< Zaburi 78 >
1 Watu wangu, sikieni mafundisho yangu, sikilizeni maneno ya kinywa changu.
A Psalme to give instruction committed to Asaph. Heare my doctrine, O my people: incline your eares vnto the wordes of my mouth.
2 Nitafungua kinywa changu katika mifano; nitaimba kuhusu mambo yaliyofichika yahusuyo yaliyopita.
I will open my mouth in a parable: I will declare high sentences of olde.
3 Haya ni mambo ambayo tumeyasikia na kujifunza mambo ambayo mababu zetu wametuambia sisi. Hatutawaficha uzao wao.
Which we haue heard and knowen, and our fathers haue tolde vs.
4 Tutawaambia kizazi kijacho kuhusu sifa anazostahili Yahwe kwa matendo yake, nguvu zake, na maajabu ambayo ameyafanya.
Wee will not hide them from their children but to the generation to come we wil shewe the praises of the Lord his power also, and his wonderful woorkes that he hath done:
5 Kwa kuwa yeye alianzisha agano la amri katika Yakobo na sheria maalumu katika Israeli. Yeye aliamuru mababu zetu kuwa walipaswa kuzifundisha kwa watoto wao.
How he established a testimonie in Iaakob, and ordeined a Law in Israel, which he commanded our fathers, that they shoulde teache their children:
6 Aliamuru hivi ili kwamba kizazi kijacho kiweze kuzijua amri zake, ili wawafundishe wana ambao bado hawajazaliwa.
That the posteritie might knowe it, and the children, which should be borne, should stand vp, and declare it to their children:
7 Kisha wangeweka tumaini lao katika Mungu na kutokusahau matendo yake bali wazishike amri zake.
That they might set their hope on God, and not forget the workes of God but keepe his commandements:
8 Ndipo wasingekuwa kama mababu zao, ambao walikuwa wakaidi na wenye uasi, kizazi ambacho mioyo yao haikuwa kamilifu, na ambao roho zao hazikuwa na nia thabiti na aminifu kwa Mungu.
And not to bee as their fathers, a disobedient and rebellious generation: a generation that set not their heart aright, and whose spirite was not faithfull vnto God.
9 Waefraimu walikuwa na silaha na upinde, lakini walikimbia siku ya vita.
The children of Ephraim being armed and shooting with the bowe, turned backe in the day of battell.
10 Hawakutunza agano na Mungu, na walikataa kutii sheria yake.
They kept not the couenant of God, but refused to walke in his Lawe,
11 Walisahau matendo yake, mambo ya ajabu ambayo yeye amewaonesha wao.
And forgate his Actes, and his wonderfull woorkes that he had shewed them.
12 Walisahau mambo ya ajabu aliyofayafanya machoni pa mababu zao katika nchi ya Misri, katika ardhi ya Soani.
Hee did marueilous thinges in the sight of their fathers in the lande of Egypt: euen in the fielde of Zoan.
13 Aliigawa bahari na akawaongoza katikati ya bahari; aliyafanya maji yasimame kama kuta.
He deuided the Sea, and led them through: he made also the waters to stand as an heape.
14 Wakati wa mchana aliwaongoza kwa wingu na usiku wote kwa nuru ya moto.
In the day time also hee led them with a cloude, and all the night with a light of fire.
15 Alipasua miamba jangwani, na aliwapa maji mengi, ya kutosha kujaza vina virefu vya bahari.
He claue the rockes in the wildernes, and gaue them drinke as of the great depths.
16 Alifanya maporomoko ya maji kutiririka tokea mwambani na aliyafanya maji yatiririke kama mito.
He brought floods also out of the stonie rocke; so that hee made the waters to descend like the riuers.
17 Lakini bado waliendelea kutenda dhambi dhidi yake, wakiasi dhidi ya Aliye Juu katika jangwa.
Yet they sinned stil against him, and prouoked the Highest in the wildernesse,
18 Walimjaribu Mungu mioyoni mwao kwa kuomba chakula cha kuwatosheleza hamu zao.
And tempted God in their heartes in requiring meate for their lust.
19 Waliongea dhidi ya Mungu; walisema, “Kweli Mungu anaweza kuweka meza ya chakula kwa ajili yetu jangwani?
They spake against God also, saying, Can God prepare a table in the wildernesse?
20 Tazama, wakati alipoupiga mwamba, maji yalibubujika, mito ikafurika. Lakini anaweza kutoa mkate tena? Ataweza kuleta nyama kwa watu wake?”
Behold, he smote the rocke, that the water gushed out, and the streames ouerflowed: can hee giue bread also? or prepare flesh for his people?
21 Yahwe aliposikia haya, alikasirika; moto wake uliwaka dhidi ya Yakobo, hasira yake ikamshambulia Israeli,
Therefore the Lord heard and was angrie, and the fire was kindled in Iaakob, and also wrath came vpon Israel,
22 kwa sababu hawakumwamini Mungu na hawakuamini katika wokovu wake.
Because they beleeued not in God, and trusted not in his helpe.
23 Lakini yeye bado aliziamuru mbingu juu na kufungua milango ya mbingu.
Yet he had comanded the clouds aboue, and had opened the doores of heauen,
24 Aliwanyeshea mana ili wale, na aliwapa nafaka kutoka mbinguni.
And had rained downe MAN vpon them for to eate, and had giuen them of the wheate of heauen.
25 Watu walikula mikate ya malaika. Aliwatumia chakula kingi.
Man did eate the bread of Angels: hee sent them meate ynough.
26 Alisababisha upepo wa mashariki kupiga mawinguni, na kwa uweza wake aliuongoza upepo wa kusini.
He caused the Eastwinde to passe in the heauen, and through his power he brought in the Southwinde.
27 Aliwanyeshea nyama kama mavumbi, na ndege kama wingi wa mchanga wa baharini.
Hee rained flesh also vpon them as dust, and feathered foule as the sand of the sea.
28 Walianguka katikati ya kambi yao, na maeneo yote karibu na hema zao.
And hee made it fall in the middes of their campe euen round about their habitations.
29 Hivyo walikula na walishiba. Maana aliwapa kile walichokitamani sana.
So they did eate and were well filled: for he gaue them their desire.
30 Lakini walikuwa bado hawajatosheka; chakula chao kilikuwa bado kinywani mwao.
They were not turned from their lust, but the meate was yet in their mouthes,
31 Ndipo hasira ya Mungu iliwashambulia na kuwaua wenye nguvu kati yao. Aliwaangusha chini vijana wa Israeli.
When the wrath of God came euen vpon them, and slew the strongest of them, and smote downe the chosen men in Israel.
32 Licha ya hili, waliendelea kutenda dhambi na hawakuyaamini matendo yake ya ajabu.
For all this, they sinned stil, and beleeued not his wonderous woorkes.
33 Hivyo Mungu alizikatisha siku zao; miaka yao ilijawa na hofu.
Therefore their daies did hee consume in vanitie, and their yeeres hastily.
34 Wakati wowote Mungu alipowataabisha, nao waligeuka na kumtafuta yeye kwa bidii.
And when hee slewe them, they sought him and they returned, and sought God earely.
35 Walikumbuka kuwa Mungu alikuwa mwamba wao na kuwa Mungu Aliye Juu Sana alikuwa mwokozi wao.
And they remembred that God was their strength, and the most high God their redeemer.
36 Lakini walimsifia tu kwa vinywa vyao na kumdanganya kwa maneno yao.
But they flattered him with their mouth, and dissembled with him with their tongue.
37 Maana mioyo yao haikuwa thabiti kwake, na hawakuwa waaminifu kwa agano lake.
For their heart was not vpright with him: neither were they faithfull in his couenant.
38 Lakini yeye, kwa kuwa alikuwa alikuwa na huruma, aliwasamehe uovu wao na hakuwaangamiza. Ndiyo, wakati mwingi aliizuia hasira yake na hakuionesha ghadhabu yake yote.
Yet he being merciful forgaue their iniquitie, and destroied them not, but oft times called backe his anger, and did not stirre vp all his wrath.
39 Alikumbuka kuwa waliumbwa kwa mwili, upepo ambao hupita nao haurudi.
For he remembered that they were flesh: yea, a winde that passeth and commeth not againe.
40 Mara ngapi wameasi dhidi yake jangwani na kumuhuzunisha nyikani!
How oft did they prouoke him in the wildernes? and grieue him in the desert?
41 Tena na tena walimjaribu Mungu na wakamtilia mashaka Mtakatifu wa Israeli.
Yea, they returned, and tempted God, and limited the Holie one of Israel.
42 Hawakufikiria kuhusu uweza wake, jinsi alivyo waokoa dhidi ya adui
They remembered not his hand, nor the day when he deliuered them from the enemie,
43 alipofanya ishara za kutisha katika Misri na maajabu yake katika konde la Soani.
Nor him that set his signes in Egypt, and his wonders in the fielde of Zoan,
44 Aligeuza mito ya Wamisri kuwa damu ili wasipate kunywa kutoka katika vijito vyao.
And turned their riuers into blood, and their floods, that they could not drinke.
45 Alituma makundi ya inzi yaliyowavamia na vyura ambao walisambaa katika nchi yao.
Hee sent a swarme of flies among them, which deuoured them, and frogs, which destroyed them.
46 Aliwapa mazao yao panzi na kazi yao nzige.
He gaue also their fruites vnto the caterpiller, and their labour vnto the grassehopper.
47 Aliiharibu mizabibu yao kwa mvua ya mawe na miti ya mikuyu kwa mvua ya mawe zaidi.
He destroied their vines with haile, and their wilde figge trees with the hailestone.
48 Aliinyeshea mifugo yao mvua ya mawe na alirusha radi ya umeme ikapiga mifugo yao. Ukali wa hasira yake ulielekea dhidi yao.
He gaue their cattell also to the haile, and their flockes to the thunderboltes.
49 Alituma gadhabu, uchungu na taabu kama wakala aletaye maafa.
Hee cast vpon them the fiercenesse of his anger, indignation and wrath, and vexation by the sending out of euill Angels.
50 Aliifanyia njia hasira yake; hakuwakinga dhidi ya kifo bali aliwakabidhi kwa pigo.
He made a way to his anger: he spared not their soule from death, but gaue their life to the pestilence,
51 Aliwaua wazaliwa wote wa kwanza katika Misri, wazaliwa wa kwanza wa nguvu zao katika mahema ya Hamu.
And smote al the firstborne in Egypt, euen the beginning of their strength in the tabernacles of Ham.
52 Aliwaongoza nje watu wake mwenyewe kama kondoo na aliwaelekeza kupitia jangwani kama kundi.
But hee made his people to goe out like sheepe, and led them in the wildernes like a flocke.
53 Aliwaongoza salama na pasipo na woga, lakini bahari iliwaelemea adui zao.
Yea, he caried them out safely, and they feared not, and the Sea couered their enemies.
54 Kisha aliwaleta mpaka wa nchi yake takatifu, kwenye mlima huu ambao aliutwaa kwa mkono wake wa kuume.
And he brought them vnto the borders of his Sanctuarie: euen to this Mountaine, which his right hand purchased.
55 Aliwafukuza mataifa mbele yao na akawapa urithi wao. Aliwakalisha makabila ya Israeli katika mahema yao.
He cast out the heathe also before them, and caused them to fall to the lot of his inheritance, and made the tribes of Israel to dwell in their tabernacles.
56 Lakini bado walimjaribu na walimkaidi Mungu Aliye Juu na hawakushika amri zake takatifu.
Yet they tempted, and prouoked the most high God, and kept not his testimonies,
57 Hawakuwa waaminifu na walienenda katika hila kama baba zao; walikuwa sio wa kutegemewa kama upinde mbovu.
But turned backe and delt falsely like their fathers: they turned like a deceitfull bowe.
58 Kwa maana walimkasirisha kwa mahali pao pa juu na walimgadhabisha hata akawa na hasira ya wivu kwa miungu yao.
And they prouoked him to anger with their high places, and mooued him to wrath with their grauen images.
59 Mungu aliposikia hili, alikasirika na alimkataa kabisa Israeli.
God heard this and was wroth, and greatly abhorred Israel,
60 Alipaacha patakatifu pa Shilo, na hema alikoishi kati ya watu.
So that hee forsooke the habitation of Shilo, euen the Tabernacle where hee dwelt among men,
61 Aliruhusu nguvu zake kutekwa na kuutoa utukufu wake mkononi mwa adui.
And deliuered his power into captiuitie, and his beautie into the enemies hand.
62 Aliukabidhi upanga watu wake, na aliukasirikia urithi wake.
And hee gaue vp his people to the sworde, and was angrie with his inheritance.
63 Moto uliwavamia vijana wao wa kiume, na vijana wao wa kike hawakuwa na nyimbo za harusi.
The fire deuoured their chosen men, and their maides were not praised.
64 Makuhani wao waliangushwa kwa upanga, na wajane wao hawakulia.
Their Priestes fell by the sworde, and their widowes lamented not.
65 Kisha Bwana aliamshwa kama aliyetoka usingizini, kama shujaa apigaye kelele kwa sababu ya mvinyo.
But the Lord awaked as one out of sleepe, and as a strong man that after his wine crieth out,
66 Aliwarudisha adui zake nyuma; aliwaweka kwenye aibu ya milele.
And smote his enemies in the hinder parts, and put them to a perpetuall shame.
67 Aliikataa hema ya Yusufu, na hakulichagua kabila la Efraimu.
Yet he refused the tabernacle of Ioseph, and chose not the tribe of Ephraim:
68 Alilichagua kabila la Yuda na Mlima Sayuni aliyoupenda.
But chose the tribe of Iudah, and mount Zion which he loued.
69 Alipajenga patakatifu pake kama mbinguni, na kama nchi aliyoiimarisha milele.
And he built his Sanctuarie as an high palace, like the earth, which he stablished for euer.
70 Alimchagua Daudi, mtumishi wake, alimchukua kutoka zizi la kondoo.
He chose Dauid also his seruant, and tooke him from the shepefolds.
71 Alimtoa kutoka katika kufuata kondoo pamoja na wana wao, na kumweka kuwa mchungaji wa Yakobo, watu wake, na Israeli, urithi wake.
Euen from behinde the ewes with yong brought he him to feede his people in Iaakob, and his inheritance in Israel.
72 Daudi aliwachunga kwa uadilifu wa moyo wake, naye aliwaongoza kwa ujuzi wa mikono yake.
So he fed them according to the simplicitie of his heart, and guided them by the discretion of his hands.