< Zaburi 22 >

1 Mungu wangu, Mungu wangu, mbona umeniacha? Kwa nini uko mbali na wokovu wangu na mbali na maneno yangu yenye uchungu?
TO THE OVERSEER. [SET] ON “DOE OF THE MORNING.” A PSALM OF DAVID. My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me? Far from My salvation, The words of My roaring?
2 Mungu wangu, ninalia mchana kutwa, lakini haunijibu, na wakati wa usiku sinyamazi!
My God, I call by day, and You do not answer, And by night, and am not silent.
3 Bado wewe ni mtakatifu; wewe umekaa kama mfalme pamoja na sifa za Israeli.
And You [are] holy, Sitting—the Praise of Israel.
4 Mababu zetu walikuamini wewe, na wewe uliwaokoa wao.
In You our fathers trusted; They trusted, and You deliver them.
5 Walikulilia wewe nao waka okolewa. Wao walikuamini wewe na hawakuvunjwa moyo.
To You they cried, and were delivered, In You they trusted, and were not disappointed.
6 Bali mimi ni funza na sio mtu, nisiye faa kwa ubinadamu na hudharauliwa na watu.
And I [am] a worm, and no man, A reproach of man, and despised of the people.
7 Wale wote wanionao hunisuta; hunidhihaki; hunitikisia vichwa vyao.
All beholding Me mock at Me, They make free with the lip—shake the head,
8 Wao husema, “Yeye anamwamini Yahwe; mwache Yahwe amuokoe. Mwache amuokoe yeye, kwa kuwa yeye anampendeza sana Yeye.”
“Roll to YHWH, He delivers Him, He delivers Him, for He delighted in Him.”
9 Kwa kuwa wewe ulinileta kutoka tumboni; wewe ulinifanya nikuamini wewe wakati nikiwa nanyonya matiti ya mama yangu.
For You [are] He bringing Me forth from the womb, Causing Me to trust, On the breasts of My mother.
10 Nimekwisha tupwa kwako wewe tokea tumboni; wewe ni Mungu wangu tangu nikiwa tumboni mwa mama yangu!
On You I have been cast from the womb, From the belly of My mother You [are] My God.
11 Usiwe mbali na mimi, kwa kuwa shida ikaribu; hayupo hata mmoja wa kusaidia.
Do not be far from Me, For adversity is near, for there is no helper.
12 Maksai wengi wananizunguka mimi; maksai wenye nguvu ya Bashan wananizunguka mimi.
Many bulls have surrounded Me, Mighty ones of Bashan have surrounded Me,
13 Wao wanafungua midomo yao kwangu kama simba aungurumaye akirarua windo lake.
They have opened their mouth against Me, A lion tearing and roaring.
14 Ninamwagwa nje kama maji, na mifupa yangu yote imeteguka. Moyo wangu ni kama nta; nao unayeyuka ndani ya sehemu zangu za ndani.
I have been poured out as waters, And all my bones have separated themselves, My heart has been like wax, It is melted in the midst of My bowels.
15 Nguvu zangu zimekaushwa kama kipande cha ufinyanzi; ulimi wangu unanata juu ya mdomo wangu. Wewe umenilaza mimi katika vumbi la mauti.
My power is dried up as an earthen vessel, And My tongue is cleaving to My jaws.
16 Kwa maana mbwa wamenizunguka; kundi la watu waovu limenizunguka; wamenitoboa mikono yangu na miguu yangu.
And You appoint Me to the dust of death, For dogs have surrounded Me, A company of evildoers has surrounded Me, Piercing My hands and My feet.
17 Nami ninaweza kuihesabu mifupa yangu. Wao wananitazama na kunishangaa.
I count all My bones—they look expectingly, They look on Me,
18 Wao wanagawa mavazi yangu kati yao wenyewe, wanapiga kura kwa ajili ya mavazi yangu.
They apportion My garments to themselves, And they cause a lot to fall for My clothing.
19 Usiwe mbali, Yahwe; tafadhali harakisha kunisaidia mimi, nguvu yangu!
And You, O YHWH, do not be far off, O My strength, hurry to help Me.
20 Uiokoe roho yangu na upanga, maisha yangu mwenyewe na makucha ya mbwa mwitu.
Deliver My soul from the sword, My only one from the paw of a dog.
21 Uniokoe na mdomo wa simba; uniokoe na mapembe ya ng'ombe wa porini.
Save Me from the mouth of a lion And You have answered Me from the horns of the high places!
22 Nami nitalitangaza jina lako kwa ndugu zangu; katikati ya kusanyiko la watu nitakusifu wewe.
I declare Your Name to My brothers, In the midst of the assembly I praise You.
23 Ninyi mnao mwogopa Yahwe, msifuni yeye! Ninyi nyote kizazi cha Yakobo, muheshimuni yeye! Simameni katika hofu yake, ninyi nyote kizazi cha Israeli!
You who fear YHWH, praise Him, All the seed of Jacob, honor Him, And be afraid of Him, all you seed of Israel.
24 Kwa kuwa haja dharau au kuchukia mateso ya aliye taabishwa; Yahwe hajamficha uso wake yeye; pindi wale walio taabishwa walipo mlilia yeye, yeye alisikia.
For He has not despised, nor detested, The affliction of the afflicted, Nor has He hidden His face from Him, And in His crying to Him He hears.
25 Yahwe, katika kusanyiko la watu wako nitakusifu kwa yale uliyo tenda; nami nitatimiza nadhiri zangu mbele ya wale wanao muhofu yeye.
Of You My praise [is] in the great assembly. I complete My vows before His fearers.
26 Walio onewa watakula na kutosheka; wale ambao humtafuta Yahwe watamsifu yeye. Mioyo yenu iishi milele.
The humble eat and are satisfied, Those seeking Him praise YHWH, Your heart lives forever.
27 Watu wote wa duniani watakumbuka na kumrudia Yahwe; familia zote za mataifa watapiga magoti chini mbele yako.
Remember and return to YHWH, Do all the ends of the earth, And bow themselves before You, Do all families of the nations,
28 Kwa kuwa utawala ni wa Yahwe; yeye ni mtawala wa mataifa.
For to YHWH [is] the kingdom, And He is ruling among nations.
29 Watu wote wa duniani waliofanikiwa wata sherekea na wata abudu; wale wote washukao katika mavumbi watapiga magoti mbele zake, wale ambao hawawezi kulinda maisha yao wenyewe.
And the fat ones of earth have eaten, And they bow themselves, All going down to dust bow before Him, And he [who] has not revived his soul.
30 Kizazi kijacho kitamtumikia yeye; wao watakiambia kizazi kinachofuatia kuhusu Bwana.
A seed serves Him, It is declared of the Lord to the generation.
31 Wao watakuja na kuzungumza kuhusu haki yake; wao watawaambia watu ambao bado hawaja zaliwa yale ambayo Yahwe ameyafanya!
They come and declare His righteousness, To a people that is born, that He has made!

< Zaburi 22 >