< 2 Wakorintho 6 >

1 Basi, tukiwa wafanyakazi pamoja na Mungu, tunawasihi msikubali ile neema mliyopokea kutoka kwa Mungu ipotee bure.
Working together with him, we also urge you not to receive the grace of God in vain.
2 Mungu asema hivi: “Wakati wa kufaa nimekusikiliza, wakati wa wokovu nikakusaidia.” Basi, sasa ndio wakati wa kufaa, sasa ndiyo siku ya wokovu!
For he says, “In a favorable time I paid attention to you, and in the day of salvation I helped you.” Look, now is the favorable time. Look, now is the day of salvation.
3 Kusudi tusiwe na lawama yoyote katika utumishi wetu, hatupendi kumwekea mtu yeyote kizuio chochote.
We do not place a stumbling block in front of anyone, for we do not wish our ministry to be discredited.
4 Badala yake, tunajionyesha kuwa kweli watumishi wa Mungu kwa kila kitu: kwa uvumilivu mwingi wakati wa mateso, shida na taabu.
Instead, we prove ourselves by all our actions, that we are God's servants. We are his servants in much endurance, affliction, distress, hardship,
5 Tumepigwa, tumetiwa gerezani na kuzomewa hadharani; tumefanya kazi tukachoka; tumekesha na kukaa bila kula.
beatings, imprisonments, riots, in hard work, in sleepless nights, in hunger,
6 Tunajionyesha kuwa watumishi wa Mungu kwa usafi wa moyo, elimu, uvumilivu na wema; kwa Roho Mtakatifu, kwa upendo usio na unafiki,
in purity, knowledge, patience, kindness, in the Holy Spirit, in genuine love.
7 kwa ujumbe wa kweli na kwa nguvu ya Mungu. Uadilifu ndiyo silaha yetu upande wa kulia na upande wa kushoto.
We are his servants in the word of truth, in the power of God. We have the armor of righteousness for the right hand and for the left.
8 Tuko tayari kupata heshima na kudharauliwa, kulaumiwa na kusifiwa. Twadhaniwa kuwa waongo, kumbe twasema kweli;
We work in honor and dishonor, in slander and praise. We are accused of being deceitful and yet we are truthful.
9 kama wasiojulikana, kumbe twajulikana kwa wote, kama waliokufa, lakini mwonavyo, sisi ni wazima kabisa.
We work as if we were unknown and we are still well known. We work as dying and—see!—we are still living. We work as being punished for our actions but not as condemned to death.
10 Ingawa tumeadhibiwa, hatukuuawa; ingawa tunayo huzuni, twafurahi daima; ingawa tu maskini hohehahe, lakini twatajirisha watu wengi; twaonekana kuwa watu tusio na chochote, kumbe tuna kila kitu.
We work as sorrowful, but we are always rejoicing. We work as poor, but we are making many rich. We work as having nothing and yet as possessing all things.
11 Ndugu Wakorintho, tumezungumza nanyi kwa unyofu; mioyo yetu iko wazi kabisa.
We have spoken the whole truth to you, Corinthians, and our heart is wide open.
12 Kama mnaona kuna kizuizi chochote kile, kizuizi hicho kiko kwenu ninyi wenyewe, na si kwa upande wetu.
You are not restrained by us, but you are restrained in your own hearts.
13 Sasa nasema nanyi kama watoto wangu, wekeni mioyo yenu wazi kama nasi tulivyofanya.
Now in fair exchange—I speak as to children—open yourselves wide also.
14 Msiambatane na watu wasioamini. Je, wema na uovu vyapatana kweli? Mwanga na giza vyawezaje kukaa pamoja?
Do not be tied together with unbelievers. For what association does righteousness have with lawlessness? For what fellowship does light have with darkness?
15 Kristo anawezaje kupatana na Shetani? Muumini ana uhusiano gani na asiyeamini?
What agreement can Christ have with Beliar? Or what share does a believer have together with an unbeliever?
16 Hekalu la Mungu lina uhusiano gani na sanamu za uongo? Maana sisi ni hekalu la Mungu aliye hai. Kama Mungu mwenyewe alivyosema: “Nitafanya makao yangu kwao, na kuishi kati yao; Nitakuwa Mungu wao, nao watakuwa watu wangu.”
And what agreement is there between the temple of God and idols? For we are the temple of the living God, just as God said: “I will dwell among them and walk among them. I will be their God, and they will be my people.”
17 Kwa hiyo Bwana asema pia: “Ondokeni kati yao, mkajitenge nao, msiguse kitu najisi, nami nitawapokea.
Therefore, “Come out from among them, and be set apart,” says the Lord. “Touch no unclean thing, and I will welcome you.
18 Mimi nitakuwa Baba yenu, nanyi mtakuwa watoto wangu, waume kwa wake, asema Bwana Mwenye Uwezo.”
I will be a Father to you, and you will be my sons and daughters,” says the Lord Almighty.

< 2 Wakorintho 6 >