewards they deserve, and] he will rule everyone. So, [knowing that] he and God are watching [everything that we do], I solemnly/earnestly command you
2 Predika ordet; håll uppå i tid och i otid; straffa, truga, förmana, med all saktmodighet och lärdom.
that you proclaim the [true] message to people. Always be ready/prepared [to proclaim it], whether people want to hear it or not. [Some people are saying things that are not correct]; (refute their teaching/show why their teaching is wrong). Rebuke them when they are doing wrong. Tell them what they ought to do. Be very patient while you teach them.
3 Ty den tid skall komma, att de icke skola kunna lida helsosam lärdom; utan skola, efter sina egna lustar, samla sig lärare; efter dem kliar i öronen;
[Do these things] because there will be a time when people will not listen to good teaching. Instead, they will bring in many teachers for themselves who will tell them just what they want to hear [IDM]. [The reason that they will bring in such teachers is] that they want to do the evil things that they desire.
4 Och skola vända sin öron ifrå sanningen, och vända sig till fabler.
That is, they will not listen to [MTY] what is true, but will listen instead to [strange] stories from our ancestors.
5 Men du, var vaken i all ting, lid och umgäll; gör ens Evangelisk Predikares verk; uträtta ditt ämbete redeliga.
[Furthermore, I command that] you always control what you think and do. [Be willing] to endure hardships/suffering. Your work should be telling people the message [about Christ Jesus]. As you serve [the Lord], do everything that [God has told] you to do.
6 Ty jag offras nu, och tiden tillstundar att jag skall skiljas hädan.
[Timothy, I say these things to] you because as for me, [it is as though] [MET] [they are now about to kill me. It is as though my blood will] be poured out {they will kill me} [as a sacrifice on the altar]; that is, [I know] that it is the time for me to die [EUP].
7 Jag hafver kämpat en god kamp, jag hafver fullbordat loppet; jag hafver hållit trona.
[And as to telling people the] good [message and defending it], I have (exerted myself thoroughly/done it with all my energy) [MET], [like a boxer does. As to doing] the work that God gave me to do, I have completed it, [like a runner who finishes] [MET] the race. [As to] what we believe, I (have been loyal to it/continue to believe it).
8 Härefter är mig förvarad rättfärdighetenes krona, hvilka Herren mig gifva skall på den dagen, den rättfärdige domaren; men icke mig allenast, utan ock allom dem, som älska hans uppenbarelse.
[So, like people award] a prize [MET] [to the winner of a race], the Lord, who judges rightly, will give me a reward [because I have lived] righteously. He will give me that reward when [MTY] [he judges people]. And not only [will he reward] me, but he will also reward all those who very much want him to come back.
9 Vinnlägg dig, att du kommer snarliga till mig.
(Do your best/Try hard) to come to me soon.
10 Ty Demas hafver öfvergifvit mig, och fått kärlek till denna verldena; och är faren till Thessalonica; Crescens till Galatien; Titus till Dalmatien. (aiōn g165)
[I say that] because Demas has left me. He wanted very much [the good things that he might enjoy] [MTY] in this world [right now], and so he went to Thessalonica [city]. Crescens [went to serve the Lord] in Galatia [province], and Titus went to Dalmatia [district]. (aiōn g165)
11 Lucas är allena med mig. Tag Marcum till dig, och haf honom med dig; ty han är mig mycket nyttig till tjenst.
Luke is the only one who is still with me [of those who were helping me. And when you come], bring Mark with you, because he is useful to help me in my work.
12 Tychicum hafver jag sändt till Ephesum.
Tychicus [cannot help me because] I sent him to Ephesus [city].
13 Den mantel, som jag tillbakalät i Troade när Carpus, haf med dig, då du kommer, och böckerna, och enkannerliga de pergamenten.
And when you come, bring the coat that I left with Carpus in Troas [city]. Also, bring the books, but (most of all/especially) [I want] (the parchments/the animal skins) [on which important things are written].
14 Alexander, kopparsmeden, hafver mig mycket ondt bevist. Herren betale honom efter hans gerningar.
Alexander, the man who makes things from metal, did many evil/harmful things to me. The Lord will punish him for what he did.
15 Tag ock du dig vara för honom; ty han hafver svårliga ståndit emot vår ord.
So you, too, must beware of him. [He will try to destroy your work if he can], because he very much opposes the message that we [proclaim].
16 Uti min första försvarelse stod ingen när mig, utan alle öfvergåfvo mig; det varde dem icke tillräknadt.
When I first defended myself [in court here], no one came along [to help defend] me. Instead, they all left me. [I pray] that it will not be counted against {[God] will forgive} them [LIT] [for leaving me].
17 Men Herren stod med mig, och styrkte mig; på det genom mig skulle predikanen stadfäst varda, och alle Hedningar höra skulle; och jag är friad af lejonens mun.
Nevertheless, the Lord was with me and strengthened me. He enabled me to fully preach the message, and all the non-Jewish people [in the court] (OR, people from many nations) heard it. And I was rescued [by the Lord] {[the Lord] rescued me} [from great danger, as if I were taken] [MET] out of a lion’s (OR, wild animal’s) mouth.
18 Men Herren skall förlossa mig af all ond gerning, och frälsa mig till sitt himmelska rike; hvilkom vare ära ifrån evighet till evighet. Amen. (aiōn g165)
[Therefore, I am sure that] the Lord will rescue me from everything that is truly evil and will bring me safely to heaven, where he rules. Praise him forever! (Amen!/May it be so!) (aiōn g165)
19 Helsa Priscam, och Aqvilam, och Onesiphori husfolk.
Greet [for me] Priscilla and [her husband] Aquila and the family of Onesiphorus.
20 Erastus blef i Corintho; men Trophimum lät jag qvar i Mileto sjuk.
Erastus stayed in Corinth [city]. Trophimus, I left in Miletus [city] because he was sick.
21 Vinnlägg dig, att du kommer för vintren. Dig helsar Eubulus, och Pudens, och Linus, och Claudia, och alle bröderna.
(Do your best/Try hard) to come to me before (the stormy season/winter). Eubulus, Pudens, Linus, Claudia, and many other fellow believers [in this city] (send their greetings to/say that they are thinking affectionately about) you.
22 Herren Jesus Christus vare med din anda. Nåd vare med eder. Amen.
[I pray that] the Lord will [help you in] your spirit, [Timothy, and] that [he] will act kindly toward all of you [believers who are there].

< 2 Timotheosbrevet 4 >