< Warumi 8 >

1 Kwa hiyo, sasa hakuna hukumu kwa wale ambao katika maisha yao wameungana na Kristo.
So there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.
2 Maana, sheria ya Roho iletayo uzima kwa kuungana na Kristo Yesu imenikomboa kutoka katika sheria ya dhambi na kifo.
The law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set me free from the law of sin and death.
3 Mungu ametekeleza jambo lile ambalo Sheria haikuweza kutekeleza kwa sababu ya udhaifu w binadamu. Mungu alimtuma Mwanae akiwa mwenye mwili sawa na miili yetu sisi wenye dhambi, ili aikabili dhambi, na kwa mwili huo akaiangamiza dhambi.
What the law couldn't do because it was powerless due to our sinful nature, God was able to do! By sending his own Son in human form, God dealt with the whole problem of sin and destroyed sin's power in our sinful human nature.
4 Mungu alifanya hivyo kusudi matakwa ya haki ya Sheria yatekelezwe kikamilifu ndani yetu sisi ambao tunaishi, si kwa nguvu za kibinadamu, bali kwa nguvu ya Roho.
In this way we could fulfill the good requirements of the law by following the Spirit and not our sinful nature.
5 Maana, wale wanaoishi kufuatana na matakwa ya mwili, hutawaliwa na fikira za mwili. Lakini wale wanaoishi kufuatana na matakwa ya Roho Mtakatifu, hutawaliwa na fikira za Roho.
Those who follow their sinful nature are preoccupied with sinful things, but those who follow the Spirit concentrate on spiritual things.
6 Fikira za mwili huleta kifo; fikira za Roho huleta uzima na amani.
The sinful human mind results in death, but having the mind led by the Spirit results in life and peace.
7 Maana, mwenye kutawaliwa na fikira za mwili ni adui wa Mungu; haitii sheria ya Mungu, wala hawezi kuitii.
The sinful human mind is hostile to God because it refuses to obey the law of God—in fact it never can,
8 Watu wanaotii matakwa ya mwili hawawezi kumpendeza Mungu.
and those who follow their sinful nature can never please God.
9 Lakini ninyi hamuishi kufuatana na matakwa ya mwili, bali kufuatana na matakwa ya Roho, ikiwa Roho wa Mungu anaishi ndani yenu. Yeyote asiye na Roho wa Kristo, huyo si wake Kristo.
But you're not following your sinful nature, but the Spirit—if it's true that the Spirit of God is living in you. For those that don't have the Spirit of Christ in them don't belong to him.
10 Lakini kama Kristo yumo ndani yenu, ingawa miili yenu itakufa kwa sababu ya dhambi, kwenu Roho ndiye uhai kwa sababu mmekubaliwa kuwa waadilifu.
However, if Christ is in you, even though your body is going to die because of sin, the Spirit gives you life because you're now right with God.
11 Ikiwa Roho wa Mungu aliyemfufua Kristo kutoka wafu anaishi ndani yenu, basi huyo aliyemfufua Kristo kutoka wafu ataipa uzima miili yenu yenye hali ya kufa; atafanya hivyo kwa njia ya Roho wake akaaye ndani yenu.
The Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead lives in you. He who raised Jesus from the dead will also give life to your dead bodies through his Spirit that lives in you.
12 Hivyo basi, ndugu zangu, tunalo jukumu, lakini si la kuishi kufuatana na maumbile ya kibinadamu.
So brothers and sisters, we don't have to follow our sinful nature that operates according to our human desires.
13 Kwa maana, kama mkiishi kufuatana na matakwa ya maumbile ya kibinadamu, hakika mtakufa. Lakini, kama kwa njia ya Roho mnayaua matendo yenu maovu, basi, mtaishi.
For if you live under the control of your sinful nature, you're going to die. But if you follow the way of the Spirit, putting to death the evil things you do, then you will live.
14 Wote wanaoongozwa na Roho wa Mungu ni watoto wa Mungu.
All those who are led by the Spirit of God are God's children.
15 Kwa maana, Roho mliyempokea si Roho mwenye kuwafanya ninyi watumwa na kuwatia tena hofu; sivyo, bali mmempokea Roho mwenye kuwafanya ninyi watoto wa Mungu, na kwa nguvu ya huyo Roho, sisi tunaweza kumwita Mungu, “Aba,” yaani “Baba!”
You were not given a spirit to enslave and terrify you once more. No, what you received was the spirit that makes you children in God's family. Now we can shout out, “God is our Father!”
16 Naye Roho mwenyewe anajiunga na roho zetu na kuthibitisha kwamba sisi ni watoto wa Mungu.
The Spirit himself agrees with us that we're God's children.
17 Basi, kwa vile sisi ni watoto wa Mungu, tutapokea baraka zote Mungu alizowawekea watu wake, na tutashiriki urithi huo pamoja na Kristo; maana, tukiyashiriki mateso yake Kristo, tutaushiriki pia utukufu wake.
If we're his children, then we're his heirs. We are heirs of God, and heirs together with Christ. But if we want to share in his glory we must share in his sufferings.
18 Naona kuwa mateso ya wakati huu wa sasa si kitu kamwe kama tukiyafananisha na ule utukufu utakaodhihirishwa kwetu.
Yet I'm convinced that what we suffer in the present is nothing compared to the future glory that will be revealed to us.
19 Viumbe vyote vinatazamia kwa hamu Mungu awadhihirishe watoto wake.
All of creation is patiently waiting, longing for God to reveal his children.
20 Kwa maana, viumbe viliwekwa katika hali ya kutojiweza kabisa, si kwa hiari yao, ila vilifanywa hivyo kwa mapenzi ya Mungu. Hata hivyo yapo matumaini,
For God allowed the purpose of creation to be frustrated.
21 maana hivyo viumbe navyo vitaokolewa kutoka katika utumwa wa uharibifu, vishiriki uhuru mtukufu wa watoto wa Mungu.
But creation itself waits in hope for the time when it will be set free from the slavery of decay and share the glorious freedom of God's children.
22 Kwa maana tunajua kwamba mpaka hivi sasa, viumbe vyote vinalia kwa maumivu kama ya kujifungua mtoto.
We know that all creation groans with longing, suffering birth-pains even up till now.
23 Wala si hivyo viumbe peke yake, bali hata sisi tulio na huyo Roho, aliye wa kwanza wa zawadi za Mungu; sisi pia tunalalamika ndani yetu, tukitazamia kufanywa watoto wa Mungu, nazo nafsi zenu zikombolewe.
Not only creation, but we too, who have a foretaste of the Spirit, we groan inwardly as we wait for God to “adopt” us—the redemption of our bodies.
24 Maana kwa matumaini hayo sisi tumekombolewa; lakini tumaini halina maana ikiwa tunakiona kile tunachotumainia. Maana ni nani anayetumaini kile ambacho tayari anakiona?
For we were saved by hope. Yet hope that's already seen isn't hope at all. Who hopes for what they can already see?
25 Kama tunakitumaini kile ambacho hatujakiona bado, basi, tunakingojea kwa uvumilivu.
Since we're hoping for what we haven't yet seen, we wait for it patiently.
26 Hali kadhalika, naye Roho anatusaidia katika udhaifu wetu. Maana hatujui inavyotupasa kuomba; lakini Roho mwenyewe anatuombea kwa Mungu kwa mlio wa huzuni usioelezeka.
Similarly the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We don't know how to speak with God, but the Spirit himself intercedes with and through us by groans that can't be put into words.
27 Naye Mungu aonaye mpaka ndani ya mioyo ya watu, anajua fikira ya huyo Roho; kwani huyo Roho huwaombea watu wa Mungu kufuatana na mapenzi ya Mungu.
The one who examines the minds of everyone knows the Spirit's motives, because the Spirit pleads God's cause on behalf of the believers.
28 Tunajua kwamba, katika mambo yote, Mungu hufanya kazi na kuifanikisha pamoja na wote wampendao, yaani wale aliowaita kufuatana na kusudi lake.
We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, those who he has called to be part of his plan.
29 Maana hao aliowachagua tangu mwanzo, ndio aliowateua wapate kufanana na Mwanae, ili Mwana awe wa kwanza miongoni mwa ndugu wengi.
For God, choosing them in advance, set them apart to be like his Son, so that the Son would be the first of many brothers and sisters.
30 Basi, Mungu aliwaita wale aliokuwa amewateua; na hao aliowaita aliwakubali kuwa waadilifu; na hao aliowakubali kuwa waadilifu aliwashirikisha pia utukufu wake.
Those that he chose, he also called; and those that he called, he also made right; and those that he made right, he also glorified.
31 Kutokana na hayo, tuseme nini zaidi? Ikiwa Mungu yuko upande wetu, nani awezaye kutupinga?
So what's our response to all this? If God is for us, who can be against us?
32 Mungu hakumhurumia hata mwanae wa pekee, bali alimtoa kwa ajili yetu sisi sote. Ikiwa amefanya hivyo, je, hatatujalia pia mema yote?
God, who did not hold back his own Son, but gave him up for all of us, won't he also freely give us everything?
33 Ni nani atakayewashtaki wateule wa Mungu? Mungu mwenyewe huwaondolea hatia!
Who can accuse God's special people of anything? It's God who sets us right,
34 Ni nani atakayewahukumu? Hakuna! Maana Kristo ndiye aliyekufa, tena alifufuka kutoka wafu na anakaa upande wa kulia wa Mungu. Yeye anatuombea!
so who can condemn us? It's Christ Jesus who died—more importantly, who was raised from the dead—who stands at God's right-hand, presenting our case.
35 Ni nani awezaye kututenga na mapendo ya Kristo? Je, ni taabu, au dhiki, au mateso, au njaa, au ukosefu wa nguo, au hatari, au kuuawa?
Who can separate us from Christ's love? Can oppression, distress, or persecution? Or hunger, poverty, danger, or violence?
36 Kama Maandiko Matakatifu yasemavyo: “Kwa ajili yako, twakikabili kifo kutwa kucha: tunatendewa kama kondoo wa kuchinjwa.”
Just as Scripture says, “For your sake we're in danger of being killed all the time. We're treated like sheep to be slaughtered.”
37 Lakini, katika mambo haya yote, tumepata ushindi mkubwa kwa msaada wake yeye aliyetupenda.
No—in all that happens to us we're more than conquerors through him who loved us.
38 Maana ninajua hakika kwamba hakuna kitu kiwezacho kututenganisha na upendo wake: wala kifo, wala uhai; wala malaika, au nguvu nyingine za mbinguni; wala yanayotokea sasa, wala yatakayotokea baadaye; wala mamlaka;
I'm absolutely convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor devils, neither the present nor the future, nor powers,
39 Wala ulimwengu wa juu, wala wa chini kabisa. Hakuna kiumbe chochote kitakachoweza kututenga na upendo wa Mungu kwetu kwa njia ya Kristo Yesu Bwana wetu.
neither height nor depth, in fact nothing in all creation can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.

< Warumi 8 >