< Zaburi 140 >

1 Yahwe, uniokoe dhidi ya waovu; unikinge dhidi ya watu wenye vurugu.
“For the leader of the music. A psalm of David.” Deliver me, O LORD! from the evil man, Save me from the man of violence,
2 Wao wanapanga uovu mioyoni mwao; wanasababisha mapigano kila siku.
Who meditate mischief in their heart, And daily stir up war!
3 Ndimi zao zinajeruhi kama nyoka; sumu ya fira imo midomoni mwao. (Selah)
They sharpen their tongues like a serpent; The poison of the adder is under their lips. (Pause)
4 Ee Yahwe, unilinde dhidi ya mikono ya waovu; unikinge na vurugu za watu wanaopanga kuniangusha.
Defend me, O LORD! from the hands of the wicked, Preserve me from the man of violence, Who have purposed to cause my fall! (Pause)
5 Wenye majivuno wameweka mtego kwa ajili yangu; wameeneza nyavu; wameweka kitanzi kwa ajili yangu. (Selah)
The proud have hidden snares and cords for me; They have spread a net by the way-side; They have set traps for me.
6 Nilimwambia Yahwe, “Wewe ni Mungu wangu; usikie kilio changu unihurumie.”
I say to Jehovah, Thou art my God; Hear, O Jehovah! the voice of my supplication!
7 Ee Yahwe, Bwana wangu, wewe ni mwenye nguvu uwezaye kuniokoa; hunifunika ngao kichwa changu siku ya vita.
The Lord Jehovah is my saving strength: Thou shelterest my head in the day of battle!
8 Ee Yahwe, usiyatimize matakwa ya waovu; usiruhusu njama zao kufanikiwa. (Selah)
Grant not, O LORD! the desires of the wicked; Let not their devices prosper; Let them not exalt themselves!
9 Wale wanao nizunguka huinua vichwa vyao; madhara ya midomo yao wenyewe na yawafunike.
As for the heads of those who encompass me, Let the mischief of their own lips cover them!
10 Makaa ya moto na yawaangukie; uwatupe motoni, kwenye shimo refu, wasiweze kuinuka tena.
Let burning coals fall upon them; May they be cast into the fire, And into deep waters from which they shall not arise!
11 Watu wenye ndimi na wasifanywe salama juu ya nchi; na uovu umuwinde kumpiga mtu mwenye vurugu mpaka afe.
The slanderer shall not be established upon the earth; Evil shall pursue the violent man to destruction.
12 Ninajua kuwa Yahwe atahukumu kwa haki walioteswa, na kuwa atawapa haki wahitaji.
I know that the LORD will maintain the cause of the afflicted, And the right of the poor.
13 Hakika watu wenye haki watalishukuru jina lako; watu wanyoofu wataishi uweponi mwako.
Yea, the righteous shall praise thy name; The upright shall dwell in thy presence!

< Zaburi 140 >