< 2 Krönikeboken 29 >
1 Jehiskia var fem och tjugu åra gammal, då han Konung vardt, och regerade nio och tjugu år i Jerusalem; hans moder het Abija, Zacharia dotter.
Hezekiah was 25 years old when he became the king [of Judah]. He ruled from Jerusalem for 29 years. His mother was Abijah, the daughter of [a man whose name was] Zechariah.
2 Och han gjorde det Herranom väl behagade, såsom hans fader David.
Hezekiah did things that Yahweh considered to be right, like his ancestor King David had done.
3 Han lät upp dörrarna på Herrans hus, i första månadenom af första årena sins rikes, och gjorde dem färdiga;
During March of the first year that Hezekiah was ruling Judah, he unlocked the doors of the temple, and his workers repaired them.
4 Och lät komma derin Presterna och Leviterna, och församlade dem på breda gatone östantill;
Then he gathered the priests and other descendants of Levi in the area on the east side of the temple,
5 Och sade till dem: Hörer härtill, I Leviter: Helger eder nu, på det I mågen helga Herrans edra fäders Guds hus; och hafver ut orenligheten af helgedomenom.
and he said to them, “You descendants of Levi, listen to me! Consecrate yourselves. And then consecrate the temple of Yahweh, the God whom our ancestors [worshiped/belonged to]. Remove from the temple all the things that are not pleasing to God.
6 Ty våre fäder hafva förtagit sig, och gjort det ondt var för Herranom vårom Gud, och hafva öfvergifvit honom; förty de hafva vändt sitt ansigte ifrå Herrans boning, och vändt ryggen till,
Our ancestors disobeyed God; they did many things that he considered to be evil, things that were not pleasing to him. They abandoned this place where Yahweh lives, and they have turned away from him.
7 Och hafva igenlyckt dörrarna till förhuset, och utsläckt lamporna, och intet rökverk röka låtit, och intet bränneoffer gjort Israels Gudi i helgedomenom.
They locked the doors of the temple and extinguished the lamps. They did not burn any incense, and they did not offer any sacrifices that were to be completely burned [on the altar].
8 Deraf är Herrans vrede kommen öfver Juda och Jerusalem, och han hafver gifvit dem till att förskingras och förödas, så att man hvisslar åt dem, såsom I med edor ögon sen.
Therefore, Yahweh has become very angry with us people of Jerusalem and [other places in] Judah, and he has caused other people to become frightened and horrified [when they hear what Yahweh did to punish us]. And they ridicule us. You know this very well.
9 Ty si, fördenskull äro våre fäder fallne genom svärd; våre söner, döttrar och hustrur äro bortförde.
That is why our fathers have been killed in battles, and our sons and daughters and our wives have been captured and taken [to other countries].
10 Nu hafver jag i sinnet att göra med Herranom Israels Gud ett förbund, att hans vrede och grymhet må vända sig ifrån oss.
But now I intend to make an agreement with Yahweh, our God, in order that he will no longer be angry with us.
11 Nu, mine söner, varer icke försummelige; ty eder hafver Herren utkorat, att I skolen stå för honom, och att I skolen vara hans tjenare och rökare.
[You who are like] my sons, do not waste any time. [Do immediately what Yahweh wants you to do.] Yahweh has chosen you to stand in his presence and offer sacrifices and burn incense.”
12 Då stodo Leviterna upp, Mahath, Amasai son, och Joel, Asaria son af de Kehathiters barn; men af Merari barn, Kis, Abdi son, och Asaria, Jehaleleels son; af de Gersoniters barn, Joah, Simma son, och Eden, Joahs son;
Then these descendants of Levi started to work [in the temple]: From the descendants of Kohath there were Mahath the son of Amasai, and Joel the son of Azariah. From the descendants of Merari there were Kish the son of Abdi, and Azariah the son of Jehallelel. From the descendants of Gershon there were Joah the son of Zimmah, and Eden the son of Joah.
13 Och af Elizaphans barn, Simri och Jegiel; af Assaphs barn, Sacharia och Matthania;
From the descendants of Elizaphan there were Shimri and Jeiel. From the descendants of Asaph there were Zechariah and Mattaniah.
14 Af Hemans barn, Jehiel och Simei; af Jeduthuns barn, Semaja och Usiel.
From the descendants of Heman there were Jehiel and Shimei. From the descendants of Jeduthun there were Shemaiah and Uzziel.
15 Och de församlade sina bröder, och helgade sig, och gingo in, efter Konungens bud, af Herrans ord, till att rena Herrans hus.
When those men had gathered their fellow descendants of Levi and had consecrated themselves, they entered the temple in order to consecrate it. That was what the king had commanded them to do, and they were also obeying what Yahweh had commanded.
16 Och Presterna gingo in uti Herrans hus, till att rena det, och lade all den orenhet, som i Herrans tempel funnen vardt, uppå gården åt Herrans hus; och Leviterna togo henne upp, och båro ut i Kidrons bäck.
The priests entered the temple to consecrate it. They brought out into the courtyard of the temple everything that they had found in the temple that was not pleasing to Yahweh. Then the descendants of Levi took those things down to the Kidron Valley [and burned them there].
17 På första dagen af första månadenom begynte de till att helga sig, och på åttonde dagen i den månaden gingo de uti Herrans förhus, och helgade Herrans hus åtta dagar, och fullkomnade det på sextonde dagen i första månadenom.
The priests and other descendants of Levi started this work on the first day of March and finished purifying the courtyard [of the temple] on the eighth day of that month, and they finished purifying the temple one week later.
18 Och de gingo in till Konung Hiskia, och sade: Vi hafve renat hela Herrans hus, bränneoffrets altare, och all dess tyg; skådobrödens bord, och all dess tyg;
Then they went to King Hezekiah and reported, “We have purified all parts of the temple, and the altar where sacrifices are completely burned, and all the items used at the altar, the table on which the priests place the sacred bread, and the things [used at that table].
19 Och all de kärile, som Konung Ahas, då han Konung var, bortkastat hade, då han syndade; dem hafve vi tillredt och helgat, si, de äro för Herrans altare.
While Ahaz was our king, he disobeyed what Yahweh had commanded, and he removed from the temple many things [that should be there], but now we have brought them back and placed them in front of the sacred altar.”
20 Då var Konung Jehiskia bittida uppe, och församlade de öfversta i stadenom, och gick upp till Herrans hus;
Early the next morning, King Hezekiah gathered together the city officials, and they went to the [courtyard of the] temple.
21 Och hade fram sju stutar, sju vädrar, sju lamb och sju getabockar, till syndoffer, för riket, för helgedomen, och för Juda. Och han sade till Presterna Aarons barn, att de skulle offra på Herrans altare.
They took with them seven bulls, seven rams, seven male lambs, and seven male goats to be an offering in order that Yahweh would forgive the sins of all the people in the kingdom of Judah, and in order to purify the temple. The king commanded that the priests, who were descendants of Aaron, should offer those animals to be sacrificed to Yahweh on the altar.
22 Då slagtade de stutarna, och Presterna togo blodet, och stänkte det på altaret; och slagtade vädrarna, och stänkte blodet på altaret; och slagtade lamben, och stänkte blodet på altaret;
So first the priests slaughtered those bulls, and took their blood and sprinkled it on the altar. Then they slaughtered the rams and sprinkled their blood on the altar. Then they slaughtered the lambs and sprinkled their blood on the altar.
23 Och hade bockarna fram till syndoffer inför Konungen och menighetena, och lade sina händer på dem;
The goats that were slaughtered to be an offering in order that Yahweh would forgive the sins of the people were brought to the king and the others who were there. Then the king and those who were present laid their hands on those goats.
24 Och Presterna slagtade dem, och stänkte deras blod på altaret, till att försona hela Israel; ty Konungen hade befallt offra bränneoffer och syndoffer för hela Israel.
Then the priests slaughtered those goats and splashed their blood on the altar in order that Yahweh would forgive the sins that all the Israeli people had committed. The priests did that because the king had commanded that offerings that would be completely burned [on the altar] and other sacrifices should be made for all the people of Israel.
25 Och han satte Leviterna i Herrans hus med cymbaler, psaltare och harpor, såsom David det befallt hade, och Gad, Konungens Siare, och den Propheten Nathan; ty det var Herrans bud igenom hans Propheter.
The king then told the descendants of Levi to stand in the temple with their cymbals and harps and lyres, obeying what David and his prophets Gad and Nathan had commanded. Those were things that Yahweh had told his prophets that the descendants of Levi should do.
26 Och Leviterna stodo med Davids strängaspel, och Presterna med trummeter.
So the descendants of Levi [went and] stood in the temple, ready to play the musical instruments that King David had given to them. And the priests were ready to blow their trumpets.
27 Och Hiskia bad dem göra bränneoffer på altarena; och som man begynte bränneoffret, begyntes ock på Herrans sång och trummeterna, och med mångahanda Davids, Israels Konungs, strängaspel.
Then Hezekiah told some of the priests to burn the animals that would be sacrificed on the altar. When they started to burn the animals, the people started to sing to [praise] Yahweh, while the other descendants of Levi were playing their instruments.
28 Och hela menigheten tillbad; Och sångarenas sång och trummeternas trummetning varade allt intilldess bränneoffret öfverfaret var.
All the people who were there bowed to worship Yahweh, while the singers sang and the trumpeters blew their trumpets. They continued to do this until they had finished slaughtering all the animals that would be completely burned.
29 Då nu bränneoffret gjordt var, bugade sig Konungen, och alle de som när honom vid handen voro, och tillbådo.
When they finished making those offerings, the king and all those who were there knelt down and worshiped Yahweh.
30 Och Konung Jehiskia, med öfverstarna, bad Leviterna lofva Herran, med Davids och den Siarens Assaphs dikt. Och de lofvade honom med glädje; och de böjde sig, och tillbådo.
Then King Hezekiah and his officials commanded the descendants of Levi to praise Yahweh, singing the songs [composed/written] by David and Asaph the prophet. So they sang songs joyfully and bowed their heads to worship.
31 Och Jehiskia svarade, och sade: Nu hafven I fyllt edra händer Herranom; går fram och bärer fram offer och lofoffer till Herrans hus. Och menigheten bar fram offer och lofoffer; och hvar och en af friviljogt hjerta bränneoffer.
Then Hezekiah said, “You have now dedicated yourselves to Yahweh. So come close to the temple and bring animals to be sacrificed and other offerings to thank [Yahweh for what he has done for you].” And those who wanted to bring animals to be completely burned [on the altar] brought them.
32 Och talet på bränneoffret, som menigheten frambar, var sjutio oxar, hundrade vädrar, och tuhundrad lamb; och allt detta till bränneoffer Herranom.
Altogether they brought 70 bulls, 100 rams, and 200 male lambs to be completely burned on the altar.
33 Och de helgade sexhundrad oxar, och tretusend får.
The other animals that they brought were 600 bulls and 3,000 sheep and goats that were set apart to be sacrifices.
34 Men Presterna voro för få, och förmådde icke draga hudena af allo bränneoffrena; derföre togo de sina bröder Leviterna, tilldess det verk öfverståndet vardt, och så länge Presterna helgade sig; förty de Leviter stå lätteligare till att helga, än Presterna.
But there were not enough priests to remove the skins from the animals that would be completely burned [on the altar]. So their fellow descendants of Levi helped them until that work was finished, and until other priests had purified/consecrated themselves to do that work. It was necessary for them to do that because many of the priests had not yet performed the rituals to consecrate themselves for that work, like the descendants of Levi had done.
35 Var också bränneoffret mycket, med det feta af tackoffren, och drickoffret till bränneoffret. Alltså vardt ämbetet i Herrans hus redo.
In addition to the all the offerings that were completely burned [on the altar], the priests also burned the fat of the other animals that were sacrificed to maintain good fellowship with Yahweh, and the usual wine offerings. So the worship at the temple began again.
36 Och Jehiskia fröjdade sig med allo folkena, att man var så redo vorden med Gudi; ty det skedde med hastighet.
And Hezekiah and all the other people of Judah celebrated, because God had enabled them to do all those things very quickly.