< Wahebrania 7 >
1 Melkisedeki alikuwa mfalme wa Salemu, na kuhani wa Mungu Mkuu. Abrahamu alipokuwa anarudi kutoka vitani ambako aliwaua wafalme, Melkisedeki alikutana naye akambariki,
Now this Melchisedec was king of Salem, a priest of the most high God: and he met Abraham, when returning from the slaughter of the kings; and blessed him.
2 naye Abrahamu akampa sehemu ya kumi ya vitu vyote alivyokuwa navyo. (Maana ya kwanza ya jina hili Melkisedeki ni “Mfalme wa Uadilifu”; na, kwa vile yeye alikuwa mfalme wa Salemu, jina lake pia lina maana ya “Mfalme wa Amani.”)
And to him Abraham imparted tithes of all that he had with him. Moreover his name is interpreted king of righteousness; and again he is called King of Salem, that is King of Peace.
3 Baba yake na mama yake hawatajwi, wala ukoo wake hautajwi; haisemwi alizaliwa lini au alikufa lini. Anafanana na Mwana wa Mungu, na anaendelea kuwa kuhani daima.
Of whom neither his father nor his mother are written in the genealogies; nor the commencement of his days, nor the end of his life; but, after the likeness of the Son of God, his priesthood remaineth for ever.
4 Basi, mwaona jinsi mtu huyu alivyokuwa maarufu. Baba Abrahamu alimpa sehemu moja ya kumi ya vitu vyote alivyoteka vitani.
And consider ye, how great he was; to whom the patriarch Abraham gave tithes and first-fruits.
5 Tunajua vilevile kwamba kufuatana na Sheria, wana wa Lawi ambao ni makuhani, wanayo haki ya kuchukua sehemu ya kumi kutoka kwa watu, yaani ndugu zao, ingawaje nao ni watoto wa Abrahamu.
For they of the sons of Levi who received the priesthood, had a statute of the law, that they should take tithes from the people; they from their brethren, because they also are of the seed of Abraham.
6 Lakini huyo Melkisedeki hakuwa wa ukoo wa Lawi, hata hivyo alipokea sehemu ya kumi kutoka kwa Abrahamu; tena akambariki yeye ambaye alikuwa amepewa ahadi ya Mungu.
But this man, who is not enrolled in their genealogies, took tithes from Abraham; and blessed him who had received the promise.
7 Hakuna mashaka hata kidogo kwamba anayebariki ni mkuu zaidi kuliko yule anayebarikiwa.
But it is beyond controversy, that the inferior is blessed by his superior.
8 Tena, hao makuhani wanaopokea sehemu ya kumi, ni watu ambao hufa; lakini hapa anayepokea sehemu ya kumi, yaani Melkisedeki, anasemekana kwamba hafi.
And here, men who die, receive the tithes; but there he of whom the scripture testifieth that he liveth.
9 Twaweza, basi, kusema kwamba Abrahamu alipotoa sehemu moja ya kumi, Lawi (ambaye watoto wake hupokea sehemu moja ya kumi) alitoa sehemu moja ya kumi pia.
And through Abraham, as one may say, even Levi who receiveth tithes, was himself tithed.
10 Maana Lawi hakuwa amezaliwa bado, bali ni kama alikuwa katika mwili wa baba yake, Abrahamu, wakati Melkisedeki alipokutana naye.
For he was yet in the loins of his father, when he met Melchisedec.
11 Kutokana na ukuhani wa Walawi, watu wa Israeli walipewa Sheria. Sasa, kama huduma ya Walawi ingalikuwa kamilifu hapangekuwa tena na haja ya kutokea ukuhani mwingine tofauti, ukuhani ambao umefuata utaratibu wa ukuhani wa Melkisedeki, na si ule wa Aroni.
If, therefore, perfection had been by means of the priesthood of the Levites, in which the law was enjoined on the people; why was another priest required, who should stand up after the likeness of Melchisedec? For it should have said, He shall be after the likeness of Aaron.
12 Maana ukuhani ukibadilika ni lazima Sheria nayo ibadilike.
But as there is a change in the priesthood, so also is there a change in the law.
13 Naye Bwana wetu ambaye mambo hayo yote yanasemwa juu yake, alikuwa wa kabila lingine, na wala hakuna hata mmoja wa kabila lake aliyepata kutumikia madhabahuni akiwa kuhani.
For he of whom these things were spoken, was born of another tribe, of which no one ever ministered at the altar.
14 Inafahamika wazi kwamba yeye alizaliwa katika kabila la Yuda ambalo Mose hakulitaja alipokuwa anasema juu ya makuhani.
For it is manifest that our Lord arose from Judah, from a tribe of which Moses said nothing concerning a priesthood.
15 Tena jambo hili ni dhahiri zaidi: kuhani mwingine anayefanana na Melkisedeki amekwisha tokea.
And moreover this is further manifest, from his saying that another priest will stand up, after the likeness of Melchisedec,
16 Yeye hakufanywa kuwa kuhani kwa sheria na maagizo ya kibinadamu, bali kwa nguvu ya uhai ambao hauna mwisho.
who was not according to the law of corporeal injunctions, but according to the energy of an indissoluble life.
17 Maana Maandiko yasema: “Wewe ni kuhani milele, kufuatana na utaratibu wa ukuhani wa Melkisedeki.” (aiōn )
For he testified of him: Thou art a priest for ever, after the likeness of Melchisedec. (aiōn )
18 Basi, ile amri ya zamani ilifutwa kwa sababu ilikuwa hafifu na isiyofaa kitu.
And the change which was made in the first statute, was on account of its impotency, and because their was no utility in it.
19 Maana Sheria ya Mose haikuweza kukamilisha jambo lolote. Lakini sasa, mahali pake pamewekwa tumaini lililo bora zaidi ambalo kwalo tunaweza kumkaribia Mungu.
For the law perfected nothing; but in the place of it there came in a hope, which is better than it, and by which we draw near to God.
20 Zaidi ya hayo hapa pana kiapo cha Mungu. Wakati wale wengine walipofanywa makuhani hapakuwako kiapo.
And he confirmed it to us by an oath.
21 Lakini Yesu alifanywa kuhani kwa kiapo wakati Mungu alipomwambia: “Bwana ameapa, wala hataigeuza nia yake: Wewe ni kuhani milele.” (aiōn )
For they became priests without an oath; but this man by an oath. As he said to him by David: The Lord hath sworn, and will not lie, Thou art a priest for ever, after the likeness of Melchisedec. (aiōn )
22 Basi, kutokana na tofauti hii, Yesu amekuwa mdhamini wa agano lililo bora zaidi.
By all this, is that a better covenant of which Jesus is the sponsor.
23 Kuna tofauti nyingine pia: hao makuhani wengine walikuwa wengi kwa sababu walikufa na hawakuweza kuendelea na kazi yao.
And they as priests were numerous, because they were mortal, and were not permitted to continue:
24 Lakini Yesu si kama wao, yeye anaishi milele; ukuhani wake hauondoki kwake. (aiōn )
but this man, because he standeth up for ever, his priesthood doth not pass away: (aiōn )
25 Hivyo, yeye anaweza daima kuwaokoa kabisa wote wanaomwendea Mungu kwa njia yake, maana yeye anaishi milele kuwaombea kwa Mungu.
and he is able to vivify for ever, them who come to God by him; for he always liveth, and sendeth up prayers for them.
26 Basi, Yesu ndiye Kuhani Mkuu ambaye anatufaa sana katika mahitaji yetu. Yeye ni mtakatifu, hana hatia wala dhambi ndani yake; hayumo katika kundi la wenye dhambi na ameinuliwa mpaka juu mbinguni.
For, a priest like to him, was also suitable for us; one pure, and without evil and without stain; one separated from sins, and exalted higher than heaven;
27 Yeye si kama wale makuhani wakuu wengine; hana haja ya kutoa dhabihu kila siku, kwanza kwa ajili ya dhambi zake mwenyewe, kisha kwa ajili ya dhambi za watu. Yeye alifanya hivyo mara moja tu wakati alipojitoa yeye mwenyewe, na hiyo yatosha kwa nyakati zote.
and who is not obliged, every day, like the Aaronic high priest, to first offer sacrifices for his own sins, and then for the people; for this he did once, by offering up himself.
28 Sheria ya Mose huwateua watu waliokuwa dhaifu kuwa makuhani wakuu; lakini ahadi ya Mungu aliyoifanya kwa kiapo na ambayo imefika baada ya sheria imemteua Mwana ambaye amefanywa mkamilifu milele. (aiōn )
For the law constituted feeble men priests; but the word of the oath, which was subsequent to the law constituted the Son perfect for ever. (aiōn )